Scala singleton as instance of another class - scala

I have a singleton object, that handles database stuff for my application, but I would like to have a similiar class to be used during testing, so that I can have many smaller test databases that dont interfere with each other. I could just drop the singleton and just create a new instance of the database class at startup, but that would mean I'd have to pass around this instance to everywhere where database actions are needed and I dont want that.
I could make a singleton that would work as an interface to a single instance of the database class. Someting like this:
object DB{
val db = new Database()
def set(a:Int,b:Int) = db.set(a,b)
def get(a:Int) = db.get(a)
This just feels sort of stupid and pointless, especially when the database class is fairly big and I'd have to do that to all of the methods. Is there a better way to solve this problem?

The best way to accomplish that would be with a cake pattern, but you would have to indeed extend all the methods in your DB class.
In order to do that I would follow this article:
After you have created the cake pattern, you just have to have one trait that implements the "other DB" used for tests only on test source code. And, of course, the trait the implements the "real DB" on the main source code.

Seems to me that your problem involves having multiple, different intances of a class, and being able to access them as a single object. For clarity, note that this things are kind of contradictory.
Hence, you need composition to have a reference to whatever actual instance you want to use. Then either you expose this instance directly (DB.instance.doSomething()) or take the effort of forwarding the API as you mention.
Seems to me you are not comfortable with either of these. If the syntax DB.instance bothers you, you can always put this instance in a package object and use it directly. You can also import DB._ to have direct access to the instance variable.


How to implement a KryoSerializer for an interface where all implementing classes are private?

I'm trying to write a class to implement KryoSerializer so that I can serialize objects for use with Spark. The issue I'm having is that while all of the classes implement a public interface, all of the implementing classes are private. Kryo doesn't seem to want to allow me to define a serializer for either a private out-of-package class or an interface.
The way this issue manifests is that when I attempt to define the KryoSerializer class, I get an error that class [implementation] in package graph cannot be accessed in package [same package].
What I'm hoping someone can help with, is a strategy for solving this issue.
I understand the reasons why Kryo wants to serialize and deserialize concrete objects. But, in this case, since I am defining my own KryoSerializer anyway, it actually would make more sense to define serialization for the interface. Is there a way to trick Kryo into doing the right thing?
(The reason this will work, is that there is a related Object that has functions to take an instance with the interface and write or read from a stream. My serializer would essentially wrap those functions while adding some serialization format version information.)
One possibility I thought of is the reflection trick. When deserializing a class with private/final members, we sometimes use reflection to make the private member accessible and writable, set the value, then set it back to private/final. I'm not sure if its possible to do that for a private class in another packager, but even if it is, it seems rather ugly and inefficient.
Another possibility would be to define new classes that extend the private classes, along with a set of implicits to convert among them. That would also be rather ugly though, for a few reasons, and there are quite a few private classes at issue.
Can anyone suggest an approach? Advise regarding pitfalls I should avoid?

In Swift OOP design, how do I arrange a commonly-used class?

I am new to Swift and OOP. For example, I have a class that manages the system-wide configurations.
class system_conf {
This class should have only one instance and many other classes will use it. What's the recommended way for this case?
Should I pass around this instance?
Should I consider to use Singleton?
Should I use static functions directly?
Should I create a global instance, so every other class can access it directly?
It seems your class is a configuration class. If you intend to pass it to a bunch of classes, you should wonder if you need to write unit tests for them.
If so, assuming you are either using a singleton or static methods or a global var, take a moment to think about how you would mock this configuration class for each of your tests. It's not easy, is it?
If your class is a kind of mediator, a global var or static methods are fine (or any other alternative you suggested). However, in your case, it would be better to pass your object in any initializer/constructor of each class using it. Then, testing would definitely be easier. Also, passing it via an interface is even better: you can mock it super easily (mock up libraries mostly work with interfaces only).
So there is no unique answer to your question. It is just a matter of compromises and scaling. If your app is small, any of the method you listed above is perfectly fine. However, if you app tends to get bigger, a proxy solution would be better for maintainability and testability.
If you fancy reading, you should glance at this article from Misko Hevery, especially this chapter.

