XCode - copying localy all external files linked into the project - iphone

When I made my project, I've added many files just by link, without copying them into the project folder. But now, I'd like to have a pack that include all the necessary files into the project folder.
How can I make all those external files being copied into the project folder without having to check them one by one ?

Delete all the files from your project.
Geather all the files you want to copy.
Drag them all together to your project again, and now check the "Copy item to the destination folder"
I believe this is the fastest way to do this.


In ABL Web App project, which files should be tracked in a source control?

So we're just starting with a new ABL web app with 11.6 in developer studio.
For now all files in the project structure have been added to the repository. We're already ignoring all rcode, but I wonder what else can be left aside.
Our current project has the following folders:
Any thoughts?
Make sure that your Progress temp-files (-T startup parameter) are outside of the project folder. Ignore crash post mortem files (procore* and protrace*).
Include .project, .propath and typically I'd include .dbconnection as well - assuming the team uses identical DB connection names here.
Everything else should IMHO be under SCM.
The procedure libraries don't need to be in source control. PASOE Content is created along with the project, so you only need to save the files you change. And obviously any folders where you create source code should be in source control, so save the Src folder and subfolders.

How to rename the folder name in xcode project with out corrupting the files

In my xcode project i have created a folder manually named "MyClasses" to place the newly added files/classes to this folder.
Now i have nearly 30 classes in this folder.
when i renamed this folder , all the files in this folder are gets Erased.
Now i need to rename the folder to "ViewControllerClasses".
But i lost 30 .h, .m, xib files. [lucky i have a copy & and zip file]
How to rename the folder with out corrupting the files.
Renamed it to myviewcontrollerclasswes
When i renamed
Two Solutions
Method_1. Try Manual editing:
« Drag your MedChart.xcodeproj to TextWrangler (or any text editor)
« Use find button to find "FolderName" (Your folder name)
« Replace all with new name.
« In some project you may notice header search path problem...goto header search path and replace with new name.
Method_2. Use Xcode to choose base folder:
Rename folder in finder then use Xcode to choose same folder.
NOTE as of 2017:
Now Xcode 9 synchronises the folder and the project hierarchy automatically.
NOTE as of 2013:
Duplicate and rename Xcode project & associated folders
The "folders" what you see in XCode under your project file are not real folders in the file system, only virtual folders administered in the .xcodeproj file. You can organize your files in the project folder independently from their location in the file system. Some prefers to map the file system folder structure inside the project folder structure, some others store all source files in one big folder in the file system and organize them only in the project folders: it's rather a question of preference.
However if you rename/move physically the files in the file system, you will have to delete and re-add them to your project since XCode will not know where to find them. Pay attention not to delete them physically only remove them from XCode project, then re-add them and reorganize as you want.
One more thing to note: if you are using version control system you will have to inform also its client (svn or git most likely) that you have renamed/moved your files. If you want to keep file revision history it will be a good idea to issue the copy/move command explicitly to the version control otherwise it will treat your files as deleted from the old location and added as new in the new location.
In case anyone is still having trouble with this:
Select the folder or file in the left-side bar of XCode corresponding to the folder you want to rename (for me I renamed the folder containing all my files so I selected the topmost folder)
On the right-side bar, below where it says 'Location', click the folder icon.
In the file explorer that opens up rename the existing folder to whatever name you'd like it to be, then afterwards select it and press 'Ok'.
XCode should update the file locations accordingly.
Keep in mind that if you rename something which contains a file that is hard-coded as a certain path in your build settings, XCode will throw an error. You'll have to manually change those paths in your build settings.
This worked for me, hope it works for you too.
You should just run a search and replace on the project file (if you are working with version control and with other developers you will have seen this file a lot without a doubt), it's the project.pbxproj file located inside the xxxxxxxx.xcodeproj file.
Just right click (Control + Click) on the file and select "Show Package Contents" to find the xcodeproj file.
I still find it easier than all these methods to simply create a new folder in your file navigator and then drag your files from the other folder into it. Sometimes the simplest way is the best way. It literally takes me 10 seconds and I don't need to leave Xcode.

