Django Rest Framework - business action specific views? - rest

I have a basic model based view that uses a model serializer:
class ActionItemTextSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
assignee_name = serializers.CharField(source='get_assignee_name')
class Meta:
model = ActionItem
fields = ('id', 'created_by', 'created_date', 'project', 'portfolio', 'name', 'description', 'parent', 'priority', 'status', 'assignee', 'assignee_name', 'wf_get_actions')
#depth = 1
class ActionItemViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = ActionItem.objects.all()
serializer_class = ActionItemTextSerializer
So when I go to /actionitems/ I get a list of them and when I go to /actionitems/5/ I will get details for an individual action item.
My action items can have specific actions associated with them - how do I go about extending all this to have the following:
GET /actionitems/5/assign and get model view for action item with id=5 but with additional data (I can add this via view's serializer I suppose)
PUT /actionitems/5/assign and trigger a view that will update the model data with PUT data and do an additional change to it based on the action key ('assign') passed to it?
Can I somehow extend the ModelViewSet so that it can return different serializer and perform different actions while PUT/POST etc based on the parameter after the /actionitems/5/? Or should I use a different approach here.

Django REST framework allows you to add "actions" to a ViewSet through the #detail_route decorator. You can read more about the decorator in the documentation for ViewSets and it requires the use of the built-in routers.
In order to support multiple request methods (PUT/POST), you are going to need to pass them in through the methods argument to the decorator. So you would be using
#detail_route(methods=['post', 'put'])
You can then route based on the method that is being used by checking request.method on the request that is passed in.


Access form data in multiple actions on same page

I'm trying to access a submitted object from one action in an other action on the same page, while making it available to both actions.
Example: Site /search/ has two plugins embedded:
shows search form
submits form to itself
should get form data from SearchPlugin
Now if I submit the SearchPlugin form data to itself I only have the form data available in the SearchPlugin action, not in the ResultPlugin. If it submit the SearchPlugin form to the ResultPlugin action I only have the data available in the ResultPlugin, not in the SearchPlugin.
I need the data to be available in both plugins/actions on the same site after submitting.
Is this somehow possible?
Built-in Extbase configuration option
You can use view.pluginNamespace to have both plugins use the same HTTP parameter namespace, (e.g. search instead of tx_extension_plugin1/tx_extension_plugin2):
That will make your Extbase actions be able to "share" all parameters. Make sure that all your plugin actions are ready for that.
(Keep in mind though that this "feature" might be deprecated once probably because it adds some architectural burden to efficient resolving of routing configurations. But that is just rumor and I got the idea from here:
Custom solution
You can manually set up parameters for your Extbase actions in an initializeAction:
$pluginContexts = [
// look for a SearchObject in a different (HTTP) plugin namespace
if (!$this->request->hasArgument('searchObject')) {
foreach ($pluginContexts as $pluginContext) {
$foreignPluginContext = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP($pluginContext);
if (isset($foreignPluginContext['searchObject'])) {
$searchObject = $foreignPluginContext['searchObject'];
// if needed do some mapping to object here or validate
$this->request->setArgument('searchObject', $searchObject);

How to implement dynamic creation of permission groups with different set of endpoints Django Rest Framework

In my project I have lot of endpoint views (APIViews, ViewSets). For all of them now I set permissions, some of them are default (e.g. AllowAny) and some are custom created:
permission_classes = (IsUserHaveSomePermission,)
Now I want to implement some flexible system, that will allow me to specify set of allowed endpoints for each user, for example:
On front-end I want to select some user and have a list of checkboxes that correspond to project's endpoints.
This is just an utopian solution, some details may be changed, but the main question is to how make something similar so that admins can basically dynamically change list of allowed endpoints/views for user?
thanks in advance
This solution can be implemented by storing if the user has permission to access the current request method and request path.
Create a new db model for storing the user, request method and request path. Lets say the name of the model is RequestPermission
Instead of the path you can store a constant representing the url so that you have the flexibility of editing the path later on. This constant can be the url name which is supported by django.
class RequestPermission(models.Model):
user = user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='request_permissions')
method = models.CharField(max_length=10)
path_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
create a custom permission class:
class IsUserResuestAllowed(permissions.BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
user = request.user
# you can choose how to get the path_name from the path
path_name = get_path_name(request.path)
return RequestPermission.objects.filter(user=user, method=request.method, path_name=path_name).exists()
Now you can use this class as the default permission class in rest framework settings or use it per view.

