IF... ELSE... two mutually exclusive inserts INTO #temptable - tsql

I need to insert either set A or set B of records into a #temptable, depending on certain condition
My pseudo-code:
IF {some-condition}
SELECT {columns}
INTO #t1
FROM {some-big-table}
WHERE {some-filter}
SELECT {columns}
INTO #t1
FROM {some-other-big-table}
WHERE {some-other-filter}
The two SELECTs above are exclusive (guaranteed by the ELSE operator). However, SQL compiler tries to outsmart me and throws the following message:
There is already an object named '#t1' in the database.
My idea of "fixing" this is to create #t1 upfront and then executing a simple INSERT INTO (instead of SELECT... INTO). But I like minimalism and am wondering whether this can be achieved in an easier way i.e. without explicit CREATE TABLE #t1 upfront.
Btw why is it NOT giving me an error on a conditional DROP TABLE in the first line? Just wondering.

You can't have 2 temp tables with the same name in a single SQL batch. One of the MSDN article says "If more than one temporary table is created inside a single stored procedure or batch, they must have different names". You can have this logic with 2 different temp tables or table variable/temp table declared outside the IF-Else block.

Using a Dyamic sql we can handle this situation. As a developoer its not a good practice. Best to use table variable or temp table.
IF 1=2


Process a row with unknown structure in a cursor

I am new to using cursors for looping through a set of rows. But so far I had prior knowledge of which columns I am about to read.
DECLARE db_cursor FOR
SELECT Column1, Column2
FROM MyTable
DECLARE #ColumnOne VARCHAR(50), #ColumnTwo VARCHAR(50)
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO #ColumnOne, #ColumnTwo
But the tables I am about to read into my key/value table have no specific structure and I should be able to process them one row at a time. How, using a nested cursor, can I loop through all the columns of the fetched row and process them according to their type and name?
TSQL cursors are not really designed to read data from tables of unknown structure. The two possibilities I can think of to achieve something in that direction are:
First read the column names of an unknown table from the Information Schema Views (see System Information Schema Views (Transact-SQL)). Then use dynamic SQL to create the cursor.
If you simply want to get any columns as a large string value, you might also try a simple SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME FOR XML AUTO and further process the retrieved data for your purposes (see FOR XML (SQL Server)).
SQL is not very good in dealing with sets generically. In most cases you must know column names, data types and much more in advance. But there is XQuery. You can transform any SELECT into XML rather easily and use the mighty abilities to deal with generic structures there. I would not recommend this, but it might be worth a try:
DECLARE #tmptbl TABLE(TheContent XML);
INSERT INTO #tmptbl EXEC(#cmd);
SELECT r.value('*[1]/text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS RowID
,c.value('local-name(.)','nvarchar(max)') AS ColumnKey
,c.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS ColumnValue
FROM #tmptbl t
CROSS APPLY t.TheContent.nodes('/row') A(r)
CROSS APPLY A.r.nodes('*[position()>1]') B(c)
EXEC Get_EAV_FROM_SELECT #SELECT='SELECT TOP 10 o.object_id,o.* FROM sys.objects o';
--Clean-Up for test purpose
The idea in short
The select is passed into the procedure as string. With the SP we create a statement dynamically and create XML from it.
The very first column is considered to be the Row's ID, if not (like in sys.objects) we can write the SELECT and force it that way.
The inner SELECT will read each row and return a classical EAV-list.

Drop DB2 table if exists

In my script I have to do a lot of selects to a joined table, so instead I decided to put this join into a temporal table.
First I thought:
1. Create table
2. Put the data from the join into a table
3. Drop the table
But then I thought, what if the script fails before I dropped the table?
So I decided to go with:
1. Drop the table
2. Create the table
3. Put the data from the join into a table
I don't really mind if the table is left there until the next time I run the script, so the second option works too.
But what if somebody had already dropped the table?
I saw some systems have a "drop if exists" but unfortunately not DB2. I would like to do something that won't make the script die when the drop table fails.
Ideas? On any of this? Thanks!
EDIT: I forgot to say this is in a PERL script!
The best way to do this is by using an annonymous block like in this code
You need to call the drop table in a dynamic sql, and catch the exception in the block.
declare statement varchar(128);
declare continue handle for sqlstate '42710' BEGIN END;
end #
This code will run normally in DB2. It does not need to be part of a procedure nor function.
Why not look for the table first? If you find it, it needs to be dropped; if you don't, it doesn't.
db2perf_quiet_drop that might works the way you want.. Its a free add-on :)
You can look into this post too..
If this doesn't work for you please let me know what error you are getting so I can try to help :)
Or this might work
if( NOT exists( create table detailval
id int,
detaildeptNo int,
info varchar(255)
insert into detailval(1,1, 'detail values A');
insert into detailval(2,1, 'detail values B');
insert into detailval(3,1, 'detail values C');
insert into detailval(4,2, 'detail values D');
then customStoredproc('droptable');
end if;
I think you should look into working with temporary tables (DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE). They are stored in the temporary table space and are dropped automatically after commit.
You can easily also query syscat.tables like this:
select COUNT(*) from SYSCAT.TABLES where TRIM(TABNAME) = '<some_table_name>'
if this query returns 0 then the table does not exists.

