Checking anyobject value in Swift - swift

With the following piece of code:
let decoded = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data as! NSData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as! [String:AnyObject]
I get [latitude: 40.3654922, won: 1, longitude: 49.9384457, winnerID: 552e].
And now I want to check if won object equal to '1' do something. But I cannot check the value of the object. I s any way to do it?

With swift 1.2, you can do:
if let won = decoded["won"] as? Int where won == 1 {
// do something
Take a look at swift 1.2 release note (included in Xcode 6.3 release notes), we find that if let now support multiple condition check. For example:
if let a = foo(), b = bar() where a < b,
let c = baz() {
if someValue > 42 && someOtherThing < 19, let a = getOptionalThing() where a > someValue {
Very powerful!

if let won = decoded["won"] as? Int {
if won == 1 {
// do something


How to reduce if-condition looping - Swift

I know it sounds crazy, but just curious how I can reduce the if loop iteration for following? I have tried using guard let but stucked at some place.
if arenaEventItems == nil || arenaEventItems.count <= 0 {
if (arenaEventItems.count > 0 && (self.arenaEvents?.monthsDictObjList.count)! > 0){
if (self.tableView != nil){
if let arrVisibleRows = self.tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows as? [IndexPath]{
if (self.tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows!.count > 0){
let indexPath : IndexPath = self.tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows!.first!
if let dict = self.arenaEvents?.monthsDictObjList[indexPath.row] {
if(self.arenaHeaderView != nil) && (dict.count) > 0 {
self.arenaHeaderView?.setMonthTitle(string: (dict.keys.first!))
let selectedMonthTitle = (dict.keys.first!)
for month in (self.arenaEvents?.uniqueMonthOnlyList)! {
if (selectedMonthTitle.contains(month)){
selectedMonthIndex = (self.arenaEvents?.uniqueMonthOnlyList.index(of: month)!)!
You can reduce it like that, without any forced unwrapping or nesting:
guard let arenaEventItems = arenaEventItems,
let arenaEvents = self.arenaEvents,
let arenaHeaderView = self.arenaHeaderView,
let indexPath = self.tableView?.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.first,
let selectedMonthTitle = arenaEvents.monthsDictObjList[indexPath.row].keys.first
else {
arenaHeaderView.setMonthTitle(string: selectedMonthTitle)
if let monthIndex = arenaEvents.uniqueMonthOnlyList.index(where: { selectedMonthTitle.contains($0) }) {
selectedMonthIndex = monthIndex
you replace if ... return with guard !... else return to avoid nesting
you replace .count > 0 with !...isEmpty as best practice
you replace multiple access to self.something? with if let something = self.something to avoid threading issues
you unloop for ... in ... { if (...) { ... } } to .index(where: ...)
You can combine all the conditions in "if" and get something like this:
if let eventItems = arenaEventItems,
eventItems.count > 0,
let events = self.arenaEvents,
let tableView = self.tableView,
let arrVisibleRows = self.tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows as? [IndexPath],
let indexPath : IndexPath = arrVisibleRows.first,
let dict = events.monthsDictObjList[indexPath.row],
let headerView = self.arenaHeaderView,
!dict.isEmpty {
headerView.setMonthTitle(string: (dict.keys.first!))
let selectedMonthTitle = (dict.keys.first!)
for month in events.uniqueMonthOnlyList! {
if (selectedMonthTitle.contains(month)){
selectedMonthIndex = (events.uniqueMonthOnlyList.index(of: month)!)!
You should consider restructuring your code, your code is not readable and incomprehensible for anyone who look at it. Since, you are using Swift, it is really easy to write such code with guard ... else, if ... let
Some improvements that you can do on class is have your view non nil ie make them implicitly unwrapped optional, since you will always be connecting them to storyboard.
#IBOutlet var tableView: UITableView!
#IBOutlet var arenaHeaderView: ArenaHeaderView!
Also, you have arrays which can go to nil, why do you want it to be nil. You could simply initialize an empty array and dictionaries. That way you can reduce some more comparison code like so,
arenaEventItems: [String: String] = [:]
With that changes and a bit of refactoring, you could possibly rewrite your code to something like this,
guard !arenaEventItems.isEmpty,
let arenaEvents = arenaEvents,
let indexPath = tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.first,
let dict = arenaEvents.monthsDictObjList[indexPath.row],
let selectedMonthTitle = dict.keys.first
else {
arenaHeaderView.setMonthTitle(string: selectedMonthTitle)
for month in arenaEvents.uniqueMonthOnlyList where selectedMonthTitle.contains(month) {
if let selectedIndex = arenaEvents.uniqueMonthOnlyList.index(of: month) {
selectedMonthIndex = selectedIndex