Symfony2 Form Rest Api only add to Relation

I am using Symfony2 as Rest Api for a JS Frontend App. I came across a scenario where I want users to "invite" (=add) Users to a Group. But I want to only allow them to add Users to the existing Relation and not "overwrite" the whole relation, which is the standard behaviour in combination with a regular Symfony2 Form.
What would be the best practice to achieve this behaviour?
Additional Comment:
I am using Ember-Data in the frontend and my frontend would probably send a put request with the whole Group including additional users (but not all).
My JSON Payload would look something like this:
"usergroup": {
In this scenario User 1,2,3 and 4 are already members of the group. And instead of replacing 1,2,3,4 with 5,6,7, I want to ADD 5,6,7 to the already existing members.
A LINK request should be used to add an item to an existing collection instead of overwriting it with a POST request.
Using a symfony form you'd post the User (id) plus a hidden field _method with value LINK to something like /groups/{id}.
routing would be something like this:
path: /groups/{id}
defaults: { _controller: YourBundle:Group:inviteUser }
methods: [LINK]
You could use FOSRestBundle's implicit resource name definition, too.
For the method override to work the config setting framework.http_method_override needs to be set to true ( = default value - available since symfony version 2.3).
More information can be found in the documentation chapter:
How to use HTTP Methods beyond GET and POST in Routes

How to get the URI of a resource in Grails?

A very basic question. I want to provide URIs for some objects in my application. For example, a resource is available at:
However, I'd like to serialize such a User object. This serialization should contain the public URI of the object itself. So for example, the model has a new method serializeToSomething, which would serialize:
id: 1
username: JohnDoe
publicURI: http://localhost:8080/myapp/user/1
How can I let the model instance know of its URL?
Some notes:
This has to happen within the scope of the model, controller or service, and not within the view. Also I don't want to hardcode this.
See related question Can I use grails tag outside of GSP?
Basically you can use g.createLink in a controller or service, and it will return a string. So you can do something like:
def uri = g.createLink(controller: 'user', action: 'show', id:, absolute: true)
Personally I ended up serializing 3 things: controller name, action name (typically "show") and id. Then I used these three in g.createLink when displaying deserialized objects in a View.
Sure, this won't work if you need deserialized object for external usage.
You can get the url in a controller using
A similar question has been asked before

