Sed to replace certain number of occurrences - sed

I have the replace sed script below and it works for the first occurrence of every line but I'm trying to make it work for the first 2 occurrences per line instead of one (/1) or the whole line (/g):
sed -r '2,$s/(^ *|, *)([a-z])/\1\U\2/1'
Is there any way to do that either by combining sed commands or creating a script?

The best I can offer is
sed -r '2,$ { s/(^|,) *[a-z]/\U&/; s//\U&/; }'
The \U& trick uses the fact that the upper case version of a space is still a space; this is to make the repetition shorter. Because captures are no longer used, the regex can be simplified a little.
In the second s command, the // is a stand-in for the most recently attempted regex, so the first one is essentially executed a second time (this time matching what was originally the second appearance).
Since /1 doesn't actually do anything (replacing the first occurrence is default), I took the liberty of removing it.


how to replace each ,, with ,?, using sed?

I have tried the following command:
echo "123456,,7,,,,890" | sed 's/,,/\,?,/g'
But the result I want is:
Could anyone help me ?
Your problem is, that the ,, in the result was never seen by the g option.
One of the two is coming from replacing.
With your special desired output (I would have expect only three instead of four replacements...) you need to look at the result of one replacement and replace again, until no replacing takes place anymore.
You can achieve that by making a loop, with :a, i.e. the label "a" and then go back after a successful replacement with ta, "to label a".
(The g becomes unnecessary, but might be more efficient. Time it to find out in your environment.)
sed ':a;s/,,/\,?,/g;ta'
Regular expressions can not match overlapping spans. Thus, if you have ,,,,, the first two commas will be the first match, and the third and fourth comma will constitute the second match. There is no way to match the second and third comma with /??/.
Typically, this would be done using lookahead, to avoid one of the commas to be a part of the match; but sed does not support it. So you can switch to a more powerful regex engine, like that of perl:
echo "123456,,7,,,,890" | perl -pe 's/,(?=,)/,?/g'
Alternately, since in your specific case you will miss every other adjacent comma pair, you can just run your sed twice:
echo "123456,,7,,,,890" | sed 's/,,/,?,/g' | sed 's/,,/,?,/g'
or combine the two operations into one sed invocation:
echo "123456,,7,,,,890" | sed 's/,,/\,?,/g; s/,,/,?,/g'

Changing a character in between patterns in vi/sed

I am struggling to work out how to get a , out from inbetween various patterns such as:
xyz ,CA
I have tried something like:
sed -E "s/\([a-zA-Z]*\),([a-zA-Z]*\)/\([a-zA-Z]*\) ([a-zA-Z]*\)/g" $file -i
It picks up the first pattern, but then over writes it with the second pattern, I feel like I am missing something very simple and I can't work it out, any help really appreciated.
You're missing the notion of capture groups, I think. To refer to a parenthesized portion of the search within the replacement string, use \1 for the first group, \2 for the second group, etc.
The modified line would be:
sed -E "s/([a-zA-Z]),([a-zA-Z])/\1 \2/g" $file -i
Rather than replacing the part that matches the first ([a-zA-Z]) with the literal text "([a-zA-Z])", this modified line just copies the matched portion into the output (and likewise for the second group).

How to use sed to isolate only the first part of a file

I'm running Windows and have the GnuWin32 toolkit, which includes sed. Specifically:
C:\TEMP>sed --version
GNU sed version 4.2.1
I have a text file with two sections: A fixed part I want to preserve, and a part that's appended after running a job.
In the file is a unique string that identifies the start of the part that's added, and I'd like to use Gnu sed to isolate only the part of the file that's before the unique string - i.e., so I can append different data to the fixed part each time the job is run.
I know I could keep the fixed portion in a separate file, but that adds complexity and it would be more elegant if I could just reuse the data at the start of the same file.
A long time ago I knew how to set up sed scripts, and I'm sure this can be done with sed, but I've slept since then. :)
Can you please describe how to use sed to display the lines of text in a file up to and not including a specific string?
line 1 of fixed portion
line 2 of fixed portion
unique string
line 1 of appended portion
line 2 of appended portion
line 3 of appended portion
What I'd like is to see as output:
line 1 of fixed portion
line 2 of fixed portion
I've gotten as far as:
sed -r -n -e "0,/unique string/p"
but that prints the unique string as well.
Thanks in advance.
This should work for you:
sed -n '/unique string/q;p' file
It quits processing at unique string. Other lines get printed.
An alternative might be to use a range address like this:
sed -n '1,/unique string/{/unique string/!p}' file
Note that sed includes the range border. We need to exclude unique string from printing.
Furthermore I'm using the -n option which makes sed suppress the output of input lines by default.
One thing, if unique string can contain characters which are also syntax characters in the regex like ...
... sed might not be the right tool for the job any more since it can only match regular expressions but not fixed strings.
In that case awk might be the tool of choice:
awk 'index("*unique string*"){exit}1' file
index("string") returns a non zero value (the position) if the string has been found. We cancel further processing of input lines in that case and don't print that line as well.
The trailing 1 always evaluates to true and makes awk print all the lines until the previous condition applies.

about use sed Modify the file?