Explain the effect of a parent column in a nested select

I have a scenario where I need to delete rows from a table using the outcome of a nested select. Like this:
DECLARE #tbl_big TABLE (bigID int);
INSERT INTO #tbl_big (bigID)
VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
DECLARE #tbl_small TABLE (smallID int);
INSERT INTO #tbl_small (smallID)
VALUES (1),(2),(3);
DELETE FROM #tbl_big
WHERE (bigID IN (SELECT smallID FROM #tbl_small));
FROM #tbl_big; -- shows 4,5 as expected
However, during development I accidentally made a typo:
DELETE FROM #tbl_big WHERE (bigID IN (SELECT bigID FROM #tbl_small)); --bigID used instead of smallID
FROM #tbl_big; -- no rows
The result was that all rows within the parent table were deleted.
While this may be completely acceptable T-SQL, I've never seen it applied like this, nor would I expect the statement to even compile given that #tbl_small does not contain a bigID column.
Can anybody please clarify why/how this works, and is it valid T-SQL? Also, can you provide a real-world example where this is more useful than risky(!)?
bigID in the DELETE statement you mentioned referes to #tbl_big because it is legal to mention columns from the main table in the sub queries you write in the WHERE clause. For example, you can write the below:
DELETE FROM #tbl_big WHERE (bigID IN (SELECT smallID FROM #tbl_small WHERE smallID = bigID));
So, in your case, you just used all bigID values in your table in the sub query as a constant value.

Create a temporary table from a selection or insert if table already exist

How to create a temporary table, if it does not already exist, and add the selected rows to it?
is the simplest and fastest way:
Do not use SELECT INTO. See:
Combine two tables into a new one so that select rows from the other one are ignored
Not sure whether table already exists
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ... was introduced in version Postgres 9.1.
For older versions, use the function provided in this related answer:
PostgreSQL create table if not exists
INSERT INTO tbl (col1, col2, ...)
SELECT col1, col2, ...
Chances are, something is going wrong in your code if the temp table already exists. Make sure you don't duplicate data in the table or something. Or consider the following paragraph ...
Unique names
Temporary tables are only visible within your current session (not to be confused with transaction!). So the table name cannot conflict with other sessions. If you need unique names within your session, you could use dynamic SQL and utilize a SEQUENCE:
Create once:
CREATE SEQUENCE tablename_helper_seq;
You could use a DO statement (or a plpgsql function):
'CREATE TEMP TABLE tbl' || nextval('tablename_helper_seq'::regclass) || ' AS
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE ... ';
RAISE NOTICE 'Temporary table created: "tbl%"' || ', lastval();
lastval() and currval(regclass) are instrumental to return the dynamically created table name.

Navigating the results of a stored procedure via a cursor using T-SQL

Due to a legacy report generation system, I need to use a cursor to traverse the result set from a stored procedure. The system generates report output by PRINTing data from each row in the result set. Refactoring the report system is way beyond scope for this problem.
As far as I can tell, the DECLARE CURSOR syntax requires that its source be a SELECT clause. However, the query I need to use lives in a 1000+ line stored procedure that generates and executes dynamic sql.
Does anyone know of a way to get the result set from a stored procedure into a cursor?
I tried the obvious:
Declare Cursor c_Data For my_stored_proc #p1='foo', #p2='bar'
As a last resort, I can modify the stored procedure to return the dynamic sql it generates instead of executing it and I can then embed this returned sql into another string and, finally, execute that. Something like:
Exec my_stored_proc #p1='foo', #p2='bar', #query='' OUTPUT
Set #sql = '
Declare Cursor c_Data For ' + #query + '
Open c_Data
-- etc. - cursor processing loop etc. goes here '
Exec #sql
Any thoughts? Does anyone know of any other way to traverse the result set from a stored proc via a cursor?
You could drop the results from the stored proc into a temp table and select from that for your cursor.
Col1 INT,
Col2 INT
INSERT INTO #myResults(Col1,Col2)
EXEC my_Sp
DECLARE sample_cursor CURSOR
Another option may be to convert your stored procedure into a table valued function.
DECLARE sample_cursor CURSOR
dbo.NewFunction('foo', 'bar')
You use INSERT ... EXEC to push the result of the procedure into a table (can be a temp #table or a #table variable), the you open the cursor over this table. The article in the link discusses the problems that may occur with this technique: it cannot be nested and it forces a transaction around the procedure.
You could execute your SP into a temporary table and then iterate over the temporary table with the cursor
create table #temp (columns)
insert into #temp exec my_stored_proc ....
perform cursor work
drop table #temp