Swift 2 Error: Argument labels '(value:)' do not match any available overloads

I am trying to randomize circles falling for my rhythm game, but I can't seem to get it to work. This is the closest I have gotten:
var alternator = 0
var fallTimer:NSTimer?
var flag:Bool = true
let circleIndexes = (0..<5).map { return NSNumber(value: $0) }
let randomIndexes = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjectsInArray(circleIndexes) as! [Int]
func fallCircleWrapper() {
if (flag == true) {
self.alternator += 1
} else {
self.alternator -= 1
if (self.alternator == 0) {
flag = true
} else if (self.alternator == 5) {
flag = false
The error occurs in this line:
let circleIndexes = (0..<5).map { return NSNumber(value: $0) }
I am new to this so forgive me if there is an easy solution I am not seeing, and please feel free to suggest a better way of going about this if you have one. Thanks.
That's Swift 3 code. The initializer for Swift 2 NSNumber is:
NSNumber(integer: ...)
So, your line would become:
let circleIndexes = (0..<5).map { return NSNumber(integer: $0) }
This is Swift 3 code.
Swift 2 version:
You just need to change to this
let circleIndexes = (0..<5).map { return NSNumber(integer: $0) }

swift ? must be followed by a call, member lookup, or subscript

I think I'm looking at some outdated code:
#IBAction func stockLevelDidChange(sender: AnyObject) {
if var currentCell = sender as? UIView {
while (true) {
currentCell = currentCell.superview!;
if let cell = currentCell as? ProductTableCell {
if let id = cell.productId? {
var newStockLevel:Int?;
if let stepper = sender as? UIStepper {
newStockLevel = Int(stepper.value);
else if let textfield = sender as? UITextField {
if let newValue = textfield.text.toInt()? {
newStockLevel = newValue;
if let level = newStockLevel {
products[id].4 = level;
cell.stockStepper.value = Double(level);
cell.stockField.text = String(level);
But in the first line of the function I get " '?' must be followed by a call, member lookup, or subscript" (for the question mark after as)
What does this error mean and how does this code change for Swift 1.2?
Actually the as? are all fine. The problem is this line:
if let id = cell.productId?
Just remove the question mark at the end of that. It makes no sense.
In 1.2, toInt is gone. So,
if let newValue = textfield.text.toInt()?
Should be replaced with:
if let newValue:Int? = Int(textField.text!)
The problem is the if let newValue = textfield.text.toInt()? { .. If toInt() returns an Int? then just get rid of the ? there.

How to unwrap an optional value from Any type?

