Source code of a confluence macro - macros

Confluence version: 5.5.2.
I need to know how I can see the actual source code of a macro in Confluence. I tried adding macros, then right-clicking the page to view the source code, but that doesn't really help.
What I am trying to do:
With the existing macro, task list (the checkboxs), I need to modify the code in a way such that changing the value from true to false (pretty sure it is the onClick() function) or vice versa will send an e-mail to all "Watchers" of that page.
Would this even be possible? The changes I make need to be recognized on the server so that the changes don't only take place on my computer. Also, I don't even know if I can view the actual source without downloading an external plug-in (which won't work for certain reasons). Has anyone done something like this?

The source code for Confluence macros can be found either in the User Macro section of the Administration panel for inhouse macros or in the plugin code. The first port of call is for Atlassian plugin code.
To view the code for Atlassian plugins you will need to access the source from Atlassian. E.g. Tasklist Plugin in BitBucket.
You can also download the jar installer for this plugin from the Atlassian Marketplace Dynamic Tasklist 2 page, change the extension from .jar to .zip and then unzip the plugin to view the plugin contents.

Found a work around. If you go into settings (under profile pic), then go to e-mail and select all the checkboxes provided, it will solve my problem. Any small cahnge made in the document will be e-mailed to all watchers.


Import .apk file into Eclipse

I'm trying to open various .apk files in Eclipse for the purpose of viewing the source code. I'm developing for Google Glass, and I need to see how the code of the third party software I downloaded is executed. I'm able to view the code using JD-GUI and dex2jar, but I can't compile and run it on Glass. Whenever I try to import the existing code in Eclipse, it is grayed out and I can't select it: even the Google made samples like the compass and charades apps. I am new to this, so perhaps I've missed a step or something of the sort. I'd greatly appreciate any help or advice on the matter!
Thanks, Jordan
Generally you don't access the source code via the jar/apk. Those are compiled, or translated, from the source code to the code that Glass/Android actually runs. Because of this, you're probably not going to be able to view the actual source code for these projects.
If you want to get the source code (and import it into Eclipse) for the Google Projects, go to, select one of the applications, and click the "Download ZIP" button. This will give you a .zip of the source code.
If you're feeling really brave and want to learn even more, try cloning the repository with git. The git website has a great tutorial/introduction at

sync custom entities using ide?

right now we are using svn to share code for our project. It works great controllers, components, pages and static resources.
The problem is it seems the salesforce.schema file is not really a local file, its a placeholder that checks your server and tells you your current schema.
We want to baseline our schema changes/updates to a file so we can share in svn.
I found this:
But we cant seem to figure out what do do/how to get it to work.
So in a nutshell, we are looking for a way for Developer A to create a custom schema object in their own SF Sandbox, somehow get this info into a file in svn (ideally through the ide), then check it in so developer B can check it out and apply it to their server. (the same way we do for code).
Any help would be great!
Ok, we finally figured this out through trial and error:
To make this work:
right click on project, click " Remove Metadata Components"
go down to custom ojbjects, open that up, make sure all your custom objects are checked, click apply, then say "NO" to dialog
then right click on src and click " with Server, find your objects, and click "Apply Server to Project"
now your files will be local, check them into SVN and you are golden.

Can't create customized Eclipse with default svn repository added

Right now I am trying to create a custom Eclipse distribution with specific predefined settings. To configure the plugins, I added some new lines to the plugin_customization.ini file (in the plugin), which works well (e.g. specific formatting rules). It looks like:
Now the problem: I try to do the same with SVN setting. I tried to copy the settings from the
file, but it does not work.
I found a bug related to this problem, but it seems, that the provided test software, but it seems nonfunctioning as well.
Does there anyone out, who knows how can one define a custom svn repository (which does not disappear, when a user changes the workspace)?