Guidance on a better way to retain filtering options when using ASP.NET MVC 2

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application which in part allows a user to filter data and view that data in a JQGrid.
Currently this consists of a controller which initialises my filter model and configures how I wish my grid to be displayed. This information is used by a view and a partial view to display the filter and the grid shell. I use an editor template to display my filter. The JQGrid makes use of a JsonResult controller action (GET) to retrieve the results of the filter (with the addition of the paging offered by the grid - only a single page of data is returned by the GET request. The Uri used by the grid to request data contains the filter model as a RouteValue - and currently contains a string representation of the current state of the filter. A custom IModelBinder is used to convert this representation back into an instance of the filter model class.
The user can change the filter and press a submit button to get different results - this is then picked up by an (HttpPost) ViewResult action which takes the filter model - reconstituted by a further model binder and causes the grid shell to be updated.
So I have:
Represents the user's desired filtering characteristics
FilterModelEditorTemplateSubmissionBinder : DefaultModelBinder - used to convert the request information supplied from a user changing their filtering characteristics into the appropriate FilterModel instance.
FilterModelStringRepresentationBinder : IModelBinder - used to convert the encoded filter from the JQGrid GET request for data so the correct request is made of the service which is ultimately performing the query and returning the relevant data.
ViewResult Index() - constructs a default filter, configures the grid specification and returns the view to render the filter's editor template, and the grid shell.
[HttpPost]ViewResult Filter(FilterModel filter) - takes the new filter characteristics and returns the same view as Index(). Uses FilterModelEditorTemplateSubmissionBinder to bind the filter model.
JsonResult GetData(FilterModel filter, string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) - called from the JQGrid in order to retrieve the data. Uses FilterModelStringRepresentationBinder to bind the filter model.
As a complication, my filter model contains a option to select a single value from a collection of items. This collection is retrieved from a service request and I don't want to keep querying for this data everytime I show the filter, currently I get it if the property is null, and then include the options hidden in the editor template and encoding in the string representation. These options are then reconstituted by the relevant model binder.
Although this approach works I can't help but feel that I am having to basically reinvent viewstate in order to maintain my filter and the included options. As I am new to ASP.NET MVC but am very happy with classic ASP and ASP.NET Web Forms I thought I'd throw this out there for comment and guidance as to find a way which more closely fits with the MVC pattern.
It seems to me that the best way in to divide some actions which provide pure data for the jqGrid from other controller action. Such jqGrid-oriented actions can have prototype like:
JsonResult GetData(string filter, string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows)
I personally prefer to implement this part as WCF service and to have this WCF service as a part of the same ASP.NET site. In general it's much more the matter of taste and depends on your other project requirements.
This part of you ASP.NET site could implement users authentication which you need and can be tested with unit tests exactly like other actions of your controllers.
The views of the ASP.NET MVC site can have empty data for jqGrids, and have only correct URLs and probably generate the HTML code depends on the users permission in the site. Every page will fill the data of jqGrids with respect of the corresponds requests to the server (request to the corresponding GetData action).
You can use HTTP GET for the data for the best data caching. The caching of data is the subject of a separate discussion. If you do this, you should use prmNames: { nd:null } in the definition of jqGrid to remove unique nd parameter with the timestamp added per default to every GET request. To have full control of the data caching on the server side you can for example add in HTTP headers of the server responses both "Cache-Control" set to "max-age=0" and "ETag" header with the value calculated based of the data returned in the response. You should test whether the request from the client has "If-None-Match" HTTP header with the value of "ETag" coresponds the data cached on the client. Then you should verify whether the current data on the server (in the database) are changed and, if there are not changed, generate a response with an empty body (set SuppressEntityBody to true) and return "304 Not Modified" status code (HttpStatusCode.NotModified) instead of default "200 OK". A more detail explanation is much more longer.
If you don't want optimize you site for caching of HTTP GET data for jqGrids you can either use HTTP POST or don't use prmNames: { nd:null } parameter.
The code inside of JsonResult GetData(string filter, string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) is not very short of cause. You should deserialise JSON data from the filter string and then construct the request to the data model depends on the method of the data access which you use (LINQ to SQL, Entity Model or SqlCommand with SqlDataReader). Because you have this part already implemented it has no sense to discuss this part.
Probably the main part of my suggestion is the usage of clear separation of controller actions which provide the data for all your jqGrids and the usage of MVC views with empty data (having only <table id="list"></table><div id="pager"></div>). You should also has no doubt with having a relative long code for analyzing of filters which come from the Advance Searching feature of the jqGrid and generating or the corresponding requests to your data model. Just implement it one time. In my implementation the code in also relatively complex, but it is already written one time, it works and it can be used for all new jqGrids.
I made this once, very simple.
pseudo code:
public ActionResult getList(int? id){
return PartialView("Index", new ListViewModel(id??0))
public class ListViewModel{
//ObjectAmountPerPage is the amount of object you want per page, you can modify this as //parameter so the user
//can choose the amount
public int ObjectAmountPerPage = 20 //you can make this into a variable of any sort, db/configfile/parameter
public List<YourObjectName> ObjectList;
public int CurrentPage;
public ListViewModel(id){
Currentpage = id;
using (MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext()){
ObjectList = db.YourObjectName.OrderBy(object=>object.somefield).getListFromStartIndexToEndIndex(id*ObjectAmountPerPage ,(id*ObjectAmountPerPage) +20).toList();
Now Create A RenderPartial:
<#page inherit="IEnumerable<ListViewMode>">
<%foreach(YourObjectName object in Model.ObjectList){%>
Create a table with your fields
And create a view that implements your Jquery, other components+your partialView
(/controller/getlist/$("#nextpage").val(),function(data){$("#yourlist").html = data});
<div id="yourlist">
<%=Html.RenderPartial("YourPartialView", new ListViewModel())%>
<something id="nextpage" value"<%=Model.CurentPage+1%>">next page</something>
I hope this helps, this is according to the MVC- mv-mv-c principle ;)
Model-View -(modelview) - control