Unable to cast object of type Entity to Type ActivityParty - plugins

Im working with a custom plugin for CRM online 2015 and every time I try to access the activityparty from the field "Email.To" I get
"base {System.SystemException} = {"Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity' to type ...ActivityParty'."}"
Here is how my code looks like:
public class PreCreate : Plugin
public PreCreate()
: base(typeof(PreCreate))
base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>(20, "Create", "email", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(ExecutePreEntityCreate)));
public void ExecutePreEntityCreate(LocalPluginContext localContext)
var target = (Entity)localContext.PluginExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"];
using (var context = new XrmServiceContext(localContext.OrganizationService))
var email = target.ToEntity<Email>(); //The entity has the right values
var activityPartyList=email.To // here I see the exception
//If I use the following code:
var activityParty = email.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>("to");
//I get an empty ActivityParty(empty Id)
Do I have to do some initialization for activityparty types?

There is no issue with the code, the field Email.To will return a EntityCollection and to obtain that you need to use:
var entityCollection = email.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>("to");
This will give you a collection of entities that need to be converted to ActivityParty(entityCollection.Entities).
To convert the Entities you need to:
foreach (var entityItem in entityCollection.Entities)
var ap = entityItem.ToEntity<ActivityParty>();
//Here you will get the LogicalName in this case Lead
// the Id and the name
var leadId = ap.PartyId.Id;
//To get the Lead
var lead=context.LeadSet.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Id == leadId);


Using Dynamic LINQ with EF.Functions.Like

On the Dynamic LINQ website there's an example using the Like function.
I am unable to get it to work with ef core 3.1
public void DynamicQuery()
using var context = new SamDBContext(Builder.Options);
var config = new ParsingConfig { ResolveTypesBySimpleName = true };
var lst = context.Contacts.Where(config, "DynamicFunctions.Like(FirstName, \"%Ann%\")".ToList();
Example from the Dynamic LINQ website
var example1 = Cars.Where(c => EF.Functions.Like(c.Brand, "%t%"));
var config = new ParsingConfig { ResolveTypesBySimpleName = true };
var example2 = Cars.Where(config, "DynamicFunctions.Like(Brand, \"%t%\")");
Looks like my code. But I am getting the following error
System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.Exceptions.ParseException : No property or field 'DynamicFunctions' exists in type 'Contact'
you don't need the ResolveTypesBySimpleName, implement your wont type provider.
The piece below people to use PostgreSQL ILike with unnaccent
public class LinqCustomProvider : DefaultDynamicLinqCustomTypeProvider
public override HashSet<Type> GetCustomTypes()
var result = base.GetCustomTypes();
return result;
// ....
var expressionString = $"EF.Functions.ILike(EF.Functions.Unaccent(People.Name), \"%{value}%\")";
var config = new ParsingConfig()
DateTimeIsParsedAsUTC = true,
CustomTypeProvider = new LinqCustomProvider()
return query.Where(config, expressionString);
Hope this helps people, took me some time to get this sorted.

MongoDB C# Combining Fields

The Plan:
So now what I basically want is to take my propertys out of the class, let the user pick some and then pull a List with ONLY those propertys out of MongoDB.
The Code:
here is where the method starts:
private void DoStuffExecute(object obj)
Class class= new Class();
if (propList != null)
var result = classService.DoStuff(propList);
in "ExtractClass()" the Propertys are being pulled out of the Class.
void ExtractClass(object obj)
foreach (var item in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
and finally in "classService.DoStuff()" i try to set the "fields".
public List<class> DoStuff(List<string> Props)
var filter = Builders<class>.Filter.Empty;
var fields = Builders<class>.Projection.Include(x => x.ID);
foreach (var item in Props)
string str = "x.";
str += item.ToString();
fields = Builders<class>.Projection.Include(x => str);
fields = Builders<class>.Projection.Include(x => item);
var result = MongoConnectionHandler.MongoCollection.Find(filter).Project<class>(fields).ToList();
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
var result = new List<class>();
return result;
when i run the programm it gives me an "Unable to determine the serialization information for x=> value"... since im giving it a string.
The Question:
Does anyone have an Idea how to repair the code above or even make the plan work in another way?
thank you.
First of all: you are using such code lines as : var filter = Builders<class>.Filter.Empty; It is not possible, because class is a reserved keyword in c# (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x53a06bb.aspx) I assume, it's your Model, and i will speak about it as about Model class.
Include Filter needs Expression as a parameter, not a string, you should construct is as a expression. That's the second thing. Third, you should combine your includes as a chain, So your part of creating Include Filter from string List should look like:
var filter = Builders<Model>.Filter.Empty;
var fields = Builders<Model>.Projection.Include(x => x.Id);
foreach (var item in Props)
var par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Model));
var prop = Expression.Property(par, item);
var cast = Expression.Convert(prop, typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(cast, par);
fields = fields.Include((Expression<Func<Model, object>>)lambda);
I have all expresiions separate for better understanding: first you create Parameter (x=>), than you add property (x=>x.Property1), than you should cast it to object, and after all create Lambda Expression from it.
And now the last part: You don't need all of it, Include function could get jsut a string as a parameter. So you could instead of all expression call write this:
fields = fields.Include(item);

How to setup Moq with Callbacks?

