Unity3D: Letting a BoxCollider2D collide with the floor 'earlier'? - unity3d

I'm making a 2D game in Unity which behaves like Castle Crashers, where the player can move around forwards and backwards like in a sidescroller, but also up and down, kind of like a topdown game - but it's still a 'sidescroller'.
In Unity I'm using Rigidbody2Ds and Boxcollider2Ds for physics.
However, when wanting to simulate things like dropping items, creating gibs or any other object that needs to fall to the 'floor', this gets tricky.
The objects that need to fall to the floor don't know where the floor is, so they'll fall forever.
Can Boxcollider2Ds be set to collide with an individual infinite x-axis?
Object A should collide with the red axis and Object B should collide with the blue axis.
Is this possible?

You could use layers. And in project settings -> Physics2DSettings set them not to collide with each other. There is a hard limit of 32 layers and first 8 are used by system (you can still use them for this) this leaves you with 24 discreet layers - change layer of your objects when they change their position on Y axis. The gameplay might feel awful.
Use 3D physics. tilt your camera 45 degrees on X axis, set projection to ortho, and draw 2D sprites on top of invisible 3D physics objects - then you will have real 2D plane to walk and jump on.
Don't use box2d at all: write your own - simple physics library, you need it only for jumping and falling, right ?


Precision in onCollisionStart in flame with flutter

I'm attempting to write a bouncing ball game using flame in flutter. To detect collisions the onCollision and onCollisionStart methods are provided. What I had hoped is that onCollisionStart would give a precise location when two objects first hit each other. However, instead it gives a list of positions indicating where the two objects overlap after the first game-tick when this happens (i.e. onCollisionStart is called at the same time as onCollision, but is not called a second time if the same two objects are still colliding on the next tick).
This is illustrated in the attached picture. The collision points are marked with red dots. If the ball were moving downwards, then the ball would have hit the top of the rectangle and so should bounce upwards. However, if the ball were moving horizontally, then its first point of contact would have been the top left corner of the box, and the ball would bounce upwards and to the left.
If I want to work out correct angle that the ball should fly off, then I would need to do some clever calculations to work out the point that the ball first started hitting the other object (those calculations would depend on the precise shape of the other object). Is there some way to work out the point at which the two objects first started colliding? Thanks
What you usually need for this is the normal of the collision, but unfortunately we don't have that for the collision detection system yet.
We do have it in the raytracing system though, so what you could do is send out a ray and see how it will bounce and then just bounce the ball in the same way.
If you don't want to use raytracing I suggest that you calculate the direction of the ball, which you might already have, but if you don't you can just store the last position and subtract it from the current position.
After that you need to find the normals of the edges where the intersection points are.
Let's say the ball direction vector is v, and the two normal vectors are n1 and n2.
Calculate the dot product (this is build in to the vector_math library) of the ball direction vector and each of the normal vectors:
dot1 = v.dot(n1)
dot2 = v.dot(n2)
Compare the results of the dot products:
If dot1 > 0, n1 is facing the ball.
If dot2 > 0, n2 is facing the ball.
After that you can use v.reflect(nx) to get the direction where your ball should be going (where nx is the normal facing the ball).
Hopefully we'll have this built-in to Flame soon!

Most efficient way of calculating big terrain collision mesh

I'm using Unity Engine to make a space exploration game. I have to implement the collision system for the planet I made with quadsphere and quadtree LOD, I thought of two ways:
Generate a BIG mesh collider for the hole planet and keep the collision activated only for the face that the player is in (the planet has 6 faces). This works fine because the mesh is created only one time, but the game keeps a mesh collider bigger than needed in the scene.
Use the quadtree LOD and create a new mesh collider every second, but just for the high resolution terrain near the player. The mesh collider used in this option is way less bigger than the first option, but is updated every second.
Which way is more approachable? And there are more efficient methods than these two?

Unity 2D collisions - how to setup objects that collides among themselves

I am starting with Unity 5 and I am straggling a bit with its 2D collisions. Looking a bit into it I found that there are three types of objects that can be defined:
- Static: Just a 2D collider (2D collision box component for example).
- Dynamic: 2D collider + 2D rigid body.
- Kinematic: 2D collider + 2D rigid body set to kinematic.
And as far as I know they collide this way:
Static: Only collides with dynamics.
Dynamic: Only collides with statics and kinematics.
Kinematic: Only collides with dynamics.
I am trying to make a simple Space Invaders and I am struggling to define the collision types of the different elements (aliens, player, alien bullets and player bullets).
I imagine I can set objects to dynamic and disable the gravity to match the correct collision types.
But my question is, for example I want to make a simple game with a few enemies of the same type (instantiating a prefab), and I want those enemies to detect collision with each other. How I am supposed to setup the enemy collision properties to achieve that?
Many thanks in advance!
Personally I would set the enemies in the same layer with each other, and make sure they are colliding with each other. You can set the layer of the prefab in the inspector, where it is located underneath the name, as you can see here:
Once you click on the layer, there is an option to add new layers as well, at the complete bottom.
Then I would set the Layer Collision Matrix through menu Edit - Project Settings - Physics 2D to match the layers that need or need not to collide with each other, like so:
In this example the Enemy layer won't collide with any other layer than itself.

Slope limit on player movement

I use Unity3D and I have a player with a rigidbody. I add force tto the body for moving the player. My player walks over a terrain but is able to walk up mountains that are to steep to climb. I want to limit the player so it cannot walk up a slope that is to steep.
I know there is a CharacterController component that has this functionality, but I have to use the rigidbody, so I want the same but on my rigidbody.
I can get the normal of the triangle I am standing on, and calculate its angle, but I cannot seem to make the player stop moving up the slope. Only make the player stop moving (which makes the player unmovable once it hits a angled slope)
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
It's difficult to answer without more details on how you're using the physics engine. How/Are you using friction? What angle are you applying the force? Is it always horizontal or at the angle of the floor? Does the player have a mass?
Anyway I can think of a few ways to solve this
Go the pure physics route. Using player mass, friction, force angle, gravity, etc. Get the physics to handle these situation for you. This may take a fair amount of time and programming.
Keep the rigid body but fake the forces. Scale the force you are applying to the body of the player with the angle of the triangle the player is on. You can either use trigonometry to work out what you should apply or your own mapping. By your own mapping I mean set an angle where 0 force is applied (say 45 degree) and do a linear(or non linear) scale on the force applied so on flat ground force is 1 and at 45 force is 0.
Don't use rigid bodies. There is a reason most games don't use rigid bodies to control characters. It's hard and complicated and most of the time not worth the time it would take. Of course I don't know the details of your project so if this isn't an option, fine.
Hope that gives you some things to think about.

animating object along a path in unity 3d

I need to animate an object along a path. I am doing so by creating an animation like:.
This works great but since my terrain is not flat it will be nice if I don't have to deal with the y component. In other words I want to move an object along the x-axis and z-axis and if there is a small slope increase then increase the object y position. same thing if there is a downward slope. Or maybe I have to create a script where it checks to see if the object is colliding with the terrain. if not then decrease its y position. I don't know if this will work meanwhile animating an object though.
I think the easiest way I can think of to solve this is for you to make the object a rigid body and use collision (probably a mesh or capsule collider if its a player character) to get it to sit on the floor.