Given an array of [Any] that has a mix of optional and non optional values, e.g:
let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"
let values:[Any] = [int,2,str,"bar"]
How can we extract the value of the Optional in the Any type (if there is one) so we can create a generic print function that only prints out the values.
E.g. this printArray function goes through and prints each element:
func printArray(values:[Any]) {
for i in 0..<values.count {
println("value[\(i)] = \(values[i])")
Which will output:
value[0] = Optional(1)
value[1] = 2
value[2] = Optional("foo")
value[3] = bar
How can we change it so it only prints the underlying value so that it unwraps the value if it's Optional? e.g:
value[0] = 1
value[1] = 2
value[2] = foo
value[3] = bar
Update Progress...
It can work when changing the argument to [Any?], e.g:
let values:[Any?] = [int,2,str,"bar"]
func printArray(values:[Any?]) {
for i in 0..<values.count {
println("value[\(i)] = \(values[i]!)")
Which will print the desired:
value[0] = 1
value[1] = 2
value[2] = foo
value[3] = bar
But would still like to see how we can unwrap an Optional from Any as this is what MirrorType.value returns making it difficult to extract the Optional value, e.g:
class Person {
var id:Int = 1
var name:String?
var person = Person() = "foo"
var mt:MirrorType = reflect(person)
for i in 0 ..< mt.count {
let (name, pt) = mt[i]
println("\(name) = \(pt.value)")
Prints out:
id = 1
name = Optional("foo")
When I need:
id = 1
name = foo
For Xcode 7 and Swift 2:
func unwrap(any:Any) -> Any {
let mi = Mirror(reflecting: any)
if mi.displayStyle != .Optional {
return any
if mi.children.count == 0 { return NSNull() }
let (_, some) = mi.children.first!
return some
let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"
let null:Any? = nil
let values:[Any] = [unwrap(int),2,unwrap(str),"bar", unwrap(null)]
This will give you [1, 2, "foo", "bar", {NSObject}]
Change NSNull() to nil and the return value of unwrap func to Any? will always unwrap any type.
To maybe save somebody from cobbling it all together from the answers and comments, here is an answer including both "sane" ways and some what I consider to be improvements for Swift 3 coming with Xcode 8.2.1.
Using Reflection
func unwrap<T>(_ any: T) -> Any
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: any)
guard mirror.displayStyle == .optional, let first = mirror.children.first else {
return any
return first.value
The accepted answer from bubuxu fails to compile with Swift 3.
As walkline suggests in his comment, changing .Optional to .optional fixes this (see SE-0005 and Swift API Design Guidelines).
Reasons I thought this solution can be improved:
I find returning NSNull() weird.
I think the alternative of returning nil with return type Any? is also problematic because it turns everything (including non-optional values) into optional values
(e.g. unwrap(any: 42) returns Optional(42)).
When calling unwrap(any:) with anything but an Any value (any more any anybody?) the Swift 3 compiler warns about implicitly
coercing to Any.
Similiar thoughts apply to Sajjon's answer.
The solution I suggest addresses all those points. Be aware however that unwrap(_:) returns nil as type Any so using the nil
coalescing operator does not work anymore. This means that this just shifts around what I think is problematic about the second point. But I found this to be just the right thing to do for the (to me) more interesting use case regarding reflection.
Using an Extension on Optional
protocol OptionalProtocol {
func isSome() -> Bool
func unwrap() -> Any
extension Optional : OptionalProtocol {
func isSome() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .none: return false
case .some: return true
func unwrap() -> Any {
switch self {
case .none: preconditionFailure("trying to unwrap nil")
case .some(let unwrapped): return unwrapped
func unwrapUsingProtocol<T>(_ any: T) -> Any
guard let optional = any as? OptionalProtocol, optional.isSome() else {
return any
return optional.unwrap()
This is bascially LopSae's solution updated to Swift 3. I also changed the precondition failure message and added unwrapUsingProtocol(_:).
class Person {
var id:Int = 1
var name:String?
var person = Person() = "foo"
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: person)
for child in mirror.children.filter({ $0.label != nil }) {
print("\(child.label!) = \(unwrap(child.value))")
No matter if you're using unwrap() or unwrapUsingProtocol(), this will print
id = 1
name = foo
If you're looking for a way to neatly align the output, see Is there a way to use tabs to evenly space out description strings in Swift?
To check if a Any variable is an optional a protocol can be used as a means of a typeless Optional.
Just as its currently imposible (as of Swift 2) to check against a typeless Optional it is also not posible to cast an into a typeless optional:
let anyType: Any.Type = Optional<String>.self
let anyThing: Any = Optional.Some("string")
anyType is Optional.Type // Causes error
let maybeString = anything as? Optional // Also causes error
// Argument for generic parameter 'Wrapped' could not be inferred
However, the proposed OptionalProtocol can also be used to provide a generic-less interface to access the Optional values and even unwrap them:
protocol OptionalProtocol {
func isSome() -> Bool
func unwrap() -> Any
extension Optional : OptionalProtocol {
func isSome() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .None: return false
case .Some: return true
func unwrap() -> Any {
switch self {
// If a nil is unwrapped it will crash!
case .None: preconditionFailure("nill unwrap")
case .Some(let unwrapped): return unwrapped
// With this we can check if we have an optional
let maybeString: String? = "maybe"
let justString: String = "just"
maybeString is OptionalProtocol // true
justString is OptionalProtocol // false
With the methods provided the optionals can be checked and accessed in quite a natural way, without needing the impossible cast to Optional:
let values:[Any] = [
Optional<String>.None, // a "wrapped" nil for completeness
for any in values {
if let optional = any as? OptionalProtocol {
if optional.isSome() {
} else {
// nil should not be unwrapped!
Which will print:
Slight alteration on #thm to completely unwrap:
func unwrap<T>(_ any: T) -> Any {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: any)
guard mirror.displayStyle == .optional, let first = mirror.children.first else {
return any
return unwrap(first.value)
I think this is a kind of bug.
In general, to discover and extract the specific type from Any, down casting with as is the only supported method. But :
let int:Int? = 1
let any:Any = int
switch any {
case let val as Optional<Int>: // < [!] cannot downcast from 'Any' to a more optional type 'Optional<Int>'
This means, there is no supported way to do that.
Anyway, apparently you can do that with reflect:
func printArray(values:[Any]) {
for i in 0..<values.count {
var val = values[i]
var ref = reflect(val)
// while `val` is Optional and has `Some` value
while ref.disposition == .Optional && ref.count > 0 && ref[0].0 == "Some" {
// replace `val` with unwrapped value
val = ref[0].1.value;
ref = reflect(val)
println("value[\(i)] = \(val)")
let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"
let values:[Any] = [int,2,str,"bar"]
value[0] = 1
value[1] = 2
value[2] = foo
value[3] = bar
ADDED: minor tweaked version
func printArray(values:[Any]) {
for i in 0..<values.count {
var ref = reflect(values[i])
// while `val` is Optional and has `Some` value
while ref.disposition == .Optional && ref.count > 0 && ref[0].0 == "Some" {
// Drill down to the Mirror of unwrapped value
ref = ref[0].1
let val = ref.value
println("value[\(i)] = \(val)")
Factoring out into a function:
func unwrapAny(val:Any) -> Any {
var ref = reflect(val)
while ref.disposition == .Optional && ref.count > 0 && ref[0].0 == "Some" {
ref = ref[0].1
return ref.value
func printArray(values:[Any]) {
for i in 0..<values.count {
println("value[\(i)] = \(unwrapAny(values[i]))")
Not a complete answer. It boils down to this:
let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"
let values:[Any] = [int,2,str,"bar"]
func printArray(values:[Any]) {
for i in 0..<values.count {
let v = values[i]
if _stdlib_demangleName(_stdlib_getTypeName(v)) == "Swift.Optional" {
println("value[\(i)] = "it's optional: \(v)") // here I'm stuck
}else {
println("value[\(i)] = \(values[i])")
how about this solution, I made a generic version of previous answer.
fileprivate func unwrap<T>(value: Any)
-> (unwraped:T?, isOriginalType:Bool) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
let isOrgType = mirror.subjectType == Optional<T>.self
if mirror.displayStyle != .optional {
return (value as? T, isOrgType)
guard let firstChild = mirror.children.first else {
return (nil, isOrgType)
return (firstChild.value as? T, isOrgType)
let value: [Int]? = [0]
let value2: [Int]? = nil
let anyValue: Any = value
let anyValue2: Any = value2
let unwrappedResult:([Int]?, Bool)
= unwrap(value: anyValue) // ({[0]}, .1 true)
let unwrappedResult2:([Int]?, Bool)
= unwrap(value: anyValue2) // (nil, .1 true)
let unwrappedResult3:([UInt]?, Bool)
= unwrap(value: anyValue) // (nil, .1 false)
let unwrappedResult4:([NSNumber]?, Bool)
= unwrap(value: anyValue) ({[0]}, .1 false)
The following is code on Playground.
Based on the solution by #bubuxu, one can also:
func unwrap<T: Any>(any: T) -> T? {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: any)
guard mirror.displayStyle == .optional else { return any }
guard let child = mirror.children.first else { return nil }
return unwrap(any: child.value) as? T
But you need to check against nil using ?? nil when using unwrap, as done in foo
func foo<T>(_ maybeValue: T?) {
if let value: T = unwrap(any: maybeValue) ?? nil {
Still neat though!
(Anyone got a solution for the ?? nil check?)
Without making it too complicated, why not:
let int:Int? = 1
let str:String? = "foo"
let values:[Any?] = [int,2,str,"bar"]
for var i:Int = 0; i < values.count; i++
This prints:
According to Using Enumeration case patterns in Swift 2.0
those might be look like this:
let pattern :[Int?] = [nil, 332, 232,nil,55]
for case let number? in pattern {

