some files are suddenly disapear from eclipse folder - eclipse

I downloaded eclipse and then extracted it and copy it to another drive I use it for the first time. It has all file and folder.
after that I delete it and try to copy it again. but this time some files doesn't exist.
here is the picture of files:

Try to redownload it from and reunpack it.


Netbeans ignoring upload relative file path

Netbeans has stopped uploading files using the relative file structure. No matter what I upload path settings I enter, it uploads only to the server root. How can I fix this?
The problem is just for one project; other projects using the same configuration are okay.
I compared the files in nbproject with a working project and there are no differences.
I changed the "upload directory" but it doesn't change where the file gets uploaded to
I deleted the project and
created it anew.
It seems to be simply ignoring the config.
On my local computer, the path is:
/Source Files
/Include Path
/Remote Files
When I upload, it saves the file to
but it should save it to
Netbeans 12.0,
Windows 10
Any ideas for getting it to upload using the relative path?
SOLUTION: change the Sources folder in Project Properties.
From the Netbeans File menu > Project properties > under Categories select "Sources". Next to "Source folder:" click BROWSE. Navigate to the folder, higher or lower, in the local directory structure which matches the directory structure on the server > OK.
Upload the file and check the server to see where it was saved. Rinse, lather and repeat as necessary.

XCode - copying localy all external files linked into the project

When I made my project, I've added many files just by link, without copying them into the project folder. But now, I'd like to have a pack that include all the necessary files into the project folder.
How can I make all those external files being copied into the project folder without having to check them one by one ?
Delete all the files from your project.
Geather all the files you want to copy.
Drag them all together to your project again, and now check the "Copy item to the destination folder"
I believe this is the fastest way to do this.

How to rename the folder name in xcode project with out corrupting the files

In my xcode project i have created a folder manually named "MyClasses" to place the newly added files/classes to this folder.
Now i have nearly 30 classes in this folder.
when i renamed this folder , all the files in this folder are gets Erased.
Now i need to rename the folder to "ViewControllerClasses".
But i lost 30 .h, .m, xib files. [lucky i have a copy & and zip file]
How to rename the folder with out corrupting the files.
Renamed it to myviewcontrollerclasswes
When i renamed
Two Solutions
Method_1. Try Manual editing:
« Drag your MedChart.xcodeproj to TextWrangler (or any text editor)
« Use find button to find "FolderName" (Your folder name)
« Replace all with new name.
« In some project you may notice header search path problem...goto header search path and replace with new name.
Method_2. Use Xcode to choose base folder:
Rename folder in finder then use Xcode to choose same folder.
NOTE as of 2017:
Now Xcode 9 synchronises the folder and the project hierarchy automatically.
NOTE as of 2013:
Duplicate and rename Xcode project & associated folders
The "folders" what you see in XCode under your project file are not real folders in the file system, only virtual folders administered in the .xcodeproj file. You can organize your files in the project folder independently from their location in the file system. Some prefers to map the file system folder structure inside the project folder structure, some others store all source files in one big folder in the file system and organize them only in the project folders: it's rather a question of preference.
However if you rename/move physically the files in the file system, you will have to delete and re-add them to your project since XCode will not know where to find them. Pay attention not to delete them physically only remove them from XCode project, then re-add them and reorganize as you want.
One more thing to note: if you are using version control system you will have to inform also its client (svn or git most likely) that you have renamed/moved your files. If you want to keep file revision history it will be a good idea to issue the copy/move command explicitly to the version control otherwise it will treat your files as deleted from the old location and added as new in the new location.
In case anyone is still having trouble with this:
Select the folder or file in the left-side bar of XCode corresponding to the folder you want to rename (for me I renamed the folder containing all my files so I selected the topmost folder)
On the right-side bar, below where it says 'Location', click the folder icon.
In the file explorer that opens up rename the existing folder to whatever name you'd like it to be, then afterwards select it and press 'Ok'.
XCode should update the file locations accordingly.
Keep in mind that if you rename something which contains a file that is hard-coded as a certain path in your build settings, XCode will throw an error. You'll have to manually change those paths in your build settings.
This worked for me, hope it works for you too.
You should just run a search and replace on the project file (if you are working with version control and with other developers you will have seen this file a lot without a doubt), it's the project.pbxproj file located inside the xxxxxxxx.xcodeproj file.
Just right click (Control + Click) on the file and select "Show Package Contents" to find the xcodeproj file.
I still find it easier than all these methods to simply create a new folder in your file navigator and then drag your files from the other folder into it. Sometimes the simplest way is the best way. It literally takes me 10 seconds and I don't need to leave Xcode.

