How can I disable a arrow button at the last slide of a carousel - sapui5

->Am the new learner of SAPUI5,am trying image popup with carousel,Now How can I disable a arrow button at the last slide of a carousel(No limit of images)?Thank you..

If you are using sap.m.Carousel, there is a property loop which indicates if there will be a loop in the images of the Carousel.
Defines whether the carousel should loop, i.e show the first page after the last page is reached and vice versa.

If you set the "loop" property of Carousel control to false, you will not see arrow icons at the beginning to left and at the end of the image set to the right.
Here is a carousel with loop set to true to display arrows always
<Carousel id="mockupCarousel" loop="true" items="{ProjectMockups}">
And this will hide arrows for the first slide and for the last slide image
<Carousel id="mockupCarousel" loop="false" items="{ProjectMockups}">


Flutter expand bottom navbar to show more options

I wish to make a bottom navbar which initially shows 5 options, out of which last option is 'more' and when user taps on it, navbar expands vertically and then show couple of more options. So, exactly what happens is that initial navbar shifts upward, and similar kind of navbar comes below it to show rest of the options. Note: I am not talking about sub-category or sub-menu kind of thing, its just that initially last few options are hidden, and becomes visible when user tap on 'more'.
I also thought to use bottomsheet through kind of show/hide on click functionality, but saw that bottomsheet comes above navbar.
Here are the images for more clarity:

Stop AddThis buttons from sliding into place

I am using the AddThis Sharing Sidebar.
Every time a page loads, the sidebar slides into position from the center of the screen.
How can I stop this sliding animation?
I just want the Sharing Sidebar on the side of my page, without any sliding animation.
Did you try removing the css classes addthis-animated and/or slideInLeft from the div tag with id at4-share ?

how to see scroll panel bottom area when i pressed a button

I have a requirement that i want to go to the middle area or bottom area of my scroll panel when I pressed a button ,but not from the scrolling. is it possible to do?..if so how can I reach my goal.
thanks in advance
Use setVerticalScrollPosition() along with getMaximumVerticalScrollPosition() to go to the end.
For the middle part you have to calculate things by your own getting clientHeight and scrollHeight of the getScrollableElement().

Issue when using position: fixed for toolbar in iOS 5 (iPad and iPhone)

There's an issue when accessing my website ( on iPad or iPhone with iOS 5 that I canĀ“t fix. When window is scrolled thru code every position:fixed elements click event stop working. Can you please help me ?
This site structure uses a top menu div and a header div with position: fixed css. When user clicks on a menu item window scrolls horizontally until it reaches its target.
Clicking in the menu item is done by jQuery click method on each img tag and scrolling is done by jQuery animate method ($("html:not(:animated),body").animate({ scrollLeft: varDestino }, 1500);)
When page is loaded the menu works just as I intended but, after it scrolls thru menu, and I try to click on another menu item nothing happens. The strangest thing is that everything works again when user manually scrolls the window (by finger).
It looks like that by changing window scroll position by code (jQuery calls window.scroll) fixed elements lost its clickable position references.
Is there any workaround for this ?
I've solved this with a trick. I've created invisible divs over the menu items that changes it's position when page scrolls (simulating afixed element over the real position: fixed menu items). When user clicks or hover over those invisble divs the real ones are called

GWT DnD: Keep draggable within an AbsolutePanel

I made a MultiSlider widget using the GWT and the gwt-dnd addon to rate texts. On the screenshot, you can see the slider button with value 50 dragged outside the slider bar. It can't be dropped outside the bar, but it can be dragged outside of it.
alt text
Is there a way in GWT to always keep the slider buttons inside the slider bar?
The slider bar is an AbsolutePanel, and it is also the only droptarget for the slider buttons. The slider bar panel is also the boundary panel for the drop controller. Dropping outside of the bar panel is not possible, but dragging is.
Now what I really like to know is if it's possible to keep the mouse pointer on the bar panel. If a button is dragged out of it, it will remain on its old position when dropped (so that's OK). Is it possible to allow only vertical DRAGGING? Can the mouse position be set while dragging?
I've used dragController.setConstrainWidgetToBoundaryPanel(true), and I think dragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel(true) does the same thing. For more information, check out the javadoc for your version.
The method you're looking for is defined in AbstractDragController with this signature;
void setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel(boolean constrainedToBoundaryPanel);
The boundary panel (often passed in in the first parameter to the drag controller constructor) in this case should be an AbsolutePanel which wraps the slider.
It may also be helpful to visualize the absolute panel if things are not working as expected:
absolutePanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("border", "1px dashed red");