Calling methods on objects from 'opposite ends' of a program

I have been developing my skills at creating large object orientated programs (30+ classes).
I am trying to make my code as clean as possible after reading a fantastic book called clean code.
One problem I am having is to do with calling a method on an object from "across the program"
Say I have 5 classes.
an instance of ClassA contains an instance of ClassB, which in turn contains an instance of classC, so
`ClassA > ClassB > ClassC`
I'm not saying that this is the inheritance chain, rather that in the constructor of classA an instance of ClassB is created and so on.
Now, say that ClassD > ClassE in a similar way. ClassD is instansiated with an instance variable containing an instance of ClassE.
This is all well and good, and the classes are small and only handle one job, and it all seems nice and clean.
However, say that at some point in the program I need the instance of classC to call a method on the instance of ClassE.
The two objects are on 'opposite sides of the program' so to speak. Yet the method call is necessary.
I am left with three options as I see it
make the instance of classE a global variable, so that classD AND classC can access it (as well as anything else in the program). I feel like this is bad form as global variables are generally considered bad news
Create the instance of ClassE at the top level, then pass it in as an argument to the constructors of ClassA, ClassB, and ClassC. The trouble with this is that I would end up with really long constructor argument lists if this is happening more than once, and it seems like lots of work to pass ojects down chains of constructors like this
Move the object of ClassE to be instantiated by ClassC. The trouble with that is that its more strongly coupled with ClassD and only needs to be called once in the entire running of the program by ClassC.
So what do I do in situations such as these? And are there any resources I can read about this. I know that I could use the observer pattern for situations similar to this, but when its just for one method call it seems excessive, as I would be making things observable all over the program. I want my code as clean as possible!
Thanks in advance :)
Three words: Single Responsibility Principle. If you worry that your class has too many constructor arguments it's probably because this class needs to deal with too many different things. If you keep classes focused, they will be small.
You correctly indicate the coupling problem in the third solution you've described. The coupling problem is also present in the first solution (depending on a global variable is even harder to find/diagnose later). So the second option seems to be the best - as long as you refactor the code to keep your classes simple.
You could read up on Law of Demeter (Short explanation on wikipedia: or a longer but very well written example
Depending on the context / content of your example you could for instance: Build your Class D as a wrapper to your class E (or similar facade / adapter). Meaning if your class c sometimes needs to talk to an E instance it does so via it's class D instance.
Another way to go would be to provide a reference to a class E instance to those objects that need one.
If all your objects are talking to the same instance of E you could also think about the singleton pattern where there is only one instance of a class. But this instance is more or less globally available.
Give a bit more context info and we can develop this further.
EDIT: btw. a funny explanation of lad of demeter can be found here:
EDIT Nr.2 (your comment): ad. 1.) Maybe you can implement your class D in a way that reliefs your other classes of ever talking directly to an E object. Instead they ask their D instance to do something (not knowing that D delegates the call to E). Depending on what you are trying to do this might be an option for you.
ad. Singleton.) Yes and No. The Singleton main use is that it guarantees (if implemented correctly) that only one instance of the singleton object exists. If you are talking about config settings this might not be a requirement. You are right however that basically the thing is kind of a global variable with all it's downsides. Your object D sounds as if it's immutable in a sense that it does not change it's state while your program is running so maybe the problem is not that you create a complex dynamic behaviour but that you create too many dependencies.
Just another link/principle to get you thinking:
What is Inversion of Control?

Are static classes and methods bad? Global variables frowned upon?

I have an application that has database connectivity and although there are obviously objects that correspond to data in my database, I find that all my data processing methods could be static as there is no real need for an instance of the object as my classes simply operate on the data and spit something out, no need to store anything outside the method's scope. If I can make a method or class static should I?
Also I use a utility singleton class for common (single instance) "global data". I want to have a good design, but are these frowned upon?
Let me give you an example of what I'm doing. I load some data from my database using a static method to place it into a global varaiable in my Singleton class (a list of a custom object)
So my singleton class has something like
List<MyCustomObject> SomeList
and my static class has
static void LoadData()
foreach(data in database something or other)
So the code above might load in some records from the database into SomeList, where each item in SomeList is of type MyCustomObject, which contains a single record of information.
Is this good implementation? Is this how you would code it?
Then in my presentation layer I would make calls to another static class of methods to get data from the singleton class in to a format required.
It doesn't feel very OOPey. But I can't really think how to do it another way you do it.
Allow me to direct you toward an excellent article on this topic: Singletons are Pathological Liars.
The problem is that the need to call your LoadData() function isn't self-evident. Compare your situation to that described in the article and I think you'll see some parallels.
Statics and singletons are frowned upon somewhat. But only the same way as starting a sentence with “but” — bad when overused, but sometimes it's what works best.
In your example, why have separate classes, one a singleton and one static? A singleton is in many ways equivalent to a class with only static data and methods. If you already have a singleton, I'd say you should add the methods to load the data to it rather than to a separate class. A class with static methods would be more appropriate if, say, you have utility code common to all of your stored data types.
(Also, I wouldn't worry too much about what's OOPey and what's not. Overengineering in the blind service of OOP principles can be a serious problem, speaking as someone who's had to wade through the Eclipse code base …)
Singletons is one but static is another very big one.
OOP or not, static variables have many drawbacks but little coding convenience.
Can't determine exact allocation time, life span
Can't work well in multi-threaded
Future problem to program expansion

In Scala, how would I give a Singleton a constructor?

My design incorporates a small database abstraction, whereby I implement each database as a Singleton (well, an object), with custom methods on the database for the couple of operations the code calls (it's mainly a log parser, dumping interesting statistics to a database).
I'd like to construct the Singleton database classes if possible, such that at runtime, each is constructed with config values (and those values remain constant for the remainder of the program's runtime). This would allow me to better test the code too (as I can mock the databases using Mockito or some such).
I'm still only learning Scala, but it seems there's no way to attach a constructor to a Singleton, and would appreciate any input on this problem - is there a better way to do what I'm doing? Is there some preferred way of constructing a Singleton?
Cheers in advance for any help.
Just put the constructor code in the body of the object definition:
object Foo {
println("Hello") // This will print hello the first time
// the Foo object is accessed (and only
// that once).
Rather than use a singleton (which is hard to test).. Whoever's creating the actors could create a database session factory and pass it to each actor, then it's still shared... and testable.
Not sure if this if this is what you're looking for but as the article explains, use the apply method without extending the base class
case class Foo(name:String)
object Foo { def apply(name:String) = new Foo(name) }
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