File couldn't be copied to Project

I have just started making a test app , here is what happened.
I copied some files in to my project.
deleted them, as reference only.
I tried to add them again,
and i get the following error
" randomfile.h couldn't be copied to TestApp because an item with same name already exists "
randomfile.h is the file i am trying to add and TestApp is the project name.
How can i add the same file again?
Un-select the "Copy items into destination if needed" checkbox. Are you adding the file from and to the same folder? If it's from a different folder, then you need to rename or delete the one that you had before.
It worked, but i don't understand why this happened, can you explain
in detail?
You deleted the items by reference only, that means that you only deleted the projects reference to it, essentially, removing it from the project, but not deleting it from disk. So the file is still on your hard drive in your project files directory. Trying to copy another instance of it will be like trying to copy 2 files with the same name into the same directory, thus you get the "because an item with same name already exists" error
However, this doesn't work if you delete folders. Here are steps to reproduce:
Add a folder called "images".
In that folder, add a folder called "test".
Put a couple of files in the test folder.
Delete the test folder. Select "move to trash" (as opposed to delete references).
Try to add a "test" folder into the images folder by dragging in from finder.
Error by OP appears - xcode does not delete folders (or subfolders) when you select the move to trash option, even when you have that folder selected. You have to manually remove the folders from finder.
Go to project directory to find and delete the file that has the same name as the one you were trying to copy to project

Retrieve/Recover deleted Netbeans project

I was just working on my Netbeans project and accidentally deleted it and don't know how to recover it.
Is there a tmp folder that the deleted project is stored in.
Or am I forever doomed?
Do not panic. Its very easy. Follow the steps:
Right click on the folder/directory that the files had been deleted.
Choose Local History – Restore Deleted
If you accidentally delete a folder on Netbean, the way to recover it is as follows. You can't revert deleted folders but you can revert deleted files. Follow these steps.
Recreate the folder you deleted in your Netbean project. (You may not be able to create the folder within Netbean, in that case you can use mkdir command to create the folder )
Right click that folder in Netbeans and go to History -> revert deleted (you should see a list of deleted files that relate to that particular folder.
Repeat for each folder and sub-folder
Note: I do not know if this works on windows, I know it worked for me on Linux. I also don't know if this works after you have closed Netbeans.
hope it helps someone.
You have a problem of package/directory/file deleted in netbeans?
Don't panic it is simple just:
open your netbeans IDE
go to projects
go to the package where your project folder was
right click on it
go to local history, then go to revert deleted
it is done. Wait a moment!
I think it will help you.
Enjoy your code please.
saved me countless times when I first started with Visual C# opening the IDE and making mini programs without saving. All your files are stored in a temporary folder and exiting Visual C# wipes them. Just do a recuva scan and sort files found by modification time. Deleted files are recoverable, overwritten files however are a different story, so run the program as soon as possible.
Actually, easier then trying to load a project that does not exist in the project explorer of netbeans.
If you still have the files locally, just choose Open Project and your lost project will be restored to the Project explorer of netbeans.
I don't know if there is a temp folder. Windows search engine doesn't work to find it. If you delete the source file by using safely delete;
On Netbeans Refactor-Undo[Safely Delete] option can be used to recover...