how to cast from CFTypeRef to AXUIElement in Swift

This code produces the expected debugging output type = AXUIElement, but dumps stack and says the dynamic cast failed at the actual point of the cast:
func mainWindow() {
var ptr: Unmanaged<AnyObject>?
let kAXMainWindow: CFString! = "AXMainWindow" as NSString
let appRef: AXUIElement! = AXUIElementCreateApplication(
let err = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(appRef, kAXMainWindow, &ptr)
if err == AXError(kAXErrorSuccess) {
let val: AnyObject? = ptr?.takeRetainedValue()
if val != nil {
let value: AnyObject = val!
let description = CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(value))
println("type = \(description)")
let element = value as AXUIElement
else {
println("got nil result")
What's the right way to get this done?
This code worked as of XCode 6.1 and Swift 1.1.
However, it's 3 years later now and Swift has gotten a lot better. Still, this is still a top result when you search for how to work with the Accessibility API from Swift. So I'm back to update with the current simplest way I know:
func AXUIWindowArray(processIdentifier pid:pid_t) -> [AXUIElement] {
var result = [AXUIElement]()
var windowList: AnyObject? = nil // [AXUIElement]
let appRef = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid)
if AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(appRef, "AXWindows" as CFString, &windowList) == .success {
result = windowList as! [AXUIElement]
return result