Drop DB2 table if exists - perl

In my script I have to do a lot of selects to a joined table, so instead I decided to put this join into a temporal table.
First I thought:
1. Create table
2. Put the data from the join into a table
3. Drop the table
But then I thought, what if the script fails before I dropped the table?
So I decided to go with:
1. Drop the table
2. Create the table
3. Put the data from the join into a table
I don't really mind if the table is left there until the next time I run the script, so the second option works too.
But what if somebody had already dropped the table?
I saw some systems have a "drop if exists" but unfortunately not DB2. I would like to do something that won't make the script die when the drop table fails.
Ideas? On any of this? Thanks!
EDIT: I forgot to say this is in a PERL script!

The best way to do this is by using an annonymous block like in this code
You need to call the drop table in a dynamic sql, and catch the exception in the block.
declare statement varchar(128);
declare continue handle for sqlstate '42710' BEGIN END;
end #
This code will run normally in DB2. It does not need to be part of a procedure nor function.

Why not look for the table first? If you find it, it needs to be dropped; if you don't, it doesn't.

db2perf_quiet_drop that might works the way you want.. Its a free add-on :)
You can look into this post too..
If this doesn't work for you please let me know what error you are getting so I can try to help :)
Or this might work
if( NOT exists( create table detailval
id int,
detaildeptNo int,
info varchar(255)
insert into detailval(1,1, 'detail values A');
insert into detailval(2,1, 'detail values B');
insert into detailval(3,1, 'detail values C');
insert into detailval(4,2, 'detail values D');
then customStoredproc('droptable');
end if;

I think you should look into working with temporary tables (DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE). They are stored in the temporary table space and are dropped automatically after commit.
You can easily also query syscat.tables like this:
select COUNT(*) from SYSCAT.TABLES where TRIM(TABNAME) = '<some_table_name>'
if this query returns 0 then the table does not exists.


PostgreSQL - Left pad value on COPY

I'm bringing in data from Excel into a PostgreSQL Db. There's a lot wrong with this data, but one thing that seems to connect several tables is a customer_id.
However, in the customer table I've a unique char(8) that always has a leading zero. Yes, if it were up to me I'd enforce this data weren't so screwy upstream, but I'm dealing with sales folks here, manufacturing there, financing, etc.
And, the customer id ALMOST matches through these various sources! It is just that the customer_id some data doesn't have the leading zero, so customers.id = '01234567' does represent orders.customer_id = '1234567'.
I'm using COPY command in Postgres, which is a new thing to me. Unfortunately, I cannot define a foreign key relationship on customer.id because of this small discrepancy.
How would I do a COPY and tell the column value to add a leading zero? Is this possible? I'm hoping I can do it right in the COPY statement? Thanks for any insight in how to do this!
A comment lead me to this documentation. I'll update with an answer after I figure this out. Looks like an ON BEFORE INSERT is what I'll need.
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
{BEFORE | AFTER} { event }
ON table_name
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function
I'm the original poster and this is the answer to my question. I was bringing in data from XLS to PG and the leading zeros on customer_id(s) were dropped when exporting XLS to CSV for a COPY into PG.
Thanks be to an answer here that really pointed me down the right path: Postgresql insert trigger to set value
-- create table
CREATE TABLE T (customer_id char(8));
-- draft function to be used by trigger. NOTE the double single quotes.
RETURNS trigger AS '
NEW.customer_id := (SELECT LPAD(NEW.customer_id, 8, ''0''));
END' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-- setup on before insert trigger to execute lpad_8_0 function
CREATE TRIGGER my_on_before_insert_trigger
-- some sample inserts
VALUES ('1234'), ('7');
Here's a working fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/a176e/1/0
NOTE: If the value here were larger than char(8) the COPY will still fail.

IF... ELSE... two mutually exclusive inserts INTO #temptable

I need to insert either set A or set B of records into a #temptable, depending on certain condition
My pseudo-code:
IF {some-condition}
SELECT {columns}
INTO #t1
FROM {some-big-table}
WHERE {some-filter}
SELECT {columns}
INTO #t1
FROM {some-other-big-table}
WHERE {some-other-filter}
The two SELECTs above are exclusive (guaranteed by the ELSE operator). However, SQL compiler tries to outsmart me and throws the following message:
There is already an object named '#t1' in the database.
My idea of "fixing" this is to create #t1 upfront and then executing a simple INSERT INTO (instead of SELECT... INTO). But I like minimalism and am wondering whether this can be achieved in an easier way i.e. without explicit CREATE TABLE #t1 upfront.
Btw why is it NOT giving me an error on a conditional DROP TABLE in the first line? Just wondering.
You can't have 2 temp tables with the same name in a single SQL batch. One of the MSDN article says "If more than one temporary table is created inside a single stored procedure or batch, they must have different names". You can have this logic with 2 different temp tables or table variable/temp table declared outside the IF-Else block.
Using a Dyamic sql we can handle this situation. As a developoer its not a good practice. Best to use table variable or temp table.
IF 1=2

What is the scope of a PostgreSQL Temp Table?

