Maple evalf(int) doesn't work for me - maple

evalf(int(Pi^2*exp(-N(cos(phi)+sin(phi))), [N = .1 .. 100, phi = .1 .. (1/2)*Pi]))
This result is basically the same expression. It doesn't seem to be trying to calculate it. What am I doing wrong?

You need a multiplication sign after the N. A name immediately followed by a left parenthesis is viewed as function application, not multiplication.
Also, if you know that you want numeric integration rather than symbolic, you should use Int rather than int. Otherwise it wastes time trying symbolic integration in vain.


How to make Matlab do lazy evaluation?

I am trying to do the following integral numerically.
b = 2;
f1 = #(x) (b<1).*x./(2-b);
R = integral(f1,0,1);
This code gives me R=NaN. I understand that Matlab probably evaluates x./(2-b) and finds there is a 0 at the bottom of the fraction, which immediately generates a NaN. Then, all of the subsequent operations are ruined by this NaN.
What I want is: Matlab does the operations from the left to the right, i.e., first check b<1. If b<1 is violated, then it stops to evaluate the next thing in the bracket (which avoids getting NaN).
I am not sure how to achieve this goal, or if Matlab is capable of doing that.
My actual computation is very complicated that involves tons of this type of logical comparisons. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated!

Declaring a functional recursive sequence in Matlab

I'd like to declare first of all, that I'm a mathematician. This might be a stupid stupid question; but I've gone through all the matlab tutorials--they've gotten me nowhere. I imagine I could code this in C (it'd be exhausting); but I need matlab for this particular function. And I don't get exactly how to do it.
Here is the pasted Matlab code of where I'm running into trouble:
function y = TAU(z,n)
for i =[1,n]
y(z) = log(beta(z+1,i) + y(z+1)) - beta(z,i);
(beta is an arbitrary "float" to "float" function with an index i.)
I'm having trouble declaring y as a function, in which we call the function at a different argument. I want to define y_n(z) with something something y_{n-1}(z+1). This is all done in a recursive process to create the function. I really feel like I'm missing something stupid.
As a default function it assigns y to be an array (or whatever you call the default index assignment). But I don't want an array. I want y to be assigned as a "function" class (i.e. takes "float" to "float"). And then I'm defining a sequence of y_n : "float" to "float". So that z to z+1 is a map on "float" to "float".
I don't know if I'm asking too much of matlab...
Help a poor mathematician who hasn't coded since the glory days of X-box mods.
...Please don't tell me I have to go back to Pari-GP/C drawing boards over something so stupid.
Please help!
EDIT: At rahnema1 & mimocha's request, I'll describe the math, and of what I am trying to do with my program. I can't see how to implement latex in here. So I'll write the latex code in a generator and upload a picture. I'm not so sure if there even is a work around to what I want to do.
As to the expected output. We'd want,
beta(z+1,i) + TAU(z+1,i) = exp(beta(z,i) + TAU(z,i+1))
And we want to grow i to a fixed value n. Again, I haven't programmed in forever, so I apologize if I'm speaking a little nonsensically.
So, as #rahnema1 suggests; I should produce a reproducible example. In order to do this, I'll write the code for my beta function. It's surprisingly simple. This is for the case where the "multiplier" variable is set to log(2); but you don't need to worry about any of that.
function f = beta(z,n)
for i = 0:n-1
f = exp(f)/(1+exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));
This will work fine for z a float no greater than 4. Once you make z larger it'll start to overflow. So for example, if you put in,
beta(3,100) - exp(beta(2,100))/(1/4+1)
The significance of the 100, is simply how many iterations we perform; it converges fast so even setting this to 15 or so will still produce the same numerical accuracy. Now, the expected output I want for TAU is pretty straight forward,
TAU(z,1) = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1)
TAU(z,2) = log(beta(z+1,2) + TAU(z+1,1)) - beta(z,2)
TAU(z,3) = log(beta(z+1,3) + TAU(z+1,2)) - beta(z,3)
TAU(z,n) = log(beta(z+1,n) + TAU(z+1,n-1)) -beta(z,n)
I hope this helps. I feel like there should be an easy way to program this sequence, and I must be missing something obvious; but maybe it's just not possible in Matlab.
At mimocha's suggestion, I'll look into tail-end recursion. I hope to god I don't have to go back to Pari-gp; but it looks like I may have to. Not looking forward to doing a deep dive on that language, lol.
Thanks, again!
Is this what you are looking for?
function out = tau(z,n)
% Ends recursion when n == 1
if n == 1
out = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1);
out = log(beta(z+1,n) + tau(z+1,n-1)) - beta(z,n);
function f = beta(z,n)
f = 0;
for i = 0:n-1
f = exp(f) / (1 + exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));
This is basically your code from the most recent edit, but I've added a simple catch in the tau function. I tried running your code and noticed that n gets decremented infinitely (no exit condition).
With the modification, the code runs successfully on my laptop for smaller integer values of n, where 1e5 > n >= 1; and for floating values of z, real and complex. So the code will unfortunately break for floating values of n, since I don't know what values to return for, say, tau(1,0) or tau(1,0.9). This should easily be fixable if you know the math though.
However, many of the values I get are NaNs or Infs. So I'm not sure if your original problem was Out of memory error (infinite recursion), or values blowing up to infinity / NaN (numerical stability issue).
Here is a quick 100x100 grid calculation I made with this code.
Then I tested on negative values of z, and found the imaginary part of the output to looks kinda cool.
Not to mention I'm slightly geeking out over the fact that pi is showing up in the imaginary part as well :)
tau(-0.3,2) == -1.45179335740446147085 +3.14159265358979311600i