I have a question about using sed to modify file. My file content:
<data-value name="WLS_INSTALL_DIR" value="/home/Oracle/wlserver_10.3">
I want to replace the content of field value="/home/Oracle/wlserver_10.3"
to get this result:
<data-value name="WLS_INSTALL_DIR" value="/u03/Middle_home/Oracle/wlserver_10.3">
I use sed:
sed "6 i/^value=/>/s/value= />\(.*\)/value=\"\/u03\/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3"\" \/\ /u03/silent.xml
Your sed script has a number of issues.
First off, anything that looks like 6istuff will simply write everything after i ("insert") verbatim as a new line before the sixth line. (Some dialects require a newline after the i and will basically do nothing.)
Secondly, ^value= does not match your input; it would only select a line starting with the string value= (the ^ metacharacter means beginning of line).
Thirdly, the /> in your subsitution regex terminates the substitution and so everything from > onwards is parsed as invalid flags for the substitution. I cannot see the purpose of this part, anyway; it doesn't match your data, and so the regex fails.
What remains after removing all these superfluous and erroneous details is a more or less useful sed script. (I assume the 6 to address only the sixth line of input is intentional, although you don't mention this in the question at all.) I have made some additional minor improvements, such as using % as the substitution delimiter and tightening the regex so that it only ever substitutes a double-quoted value.
sed '6s%value="[^"]*"%value="/u03/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3"%' /u03/silent.xml
Better than 6 would perhaps be to identify the line with /name="WLS_INSTALL_DIR"/.
Still, as alluded to in a comment, the proper way to manipulate XML is with a dedicated tool such as xsltproc.
sed 's|/home|/u03/Middle_home|'

SED search and replace substring in a database file

To all,
I have spent alot of time searching for a solution to this but cannot find it.
Just for a background, I have a text database with thousands of records. Each record is delineated by :
"0 #nnnnnn# Xnnn" // no quotes
The records have many fields on a line of their own, but the field I am interested in to search and replace a substring (notice spaces) :
" 1 X94" // no quotes
I want to use sed to change the substring "" to ".students.moorpark.ut", changing nothing else on the line, globally for ALL records.
I have tested many things with negative results.
How can this be done ?
Thank You for the assistance.
Bob Perez (
If I understand you correctly, you want this:
sed 's/1 X94 \(.*\) X94 \1.students.moorpark.ut/' mydatabase.file
This will replace all records of the form 1 X94 with 1 X94 XXXXX.students.moorpark.ut.
Here's details on what it all does:
The '' let you have spaces and other messes in your script.
s/ means substitute
1 X94 \(.*\) is what you'll be substituting. The \(.*\) stores anything in that regular expression for use in the replacement
1 X94 \1.students.moorpark.ut is what to replace the thing you found with. \1 is filled in with the first thing that matched \(.*\). (You can have multiple of those in one line, and the next one would then be \2.)
The final / just tells sed that you're done. If your database doesn't have linefeeds to separate its records, you'll want to end with /g, to make this change multiple times per line.
mydatabase.file should be the filename of your database.
Note that this will output to standard out. You'll probably want to add
to the end of your line, to save all the output in a file. (It won't do you much good on your terminal.)
Edit, per your comments
If you want to replace 1 F94 bperez.students.Napvil.NCC to 1 F94 bperez.JohnSmith.customer, you can use another set of \(.*\), as:
sed 's/1 X94 \(.*\).\(.*\).Napvil.NCC/1 X94 \1.JohnSmith.customer/' 251-2.txt
This is similar to the above, except that it matches two stored parameters. In this example, \1 evaluates to bperez and \2 evaluates to students. We match \2, but don't use it in the replace part of the expression.
You can do this with any number of stored parameters. (Sed probably has some limit, but I've never hit a sufficiently complicated string to hit it.) For example, we could make the sed script be '\(.\) \(...\) \(.*\).\(.*\).\(.*\).\(.*\)/\1 \2 \3.JohnSmith.customer/', and this would make \1 = 1, \2 = X94, \3 = bperez, \4 = Napvil and \5 = NCC, and we'd ignore \4 and \5. This is actually not the best answer though - just showing it can be done. It's not the best because it's uglier, and also because it's more accepting. It would then do a find and replace on a line like 2 Z12 bperez.a.b.c, which is presumably not what you want. The find query I put in the edit is as specific as possible while still being general enough to suit your tasks.
Another edit!
You know how I said "be as specific as possible"? Due to the . character being special, I wasn't. In fact, I was very generic. The . means "match any character at all," instead of "match a period". Regular expressions are "greedy", matching the most they could, so \(.*\).\(.*\) will always fill the first \(.*\) (which says, "take 0 to many of any character and save it as a match for later") as far as it can.
Try using:
sed 's/1 X94 \(.*\)\.\(.*\).Napvil.NCC/1 X94 \1.JohnSmith.customer/' 251-2.txt
That extra \ acts as an escape sequence, and changes the . from "any character" to "just the period". FYI, since I don't (but should) escape the other periods, technically sed would consider 1 X94 XXXX.StdntZNapvilQNCC as a valid match. Since . means any character, a Z or a Q there would be considered a fit.
The following tutorial helped me
sed - replace substring in file
try the same using a -i prefix to replace in the file directly
sed -i 's/unix/linux/' file.txt