I have googled quite a bit, and I have fairly decent reading comprehension, but I don't understand if this script will work in multiple threads on my postgres/postgis box. Here is the code:
b int;
create temp table geoms (id serial, geom geometry) on commit drop;
for x in select id,geom from asdf loop
truncate table geoms;
insert into geoms (geom) select someGeomfield from sometable where st_intersects(somegeomfield,x.geom);
----do something with the records in geoms here...and insert that data somewhere else
end loop;
So, if I run this in more than one client, called from Java, will the scope of the geoms temp table cause problems? If so, any ideas for a solution to this in PostGres would be helpful.
One subtle trap you will run into though, which is why I am not quite ready to declare it "safe" is that the scope is per session, but people often forget to drop the tables (so they drop on disconnect).
I think you are much better off if you don't need the temp table after your function to drop it explicitly after you are done with it. This will prevent issues that arise from trying to run the function twice in the same transaction. (On commit you are dropping)
Temp tables in PostgreSQL (or Postgres) (PostGres doesn't exists) are local only and related to session where they are created. So no other sessions (clients) can see temp tables from other session. Both (schema and data) are invisible for others. Your code is safe.

Postgresql function not working as expected with INSERT INTO

I have function to insert data from one table to another
INSERT INTO backups.calls2 (uid,queue_id,connected,callerid2)
SELECT distinct (c.uid) ,c.queue_id,c.connected,c.callerid2
FROM public.calls c
WHERE c.connected is not null;
EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN NULL;
And structure of table:
CREATE TABLE backups.nc_calls_id
uid character(30) NOT NULL,
queue_id integer,
callerid2 text,
connected timestamp without time zone,
id serial NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT calls2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uid)
When I have first executed this query, everything went ok, 200000 rows was inserted to new table with unique Id.
But now, when I executing it again, no rows are being inserted
From the rather minimalist description given (no PostgreSQL version, no CREATE FUNCTION statement showing params etc, no other table structure, no function invocation) I'm guessing that you're attempting to do a merge, where you insert a row only if it doesn't exist by skipping rows if they already exist.
What the above function will do is skip all rows if any row already exists.
You need to either use a loop to do the insert within individual BEGIN ... EXCEPTION blocks (slow) or LOCK the table and do an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM newtable WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM oldtable where oldtable.key = newtable.key).
The INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... WHERE NOT EXISTS method will perform a lot better but will fail if more than one runs concurrently or if anything else inserts into the destination table at the same time. LOCKing the destination table before running it will make sure it's safe.
The PL/PgSQL looping BEGIN ... EXCEPTION method sounds nice and safe at first glance. Then you think about what happens when you run two of them at once. One will insert some keys first, one will insert other keys first, so they have a split of the values between them. That's OK, together they make up the full set. But what if only one of them commits and the other fails for some reason? You'll have an interesting sparsely inserted result. For that reason it's probably best to lock the destination table if using this approach too ... in which case you might as well use the vastly more efficient single pass INSERT with subquery-based uniqueness violation check.

how to emulate "insert ignore" and "on duplicate key update" (sql merge) with postgresql?