Is there an inverse factorial expression I can use in Matlab?

I want to edit this to get numberOfCircuits on its own on the left. Is there a possible way to do this in MATLAB?
The math for this problem is given in, but it's unclear how to do this with Matlab's functionality.
I'm guessing the easy part is rearranging:
fact_to_invert = power(offeredTraffic,numberOfCircuits)/sum/e1;
Inverting can be done, for instance, by using fzero. First define a continuous factorial based on the gamma function:
fact = #(n) gamma(n+1);
Then use fzero to invert it numerically:
numberOfCircuits_from_inverse = fzero(#(x) fact(x)-fact_to_invert,1);
Of course you should round the result for safe measure, and if it's not an integer then something's wrong.
Note: it's very bad practice (and brings 7 years bad luck) to name a variable with a name which is also a built-in, such as sum in your example.

Calculating the expected value of a transformed random variable in MATLAB?

I am trying to compute the following expected value for Z being lognormally distributed
E[Z^eta w(F_Z (Z))^-eta]
where eta is a real number, F_Z the distribution function of Z and w:[0,1]->[0,1] an increasing function.
First of all, I am pretty new to Matlab so I don't know which way of integrating is the better one, numerically or symbolically. I tried symbolically.
My idea was to subsequently define functions:
syms x;
g_1(x) = x^eta;
g_2(x) = logncdf(x);
g_2(x) = w(x)^-eta;
g_4(x) = g_1(x) * g_3(g_2(x));
And then
exp = int(g_4(x),x,0,inf)
Unfortunately this doesn't work and MATLAB just posts the whole expression of g_4...
Is it better to use the numerical integration quadqk? What am I doing wrong here? I already read something about MATLAB not being the best program for integration but I have to use it so switching to a different program does not help.
Thanks a lot!

Matlab not accepting whole number as index

I am using a while loop with an index t starting from 1 and increasing with each loop.
I'm having problems with this index in the following bit of code within the loop:
dt = 100000^(-1);
t = 1;
equi = false;
while equi==false
***some code that populates the arrays S(t) and I(t)***
if (t>2/dt)
n = [S(t) I(t)];
np = [S(t-1/dt) I(t-1/dt)];
if sum((n-np).^2)<1e-5
First, the code in the "if" statement is accessed at t==200000 instead of at t==200001.
Second, the expression S(t-1/dt) results in the error message "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals", even though (t-1/dt) is whole and equals 1.0000e+005 .
I guess I can solve this using "round", but this worked before and suddenly doesn't work and I'd like to figure out why.
the expression S(t-1/dt) results in the error message "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals", even though (t-1/dt) is whole and equals 1.0000e+005
Is it really? ;)
mod(200000 - 1/dt, 1)
%ans = 1.455191522836685e-11
Your index is not an integer. This is one of the things to be aware of when working with floating point arithmetic. I suggest reading this excellent resource: "What every computer scientist should know about floating-point Arithmetic".
You can either use round as you did, or store 1/dt as a separate variable (many options exist).
Matlab is lying to you. You're running into floating point inaccuracies and Matlab does not have an honest printing policy. Try printing the numbers with full precision:
dt = 100000^(-1);
t = 200000;
fprintf('2/dt == %.12f\n',2/dt) % 199999.999999999971
fprintf('t - 1/dt == %.12f\n',t - 1/dt) % 100000.000000000015
While powers of 10 are very nice for us to type and read, 1e-5 (your dt) cannot be represented exactly as a floating point number. That's why your resulting calculations aren't coming out as even integers.
The statement
can be replaced by
And similarly for I.
Also you might want to save 1/dt hardcoded as 100000 as suggested above.
I reckon this will improve the comparison.