batch add images to mp3 files - id3v2

I have a few mp3 files:
first file.mp3
second file.mp3
third file.mp3
and artwork for them:
first file.png
second file.png
third file.png
How do I add images as tags to mp3 files (1 to 1; 2 to 2; 3 to 3) in batch mode?

Using eyeD3 maybe you need a loop:
n=1; while [ $n -le 3 ]; do
eyeD3 add-image $n.image.png:ILLUSTRATION $
let n++
Note that the name of your files should be numbered
1.image.png, 2.image.png, ..... ect.


Automating reading, treating and saving .txt files in a directory using Matlab

I have a directory with two folders: one folder contains several subfolders with multiple .txt files (folder 1). The second folder contains several .hjson files (folder 2).
I would like load each .txt and .hjson files make a several calculation (e.g. velocity, acceleration, curvature) and save in the same .txt file adding news columns with headers (e.g. velocity, acceleration, curvature). So far, I have one code to load .txt files.
My goal is to make a code that reads, loads, computes and automatically save it. Please let me know if you have any suggestion.
%% Read and load
dir_to_search = 'C:\Programs\pedro\Test\';
txtpattern = fullfile(dir_to_search, '*.txt');
dinfo = dir(txtpattern);
for K = 1 : length(dinfo)
thisfilename = fullfile(dir_to_search, dinfo(K).name); %just the name
thisdata = load(thisfilename); %load just this file
You can use fprintf to write to a file.
For example:
formatSpec="%9.5f %8.5f\n";
for i=1:n
fprintf(fid,formatSpec, var1(i),var2(i));

How to use fishshell to add numbers to files

I have a very simple mp3 player, and the order it plays audio files are based on the file names, and the rule is there must be a 3-size number in the beginning of file name, such as:
I want to write a fish shell sortmp3 to add numbers to the files of a directory. Say directory myfiles contains files:
When I run sortmp3 myfiles, the file names will be changed to:
But my question is:
how to generate some sequential numbers?
how to make sure the size of each number is exactly 3?
I would write this, which makes no assumptions about how many files there are in a directory:
function sortmp3
set -l files *
set -l i
for i in (seq (count $files))
echo mv $files[$i] (printf "%03d%s" $i $files[$i])
Remove the "echo" if you like how it works.
You can generate sequential numbers with the seq tool - an external program.
This will only take care of the first part, it won't pad to three characters.
To do that, there's a variety of choices:
printf '%s\n' 00(seq 0 99) | rev | cut -c 1-3 | rev
printf '%s\n' 00(seq 0 99) | sed 's/^.*\(...\)$/\1/'
The 00(seq 0 99) part will generate numbers from "1" to "99" with two zeroes prepended - ie. from "001" to "0099". The later parts of the pipeline remove the superfluous zeroes again.
Or with the next fish version, you can use the new string tool:
string sub -s -3 -- 00(seq 0 99)
Depending on your specific situation you should use the "seq" command to generate sequential numbers or the "math" command to increment a counter. To format the number with a predictable number of leading zeros use the "printf" command:
set idx 12
printf '%03d' $idx

read text file from another text file Matlab

HiIs it possible to open and read text file from another one. For example
"file1.txt" contain 2 columns and the data are:
1, "file4.txt"
2, "file5.txt"
3, "file6.txt"
and I want to display column 2 from file4,5 and 6
Any idea? and how to implement it
Thanks guys
You could first read the contents of 'file1.txt' like this
fid = fopen('file1.txt');
fileContents = textscan(fid,'%d %q','Delimiter',',');
And then iterate over the second column (the file names) of the file's content
fileNames = fileContents{2};
for i = 1:length(fileNames)
% filenames{i} will be 'file4.txt', 'file5.txt', 'file6.txt' respectively in
% each iteration
fid2 = fopen(fileNames{i});
%%%%% put code to read second column here %%%%
Sorry I have too low reputation to comment hence answering..
I think you question is you have a text file file1.txt and in that file you have data of file4 and file5 right? Either you have link of the file4.txt or you have its data.. In both cases you need to filter that part(either file path to file4 or its data) and then store its content in an array so you can modify according to your needs later.. Please be more specific about your problem while questioning..