Ok, I have started to look at Moq, so this is a noob question.
I have followed the quick guide, and I am trying to setup a callback to return a specific model:
void Main()
var resultData = new MyModel();
var mock = new Mock<IMyClass>();
mock.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<string>()))
.Returns(new MyModel { Name = "Test" })
.Callback<MyModel>((data) =>
resultData = data;
var parameter = "123";
var result = mock.Object.Register(parameter);
public interface IMyClass
MyModel Register(string code);
public class MyModel
public string Name { get; set; }
I get this exception on the call:
ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted
to type 'UserQuery+MyModel'.
What am I doing wrong?
The T in the Callback<T> method should match the parameter type of the method being Setup. In other words, Moq is letting you set a callback method with the same parameters as the method being mocked.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do here. If you're just trying to save the return MyModel object from your mocked method, do this:
var returnedModel = new MyModel { Name = "Test" };
mock.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<string>()))
If you're trying to create a MyModel with the given string parameter, do this:
mock.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<string>()))
.Returns((string data) => new MyModel { Name = data });

Merge Self-tracking entities

Graph of objects stored in the database and the same object graph is serialized into a binary package. Package is transmitted over the network to the client, then it is necessary to merge data from the package and data from the database.
Source code of merge:
//objList - data from package
var objectIds = objList.Select(row => row.ObjectId).ToArray();
//result - data from Database
var result = SomeService.Instance.LoadObjects(objectIds);
foreach (var OSobj in objList)
var obj = result.Objects.ContainsKey(OSobj.ObjectId)
? result.Objects[OSobj.ObjectId]
: result.Objects.CreateNew(OSobj.ObjectId);
var targetObject = result.DataObjects.Where(x => x.ObjectId == OSobj.ObjectId).FirstOrDefault();
var importedProperties = ImportProperties(targetObject.Properties, OSobj.Properties);
foreach (var property in importedProperties)
return result;
And code of ImportProperties method:
static List<Properties> ImportProperties(
IEnumerable<Properties> targetProperties,
IEnumerable<Properties> sourceProperties)
Func<Guid, bool> hasElement = targetProperties
.ToDictionary(e => e.PropertyId, e => e)
var tempTargetProperties = new List<Properties>();
foreach (var sourceProperty in sourceProperties)
if (!hasElement(sourceProperty.PropertyId))
return tempTargetProperties;
Server save incoming changes like this :
_context.ApplyChanges("OSEntities.Objects", entity);
When the server tries to save the changes occur exception:
AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager. Make sure that the key values are unique before calling AcceptChanges.
But if I change the code of ImportProperties method, the error does not occur and the changes are saved successfully:
static List<Properties> ImportProperties(
IEnumerable<Properties> targetProperties,
IEnumerable<Properties> sourceProperties)
Func<Guid, bool> hasElement = targetProperties.ToDictionary(e => e.PropertyId, e => e).ContainsKey;
var tempTargetProperties = new List<Properties>();
foreach (var sourceProperty in sourceProperties)
if (!hasElement(sourceProperty.PropertyId))
var newProp = new Properties
ElementId = sourceProperty.ElementId,
Name = sourceProperty.Name,
ObjectId = sourceProperty.ObjectId,
PropertyId = sourceProperty.PropertyId,
Value = sourceProperty.Value
var modifiedProp = new Properties
ElementId = sourceProperty.ElementId,
Name = sourceProperty.Name,
ObjectId = sourceProperty.ObjectId,
PropertyId = sourceProperty.PropertyId,
Value = sourceProperty.Value
return tempTargetProperties;
Why is there an exception?
When you transport an object graph (Entity with n-level deep navigation properties) to a client application the entities will record any changes made in their respective change trackers. When entity (or object graph) is sent back to the server side of the application basically all you need to do is:
using(Entities context = new Entities())
I don't see the need of all the code above you posted. What are you trying to achieve with that code?

Using RedirectToAction with custom type parameter

asp.net mvc 2
I have this action in Identity controller
public ActionResult Details(string id, MessageUi message)
And I'm trying to redirect to this action from another controller, but I don't know how should I pass the message parameter
I was trying with
var id = "someidvalue"
var message = new MessageUi("somevalue");
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Identity", new { id, message});
but message parameter is null
That's normal. You cannot pass complex objects in urls when redirecting and that's the reason why the MessageUi object is not received. Only scalar properties which will be translated into &-separated key/value pairs in the url.
One possibility would be to pass all the simple properties of this object so that the default model binder can reconstruct it at the target location:
var id = "someidvalue"
var message = new MessageUi("somevalue");
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Identity", new {
id = id,
MessageProp1 = message.MessageProp1,
MessageProp2 = message.MessageProp2,
MessageProp3 = message.MessageProp3,
You could also pass only a message id:
var id = "someidvalue";
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Identity", new {
id = id,
messageId = "somevalue"
and have the message object being reconstructed in the details action using this id:
public ActionResult Details(string id, string messageId)
var message = new MessageUi(messageId);
and this job could be greatly done by a custom model binder for the MessageUi type.
Another possibility would be to use TempData or Session:
var id = "someidvalue";
TempData["message"] = new MessageUi("somevalue");
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Identity", new { id });
and then inside the Details action:
var message = TempData["message"] as MessageUi;