Eclipse: Linking source located in multiple subfolders of given folder

I need to add external source code into my Eclipse project.
Project Properties>Java Build Path>"Link Source..." seems to be appropriate.
But it is necessary to add all the "source" folders of the folder that I link. It is a very complicated Folder structure, where "source" folders are located in different parent folders, but form the entire source code together.
I just hate the idea to manually navigate to every folder and add it. "Inclusion patterns" feature in eclipse seems to be suitable for the task, but I can't get its syntax and how to specify inclusion to add all "source" subfolders.

Eclipse: How to add an existing source folder?

I have a directory called c:\RemoteSrc . Under this there are 3 directories which are currently source folders (I think? the icon is an open folder with a little orange grid in it) in my Eclipse project. I have dropped a new directory under c:\RemoteSrc which I also want to add to my project.
If I right click on my project and go "Build Path..." -> "Link Source" and try to add it it tells me "Folder already exists with a different case". Yes i KNOW that the folder already exists THATS WHY IM TRYING TO ADD IT.
I think all you need to do is refresh the project. Eclipse does not automatically pick up folders (or files) dropped into it's project directory.
A screen capture might help, but if the GUI is un-cooperative, you can:
close Eclipse
open the .classpath file which defines your project (it may be located in your workspace)
see if you can define a new classpathentry of kind "src": this is not the easy method, but that may give you an idea why the GUI refuses to define the same entry.
For Linked Sources, you should have something like the following in your .classpath
<classpathentry kind="src" path="module_name"/>
With a corresponding matching entry (within <linkedResources>)in your .project
NOTE: Removing a linked project doesn't necessarily remove it from the project.
No need to close Eclipse.
Open .project file using Notepad++, find link to the existing source/folder and delete it. Save the file.
Refresh the project in Eclipse.
Now you should be able to link it again.
I had a problem where I had created a /src directory in my working directory and then wanted to link another directory with additional files to import. The "existing directory" turned out to be because the directory I was trying to link was also called "/src", even though the path was different. I guess Eclipse can't have two /src directories in the same project, similar to trying to mount two file systems at the same node. I rearranged the directories so there was only one /src, and all was well.
There were conflicts when I tried to update my project which resulted in creation of multiple .classpath files.. SO removing the copies and reverting the latest .classpath file and then refreshing/rebuilding project ,solved the issue for me.
Hope it helps!
Sometimes the simple refresh (Greg Adamski's answer) does not work, e.g. because the source folder is not in the src-directory (in my case, I had to reference Swagger auto-generated code which was located deep in the target/.... directory after a Maven Build).
In this case, right click the project, open the 'Build Path' -->'Configure Build Path' dialogue, select the 'Source' tab and select your additional source folder via the 'Add Folder' button.

setting source classpath in eclipse with stupid project structure

What do you guys do, when you have huge project built with ant for instance, where the source folders are right bellow the root project folder, for building classpath from source files ?
Putting entire project as a source folder is nonsense.
Putting separate folders as source folders can't be done if they are part of the package hierarchy and the only thing I could think of, is to copy the source folders into a separate folder and add it then as source folder which is weird but I don't know how else to do it.
Having to duplicate sources just because of the eclipse way of making classpath and also because of somebody doing stupid project structure
It's really pain in the ass...because the ant scripts are written for this structure.
Even if it was just one folder, it's a problem anyway. There must be included the upper folder to the source classpath which means it is included with all the crap around and also it means that package explorer is flooded with the packages.
Instead of /project/src/java/utils where we can put src folder into source classpath...
there is project/java/utils + lot of crap like /project/docs is in the project as well.
The trick is:
An Eclipse project root directory is defined by where the .project and .classpath are.
Two options here:
Those Eclipse project files are located in the workspace (and the 'project', the one with 'java/utils' inside, is not)
Then you can make a linked folder within the Eclipse project to reference 'project', calling that linked folder as 'src', using it as your source folder.
The ant script remains right where it originally is (in the 'project' directory, along with all the other sub-directories)
Those Eclipse project files are located directly within the 'project' directory (along with 'java' and 'docs': don't.
Delete that Eclipse project (not its content, only its definition, that will only remove the .eclipse and the .classpath), and recreate anywhere else.
Then go back to 1.
For each source folder in eclipse you can choose which subfolders of it you want to include or exclude as a source folder (you can also use patterns). If I understand correctly, in your situation you can add the project root folder as a source folder and include only those folders that contain source. So in your example only "java" would be included.