Eclipse content assist (for PHP or anything) not using active working set

The Eclipse content assist for PHP (and I'm assuming for other types as well) isn't using the currently active working set - it's searching ALL files in the project. How do I change it to only use the active working set?
When doing a Ctrl+Shift+R search, it was also looking for all files in the project (not what I wanted), until I clicked the small black triangle in that window and selected the working set I wanted it to use. Now it successfully only shows the files that match my search string in the working set. However, this doesn't change anything in the autocomplete content assist feature (i.e. doing a Ctrl+Space to complete the name of a function or variable). Is there any way to accomplish this?
I'm using Eclipse Indigo release, so it's very recent.
I'm afraid it's not possible the way you put it. Eclipse Working Sets just give you a way to organize your projects.
However you may want to take a look at Mylyn, which is fully integrated with Eclipse platform. Here and here is a nice overview of what you can do with Mylyn. But briefly, what it allows you to do is to create a task and maintain a context associated with it. This way, only the relevant files will be displayed in Project Explorer and autocomplete would suggest you only task-focused options.

How to Change Netbeans Fonts and Colors Preview Document?

Within the Netbeans 6.5's Tools -> Options -> Fonts & Colors -> Syntax dialog, you have the ability to change the look and feel of the Netbeans text editor. When you select a language, you are presented with a preview of your font/color scheme. However, when I preview Java, there are far more options for syntax changes than are being displayed in that preview window. If I were able to view a more robust piece of code, I'd be able to see the immediate effect of more of the options.
How can I supply a preview document to view my font/color changes?
After looking into this some more, I've been able to narrow down the problem a bit. From what I can tell, everything in Netbeans is considered a plugin. The GUI editor is a plugin, and even the text editor is a plugin. This means that what ever piece of Netbeans that actually analyzes Java code and does syntax highlights is also a plugin (since Java is just one of many languages Netbeans highlights, it makes sense this is a plugin).
I think fromvega is on the right track with his suggestion. The tutorial for creating a manifest file editing plugin pointed me in the right direction. The tutorial eludes to a file used as a sample document used for font/color previews. It tells you how to create one inside this new plugin project. (Located in "Registering the Options in the NetBeans System Filesystem", part 4. About 4/5 of the way down the page.)
My next line of thought was to look for the Java syntax editing mode plugin and find this file and update it with a richer example file. I looked in the installation directory and came up empty, but I found what looks like the appropriate files within my user settings directory. There is a config directory with a lot of subfolders within my user directory (Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\saterus.netbeans\config).
I've been poking around inside this directory a bit, but have only found the xml files the manifest tutorial talks about. I have been unable to find the extensionless sample file for the Java plugin that I believe should be there.
Since I've hit a brick wall for the moment, I thought I'd toss it back to the SO community and see if you guys might make the last leap and find the solution.
Just for anyone who wants to alter this themselves it is possible on a unix machine to use grep to locate the file i.e.
grep -lr "some part of the current sample code" /path/to/netbeans
I used this method to locate the ruby example filename and from that identified that it is kept in org-netbeans-modules-ruby.jar as a file called RubyExample. By simply altering that file I was able to construct a better sample file for my own use.
Hope this helps someone!
The document which is displayed (for each mime type) is specified in a particular folder in the "system file system" (which is a NetBeans concept which is a virtual file system composed from contributions from individual modules; this is how functionality is dynamically registered in NetBeans).
Modules typically specify their system file system contributions in a file named "layer.xml" in the plugin. The create plugin templates typically offer to create this for you.
For example, here's how the Python example is registered:
<folder name="OptionsDialog">
<folder name="PreviewExamples">
<folder name="text">
<file name="x-python" url=""/>
Here, is a sample file in the same directory as the layer file.
Therefore, what you need to do is create a plugin which overrides the existing registration(s) for the mime type(s) you care about and provide alternate sample documents. You may need to hide the existing registration first (see the _hidden
part from ).
Hopefully this guides you in the right direction.
However, in thinking about it, we probably ought to make the preview area editable - so people can cut & paste whatever codefragment they care about right in there. This wouldn't be persistent, so whenever you change languages you get the original samples back - but it provides a quick way to see your own code. This shouldn't be just for the Fonts & Colors customization, but for the Formatting preview panels as well.
I've filed an issue against NetBeans for this:
-- Tor
I think you can only accomplish that with a new plugin, since you need somekind of parsing to define what is what.
Give a look a these tutorials, I haven't read them in details but they seem to show you how to do what you want: