read text file from another text file Matlab - matlab

HiIs it possible to open and read text file from another one. For example
"file1.txt" contain 2 columns and the data are:
1, "file4.txt"
2, "file5.txt"
3, "file6.txt"
and I want to display column 2 from file4,5 and 6
Any idea? and how to implement it
Thanks guys

You could first read the contents of 'file1.txt' like this
fid = fopen('file1.txt');
fileContents = textscan(fid,'%d %q','Delimiter',',');
And then iterate over the second column (the file names) of the file's content
fileNames = fileContents{2};
for i = 1:length(fileNames)
% filenames{i} will be 'file4.txt', 'file5.txt', 'file6.txt' respectively in
% each iteration
fid2 = fopen(fileNames{i});
%%%%% put code to read second column here %%%%

Sorry I have too low reputation to comment hence answering..
I think you question is you have a text file file1.txt and in that file you have data of file4 and file5 right? Either you have link of the file4.txt or you have its data.. In both cases you need to filter that part(either file path to file4 or its data) and then store its content in an array so you can modify according to your needs later.. Please be more specific about your problem while questioning..


Reading a file from a different directory in matlab

My matlab function is in a folder that contains the main project and the other functions of the code. However, the data is stored in a folder withing the main one named "data" and inside the specific dataset that i want, for example "ded4" in this example. I can't figure out how to open the text file that I want without changing the file to the main folder. The code I have so far is:
function[Classify] = Classify(logDir)
Directory = ['data/' logDir '/']
Filename = [logDir '-fixationsOffSet']
File_name = fullfile(Directory,Filename)
File = fopen(File_name,'r')
The code is in the 'dev' folder, I think my path is correct because when I do
it opens.
Thanks for the help
If you want to open the file in the editor, use
If you want to read data from the file, you can use
dlmread(File_name) % Read ASCII delimited file.
C = textscan(File,'FORMAT') % Read formatted data from text file or string.
or more low-level using fscanf, e.g., if the file contains three columns of integers you do the following: Read the values in column order, and transpose to match the appearance of the file: (from the help of fprintf)
fid = fopen('count.dat');
A = fscanf(fid,'%d',[3,inf])';

How to import large dataset and put it in a single column

I want to import the large data set (multiple column) by using the following code. I want to get all in a single column instead only one row (multi column). So i did transpose operation but it still doesn't work appropriately.
clear all
close all
dataX_Real = fopen('dataX_Real_in.txt');dataX_Real=dataX_Real';
I will really appreciate your support and suggestions. Thank You
The sample files can be found using the following link.
When using fopen, all you are doing is opening up the file. You aren't reading in the data. What is returned from fopen is actually a file pointer that gives you access to the contents of the file. It doesn't actually read in the contents itself. You would need to use things like fread or fscanf to read in the content from the text data.
However, I would recommend you use dlmread instead, as this doesn't require a fopen call to open your file. This will open up the file, read the contents and store it into a variable in one function call:
dataX_Real = dlmread('dataX_Real_in.txt');
By doing the above and using your text file, I get 44825 elements. Here are the first 10 entries of your data:
>> format long;
>> dataX_Real(1:10)
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
-0.307224970000000 0.135961950000000 -1.072544100000000 0.114566020000000
Columns 5 through 8
0.499754310000000 -0.340369000000000 0.470609910000000 1.107567700000000
Columns 9 through 10
-0.295783020000000 -0.089266816000000
Seems to match up with what we see in your text file! However, you said you wanted it as a single column. This by default reads the values in on a row basis, so here you can certainly transpose:
dataX_Real = dataX_Real.';
Displaying the first 10 elements, we get:
>> dataX_Real = dataX_Real.';
>> dataX_Real(1:10)
ans =

MATLAB: Use a variable with a file extenstion to load files

I am using MATLAB
I Have 51 files in their own directory all of .out extention created by a seperate program, all numbered 0 to 50.
and so on til 50.out.
I need to load each file 1 by one to do calculations upon them within a for loop. How would I do this using the count variable to load the file, if the directory is set beforehand?
%set directiory
%for loop
For count = 0:50,
data = count.out *<-----this line*
Many thanks!
First generate the file name with
fileName = [int2str(count) '.out'];
then open the file with
fid = fopen(fileName, 'r');
The loading phase depends on the kind of file you want to read. Assuming it is a text file you can, for example, read it line after line with
while ~feof(fid)
line = fgetl(fid);
or use more specialized functions (see Before the end of the for loop you'll have to close the file by calling
Another quite nice way to do it is to use the dir function
a = dir('c:\docs*.out')
Will give you a structure containing all the info about the *.out files in the directory you point it to, (or the path). You can then loop through it bit by bit. using fopen or csvread or whatever file reading function you want to use.

How to write a for-loop to read 1000 text files in Matlab?

I have 1000 text files that their names are A0000.txt, A0001.text, ..., A1000.text.
I want to read in the information in the text files and store some of them in an excel file or a csv file (csv is preferred).
How should I define a for loop that can do this task?
I can use this function A = textread('A0000.txt','%s') to read one text file, but I don't know how should I put it in a for loop. If the name of the files were 1.txt, 2.txt,..., 1000.txt it would be easier.
I would be thankful if you can provide any help.
You should use sprintf to generate the relevant strings:
for i=1:1000
fileName = sprintf('A%04d.txt',i);
A{i} = textread(fileName ,'%s')
The %04d tells sprintf that the number should have leading zeroes.
The following generates a list of txt files contained in the current directory. It then reads in all the files. This is useful if the file names are not sequential.
filelist = dir([pwd() filesep '*.txt' ]);
fileNames = {}';
nFiles = length(fileNames);
for i= 1:nFiles
TF{i} = textread(fileNames{i},'%s');

Read and parse more than one text file matlab

I have four .txt files. Each one has 250 lines, where each line has 4 values separated by commas as shown below are the first 5 lines in one of the file, but all are of the same structure:
One of the four files is the reference file, named groundtruth.txt I want to read each line from the three files and compare it with the values found in the same line number in the groudtruth.txt file. And after that save the difference between the values of the ground_truth and each one in a file for further processing, so the result will be that I'll have 3 new different files holding the differences where each file will have 250 lines and each line holds the difference such as the first line of the result file having the difference between the ground_truth and the first file will be like this :79.8,9.42,22.35,10.63
So if anyone could please advise.
If I understand correctly, this should be the thing you are after:
groundtruth = dlmread('groundtruth.txt');
file1 = dlmread('file_01.txt');
file2 = dlmread('file_02.txt');
file3 = dlmread('file_03.txt');
dlmwrite('diff_01.txt', file1 - groundtruth);
dlmwrite('diff_02.txt', file2 - groundtruth);
dlmwrite('diff_03.txt', file3 - groundtruth);