Read and parse more than one text file matlab

I have four .txt files. Each one has 250 lines, where each line has 4 values separated by commas as shown below are the first 5 lines in one of the file, but all are of the same structure:
One of the four files is the reference file, named groundtruth.txt I want to read each line from the three files and compare it with the values found in the same line number in the groudtruth.txt file. And after that save the difference between the values of the ground_truth and each one in a file for further processing, so the result will be that I'll have 3 new different files holding the differences where each file will have 250 lines and each line holds the difference such as the first line of the result file having the difference between the ground_truth and the first file will be like this :79.8,9.42,22.35,10.63
So if anyone could please advise.
If I understand correctly, this should be the thing you are after:
groundtruth = dlmread('groundtruth.txt');
file1 = dlmread('file_01.txt');
file2 = dlmread('file_02.txt');
file3 = dlmread('file_03.txt');
dlmwrite('diff_01.txt', file1 - groundtruth);
dlmwrite('diff_02.txt', file2 - groundtruth);
dlmwrite('diff_03.txt', file3 - groundtruth);

Read images from folders in directory

1) I have an original directory called "Original_file" that contains several number of images. The code below serves to read those images from the directory, converts them to greyscale, then write them into new directory called "Target_File".
dnames = {directory};
cI = cell(1,1);
c{1} = dir(dnames{1});
cI{1} = cell(length(c{1}),1);
for j = 1:length(c{1}),
cI{1}{j} = double(imread([dnames{1} '/' c{1}(j).name]))./255;
cI{1}{j} = rgb2gray(cI{1}{j});
imwrite(cI{1}{j}, fullfile(Target_File, ['image' num2str(j) '.jpg']));
2) From the "Target_File": The code below serves to select randomly a specific number of images and put them in a training file.
ImageFiles = dir('Target_File');
totalNumberOfFiles = length(ImageFiles)-1;
scrambledList = randperm(totalNumberOfFiles);
numberIWantToUse = 5; % for example 5
loop_counter = 1;
for index = scrambledList(1 :numberIWantToUse)
baseFileName = ImageFiles(index).name
str = fullfile('Target_File', baseFileName);
image = imread(str);
imwrite( image, fullfile(Train_images, ['image' num2str(index) '.jpg']));
loop_counter = loop_counter + 1;
What I want in this question ?
A) If we consider that we have a directory that contains several number of folders (folder1, folder2, ...., foldern). Each of these folders contains several images. So how can I edit my code in 1) in order to apply the same concept and get a new directory "Target_File" that contains the same number of folders, but each folder becomes containing the greyscale images?
Then, from the Target_File created in A) : I want to select (randomly as in 2)) from each folder in Target_File, a specific number of images and put them in training file, and the remaining images in testing file. This procedure is repeated for all folders in the directory.
So if the directory contains 3 folders, each of these folders is split into training and test files. So the first folder is split into train1 and test1, the second directory into train2 and test2, the third directory into train3 and test3, etc. So how to edit my code in 2) ?
Any help will be very appreciated.
You can use the dir command to get a list of sub-directories, and then loop through that list with calls to mkdir to create each one in turn. After that, it is just a matter of matching the file paths so you can save the greyscale image loaded from a source subfolder to its corresponding target folder.
Specifically, D = dir('directory') will return a struct where each element of the structure is an element stored in 'directory'. D(i).isdir will be 1 if D(i).name corresponds to the name of one of your subfolders (note that you will need to ignore D(1:2), as those are the folder navigation tags . and ..). So, get your list of directory contents, and then loop through those calling mkdir if D(i).isdir is 1.
I am not sure I understand the rest of your question, but if you just need a random subsample of the entire image set (regardless of subfolder it is stored in), while you are making your subfolders above you can also make secondary calls of dir to the subfolders to get a list of their contents. Loop through and check whether each element is an image, and if it is save it to an array of image path names. When you have compiled this master list, you can grab a random subset from it.