Unable to set the permissions of an app through PowerShell - powershell

I've been trying to set the permissions of a native application added through PowerShell with no success.
I'm following the instructions on this page:
I can add the application through PowerShell (step #1), but when I try to set the permissions (step #2) I get several issues.
If I use the Microsoft Active Directory Module PowerShell, I am able to connect but when trying to select a subscription (with the correct values), the result is that the subscription does not exist. Out of curiosity, if I execute the Get-Subscription cmdlet I get an empty output. Even if I go ahead and issue the New-AzureRoleAssignment cmdlet, I get the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.
If I use the Azure PowerShell, I am not able to issue the Connect-MsolService cmdlet since it says that the cmdlet is not found. Even though, if I go ahead and try the New-AzureRoleAssignment cmdlet, I get the same error as above.
Someone knows what am I doing wrong or if I'm missing a step?

Launch the Azure Powershell Console and use Import-Module <moduleName> for the module containing Connect-MsolService.
If you are using this combination of modules frequently, I would recommend to put that Import-Module command in the default profile for that console. I do not know how to do this, but google should.


Auto Answer Powershell Prompts from Scripts

I have written a powershell script which uses a third party Cmdlet (https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/OdooCmdlets/21.0.8137.1).
The script is working fine on my local enviroment, but i need to apply it to an Azure Function to generate a daily execution (since it process data into a Azure SQL Database).
On its first line (see script below), i have establish the connection parameters where a prompt / pop-up window appears, which is easy to anwser when via user interaction from a local enviromnt (Powershell ISE)
However, when i try to run the script on the azure function the following error appears:
ERROR: A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. The host was attempting to request confirmation with the following message: Would you like to install a license now? (You may use "TRIAL" as the Product Key to activate a trial license.)
I need to adapt the script in order to auto-anwser the prompt / pop-up window, or find another solution.
Powershell Script:
Import-Module OdooCmdlets
$odoo = Connect-Odoo -User 'xxxxx' -Password 'xxxx' -URL 'xxxxx' -Database "xxxx"
I've never used the cmdlets before but inspecting the help files: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/OdooCmdlets/21.0.8137.1/Content/lib%5Cnet20%5CCData.OdooCmdlets.Commands.dll-help.xml it appears there is an -RTK parameter available.
Is it possible you have a key which you can pass as part of the connection which would suppress the prompt?
Failing that, the developer docs have examples for Python which you could either translate to PowerShell and not use the Cdata Odoo module or just use python in your Azure Functions

Write to Profile File After Installing PowerShell Module with PowerShellGet

I have a custom PowerShell module with two cmdlets. I have it successfully, but manually, deployed on my machine. However, I deployed it by placing the binary file and module manifest in a location, and then registering the module. I also had to manually write an Import-Module command into my 'all users' profile.
Now I am sure I can deploy this module with Publish-Module, but how do I get the Install-Module to write the Import-Module statement to the profile file?
As of PowerShell 3.0, a module is automatically imported when a command from the module is invoked. This was a brilliant on Microsoft's part; however, it did require that modules are located in a location where PowerShell looks for modules by default. Makes sense. You can see those locations by running the following command:
$env:PSModulePath -split ';'
Is there a reason you'd rather not use one of the paths stored in the above environmental variable? That said, I'd keep your code out of the "C:\Windows\System32..." path. The other options are better: "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules" (AllUsers) and "C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\PowerShell\Modules" (CurrentUser). Depending on your PowerShell version/OS, those path could be different. You won't need to write an Import-Module command into a $PROFILE script if you get the module into a preferred location. Maybe you already know this, but maybe not.
You're not going to get Install-Module to write to any of the $PROFILE scripts.
$PROFILE | Select-Object -Property *
Well, not by default anyway. You could write your own Install-Module function, that runs PowerShellGet's Install-Module function, and includes writing to various $PROFILE scripts. The problem is that you'll need to include logic so you don't blow away the contents of someone's $PROFILE script if it's not empty, and only append to it.
Seriously though, this is turning into a lot of work, when you could drop the module into a location where PowerShell can find it on its own.
Edit: It just occurred to me, you can add a value/path to the $env:PSModulePath environmental variable. It's a single string with semi-colon delimiters:
Therefore, it'd look like this:
$env:PSModulePath += ';C:\Another\Path'
That's great and all, but again how might you stage this, right? It takes you back to the write-to-all-the-$PROFILE-scripts problem,... although you may be able to update the variable via Group Policy Preferences. Again, probably better to just relocate your module.

Not able to get New-F5Item cmdlet

I am creating a pool in F5.
i came across the below link which gives a function of creating a Pool.
All the things are fine. i have installed F5-LTM module for powershell also.
Install-Module -Name F5-LTM -RequiredVersion 1.4.280
I am not able to see the "New-F5Item" cmdlts.
Can you please let me know about this cmdlet.
Thank you
If you look at the file list in PSGallery, you'll notice that the package contains the script file Private\New-F5Item.ps1, indicating that New-F5Item is probably not exported by the module.
When a command is not exported, it can only be discovered/called from other functions in the same module - which is why you don't see it when doing Get-Command or similar.

Is it possible to delete or overwrite cmdlets?

I'm working with DNS resource records in Powershell 5 using code that I inherited from the guy who was trying to do this before me. The cmdlet I am trying to use is Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA.
Part of his code has import-module certain folder\PowerShell\Modules\DnsServer. The weird thing is, it seems like as I was trying bits and pieces of the code earlier, I was able to use the add-DNSblah cmdlet. Now, after It ried running the whole script including the import-module, Powershell is saying that the cmdlet does not exist natively, and when I import the module and run it it is giving me Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA: Invalid Class.
It is my understanding that Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA should be included in my normal Powershell 5.0. Could that Import-Module have permanently damaged PS somehow? Why else would the cmdlet not show up, even in a Get-Command "dns"?
I'm pretty sure you will need the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed to have these cmdlets available on a non-server Windows OS.
You can download them from this page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=45520.
Not really sure why the Import-Module does not fail if the DNSServer module is not present on the system.
If RSAT are already installed, you can try to reinstall them.

Running a cmd in powershell referencing a UNC path

I’m in the process of creating a powershell script to check OU users against users already configured for file share archiving but I’ve hit a stumbling block. I can query AD to get a list of users per OU and their home directories, dumping all of the details out to text files for logs and basing subsequent queries on. Once I have these details I try to run a dos command, (Enterprise Vault) Archivepoints.exe passing variables to it. The command would usually be :
Archivepoints.exe find \\fopserver045v\ouone_users$
When I try to run the following code I get an error.
$app="D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe"
$EVArg = "find"
$VolLine = "\\fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$"
Invoke-Item "$app $EVArg $VolLine"
Invoke-Item : Cannot find path 'D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe find \fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$' because it does not exist.
At first I thought it was missing the first backslash of the UNC path that was causing the issue but I'm no longer sure.
The script and command run on the EV server and the UNC bath doesn't actually go to the server, it's only a reference path within EV so it's not a credentials issue.
I need to be able to log the output to file too if possible.
What should the code look like and should I be using invoke-command or Invoke-Expression instead ?
Don't use Invoke-Item. External commands should be run using the call operator (&). You can use splatting for the argument list.
$app="D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe"
$arguments = "find", "\\fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$"
& $app #arguments