Some SQL servers have a feature where INSERT is skipped if it would violate a primary/unique key constraint. For instance, MySQL has INSERT IGNORE.
What's the best way to emulate INSERT IGNORE and ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE with PostgreSQL?
With PostgreSQL 9.5, this is now native functionality (like MySQL has had for several years):
9.5 brings support for "UPSERT" operations.
INSERT is extended to accept an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE/IGNORE clause. This clause specifies an alternative action to take in the event of a would-be duplicate violation.
Further example of new syntax:
INSERT INTO user_logins (username, logins)
VALUES ('Naomi',1),('James',1)
ON CONFLICT (username)
DO UPDATE SET logins = user_logins.logins + EXCLUDED.logins;
Edit: in case you missed warren's answer, PG9.5 now has this natively; time to upgrade!
Building on Bill Karwin's answer, to spell out what a rule based approach would look like (transferring from another schema in the same DB, and with a multi-column primary key):
CREATE RULE "my_table_on_duplicate_ignore" AS ON INSERT TO "my_table"
WHERE (pk_col_1, pk_col_2)=(NEW.pk_col_1, NEW.pk_col_2))
INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM another_schema.my_table WHERE some_cond;
DROP RULE "my_table_on_duplicate_ignore" ON "my_table";
Note: The rule applies to all INSERT operations until the rule is dropped, so not quite ad hoc.
For those of you that have Postgres 9.5 or higher, the new ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING syntax should work:
INSERT INTO target_table (field_one, field_two, field_three )
SELECT field_one, field_two, field_three
FROM source_table
For those of us who have an earlier version, this right join will work instead:
INSERT INTO target_table (field_one, field_two, field_three )
SELECT source_table.field_one, source_table.field_two, source_table.field_three
FROM source_table
LEFT JOIN target_table ON source_table.field_one = target_table.field_one
WHERE target_table.field_one IS NULL;
Try to do an UPDATE. If it doesn't modify any row that means it didn't exist, so do an insert. Obviously, you do this inside a transaction.
You can of course wrap this in a function if you don't want to put the extra code on the client side. You also need a loop for the very rare race condition in that thinking.
There's an example of this in the documentation: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/plpgsql-control-structures.html, example 40-2 right at the bottom.
That's usually the easiest way. You can do some magic with rules, but it's likely going to be a lot messier. I'd recommend the wrap-in-function approach over that any day.
This works for single row, or few row, values. If you're dealing with large amounts of rows for example from a subquery, you're best of splitting it into two queries, one for INSERT and one for UPDATE (as an appropriate join/subselect of course - no need to write your main filter twice)
To get the insert ignore logic you can do something like below. I found simply inserting from a select statement of literal values worked best, then you can mask out the duplicate keys with a NOT EXISTS clause. To get the update on duplicate logic I suspect a pl/pgsql loop would be necessary.
INSERT INTO manager.vin_manufacturer
('935',' Citroën Brazil','Citroën'),
('ABC', 'Toyota', 'Toyota'),
('ZOM',' OM','OM')
) as tmp (vin_manufacturer_id, manufacturer_desc, make_desc)
--ignore anything that has already been inserted
SELECT 1 FROM manager.vin_manufacturer m where m.vin_manufacturer_id = tmp.vin_manufacturer_id)
INSERT INTO mytable(col1,col2)
SELECT 'val1','val2'
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mytable WHERE col1='val1')
As #hanmari mentioned in his comment. when inserting into a postgres tables, the on conflict (..) do nothing is the best code to use for not inserting duplicate data.:
query = "INSERT INTO db_table_name(column_name)
The ON CONFLICT line of code will allow the insert statement to still insert rows of data. The query and values code is an example of inserted date from a Excel into a postgres db table.
I have constraints added to a postgres table I use to make sure the ID field is unique. Instead of running a delete on rows of data that is the same, I add a line of sql code that renumbers the ID column starting at 1.
q = 'ALTER id_column serial RESTART WITH 1'
If my data has an ID field, I do not use this as the primary ID/serial ID, I create a ID column and I set it to serial.
I hope this information is helpful to everyone.
*I have no college degree in software development/coding. Everything I know in coding, I study on my own.
Looks like PostgreSQL supports a schema object called a rule.
You could create a rule ON INSERT for a given table, making it do NOTHING if a row exists with the given primary key value, or else making it do an UPDATE instead of the INSERT if a row exists with the given primary key value.
I haven't tried this myself, so I can't speak from experience or offer an example.
This solution avoids using rules:
INSERT INTO tableA (unique_column,c2,c3) VALUES (1,2,3);
WHEN unique_violation THEN
UPDATE tableA SET c2 = 2, c3 = 3 WHERE unique_column = 1;
but it has a performance drawback (see PostgreSQL.org):
A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is significantly more expensive
to enter and exit than a block without one. Therefore, don't use
EXCEPTION without need.
On bulk, you can always delete the row before the insert. A deletion of a row that doesn't exist doesn't cause an error, so its safely skipped.
For data import scripts, to replace "IF NOT EXISTS", in a way, there's a slightly awkward formulation that nevertheless works:
FROM whatever_table;
-- INSERT stuff