Leaflet Control.Layers wrong checked state - leaflet

I'm using LayerGroups and I want to be able to show/hide those groups with a layers control
The several LayerGroups appear on the map but the associated checkbox for each one is unchecked by default, if I click once in the checkbox it behaves properly.
Here's the project
How can I do to make the checkboxes checked by default?

Silly mistake, I just needed to add the layergroup to map.layers when instantiate the map and it works as expected.


How can I add a custom column menu tab in ag-grid?

Is there a way to add a custom column menu tab with my own favourite icon which on click would render my custom react component?
something like
myColDef.menuTabs: ['generalMenuTab', 'filterMenuTab', 'myCustomMenuTab']
FYI I'm using v12.0.2
What you're after can't be done I'm afraid. The grid supports React components in all sorts of ways (renderers, editors, filters etc), but not via the column menu.
I've updated the docs page to remove the gibberish issue - it'll be fixed properly in the next release, thanks for highlighting this.
This would be helpful to have. In particular for us, we'd like to filter based off row properties, and not row values. Creating our own tab to filter by cell colors that we have assigned with our own set of labels would be useful.
I agree that it would be a nice feature to have. Apparently, there's no quick out-of-the-box solution to do it. The only workaround I see is to implement your own custom Header component which would display any buttons your want.
There you can put a button to open your own custom menu, which you can implement as any regular UI component. It also means you'll need to manually implement all standard menu options that Ag-Grid provides out of the box if you need them.

Stop click propagation on a custom div within a leaflet map

I have a custom div (with settings) within a map. I would like click event not to propagate to map when a user clicks on the div. How could one achieve such behavior?
Leaflet version 1.0.
See the documentation for L.DomEvent.stopPropagation().
For anyone else coming here from a search engine, if you are trying to prevent clicks from a circle or other interactive layer from being handled by the underlying object (other circle or the map itself) you could also create the layer passing the option bubblingMouseEvents: false
Documentation: http://leafletjs.com/reference-1.2.0.html#interactive-layer

Opening a popup on layer option click in leafletjs

I will be trying to show a set of options using the layerGroup functionality to filter out the markers. I need to show a popup when an option is selected from a layer which will prompt the user to enter a number based on which i will be showing the markers. Is there a possible way?
In the above sketch, there' s a sample filter at the top right which i intend to show using the layers but the thing is on selecting the 'Location' option i have to show a popup that will prompt the user to enter a location number and on that basis the markers should be placed on the map.
I guess there would be multiple ways of achieving this, depending on what behaviour exactly you want to get.
E.g. you could use a "dummy" layer (with name "Location" probably?), that you can add in the Layers Control (I guess that is the "sample filter at the top"?). Then listen for this dummy layer for being added to the map, and launch your modal ("popup") at this time. Then when the user enters the necessary information, you can programmatically add the corresponding markers to the map.
If you need further help, please add more details on what behaviour you try to get, or start your implementation and post new questions, so that you already have a start of what you are trying to achieve and people can elaborate on it.

Showing markers programmatically

Is there a way to (programmatically) make a certain IMarker be shown in the problem view, similar to what happens when the user selects "View in..." from the context menu? I have a wizard which may cause markers to appear, and I would like to make these markers visible in the problem view when the wizard is complete.
You will just have to make your markers to be problems. However there are separate Markers view that shows all the markers.
To show marker you can use MarkerViewUtil.showMarker(..)
Ignoring all good API rules, you could look into the internals of FiltersConfigurationDialog to create a new resource filter in the problems view programmatically. But I repeat: there is no API for creating problems filters and this might then break at any time.

How to disable Bird's eye angled view in Bing Maps control version 7

For business use Microsoft charge extra for use of the Bing Maps birds eye angled view, so my client has ask that I disable this option. In verion 6.3 of the control this was easy, there is a map option that can be used to do this: enter link description here
However, I can't find how to do this using the API with version 7 of the control. The current menu has Birds eye as an option with check boxes show labels and show angled view. Ideally I'd like to disable the option from the menu so that users are only able to view road and aerial views. So it looks like I have two options available:-
1) Hide the show angled view check box somehow with css. The issue here is that I can't get to the HTML content using the IE developer toolbar of firebug as it only displays when selected.
2) Attach to the map maptypechanged event and if birds eye map selected set it back to the map type it used to be.
Both of the above are far from ideal. Does anyone have a suggestion for the best way of doing this?
Sample code:
map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myMap'),
credentials: 'Your Bing Maps Key',
here are some working examples from the iSDK:
API Reference:
And here is the MSDN:
A boolean indicating whether to disable the bird’s eye map type. The default value is false. If this property is set to true, bird’s eye will be removed from the map navigation control and the birdseyeMapTypeId is disabled. Additionally, the auto map type will only display road or aerial.
This property can only be set when using the Map constructor.
You're correct in stating that there is no way currently using the v7 API to disable individual map styles. A possible Option #3 which is less hackish, but requires a bit more work, is to set the showMapTypeSelector property of the MapOptions to false, which would have the effect of hiding the entire map style selection dropdown. Then create your own custom navigation menu that only includes links to those styles you want to allow the user to choose.