Paypal Classic API Test Credentials - paypal

I'm trying to test a Paypal Classic API integration and am having issues finding my Test Credentials.
Current error returned is: Authentication failed. API credentials are incorrect.
This makes sense as I'm using the Sandbox AppId and Live credentials for the account (which I know where to get obviously).
I've found this page:
which tells me where to go to get test credentials but I can't find the place it's talking about.
Logging in with the business account doesn't have the sections displayed in the graphic. Am I supposed to be logging in with a different account?
Any pointers appreciated.

Go to and log in (by clicking on the Log In button in the upper-right corner). Use the email address and password from your live PayPal account to log in.
Click Dashboard.
Under Sandbox, click Accounts.
There should be a facilitator account there (e.g., You can either use that account for the following steps, or you can click on Create Account and create a new account to use for the following steps.
Click on the email address of the account.
You'll see two links appear underneath the email address: Profile and Notifications. Click on Profile.
Click the API Credentials tab.


Paypal sandbox login error : Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again

I can't login to Paypal sandbox and not sure what I'm doing wrong. How can I get past this?
1) Visit and login -- I am able to do this successfully using my existing Paypal account credentials.
2) Click Sandbox > Accounts which links to this URL
3) Click the link "Login with Paypal" which links to Paypal login screen with email / password and blue log in button.
Apparently I am supposed to re-enter my credentials here to login. But I keep getting the error "Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again."
4) I then try to visit my website and use credentials listed on sandbox developer page but get the same error "Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again."
Even after creating an account, sandbox-acc i was still getting the same problem.
I noticed that when you create an account from the sandbox-dashboard
You end up with two accounts. 1. support-facilitator, 2. buyer-facilitator
What you do is, when your check-out integration is ready, and you want to 'check-out'
Use the buyer-facilitator account to login in and make payments.
The 'env' variable in your integration should be set to 'sandbox'
Edit the password for the 'buyer-facilitator' [under > sandbox->account]
Use your new password to log-in and make a payment.
The test account comes pre-loaded with 'funds' to facilitate transactions in the sandbox environment.
If you are still experiencing the same issue
Login into your developer account
Get to the "Sandbox Accounts"
Select one of the accounts -"View/Edit Accounts"
Under Profile use the Email ID and System
Generated Password Provided
enter image description here
The mistake I was making is trying to login at with my sandbox credentials. Instead, I needed to use
Create a sandbox account.
Or change your paypal app mode to Live

Can't log in to PayPal sandbox account

I am trying to log into a PayPal sandbox account for testing purposes. But, I am continually met with the same error:
"We're sorry, something went wrong during sandbox account linking. Please try again."
Here are the steps to replicate the issue (happens in FireFox and Chrome).
Login to using live PayPal account credentials.
Navigate to Dashboard>>Sandbox Accounts
Click Create Account button.
Create account using any variety of options, e.g. personal, business account. New account is created.
Tick the checkbox next to new account listing.
Click link "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account."
Fill in login form using sandbox account credentials.
Click agree to terms button.
Redirected back to Sandbox Account page with "We're sorry" error.
This happens over and over with newly created accounts and existing sandbox accounts. I've tried changing passwords and settings for the accounts. I know a few years ago Chrome had a hard time juggling different cookies and sessions when logging in and out of sandbox accounts. So, I've also tried using multiple different browsers. Nothing seems to alleviate the issue.
Also, I thought maybe this issue was a temporary PayPal sandbox glitch, but I've been experiencing it for over a week.
Okay, I spoke with PayPal's technical support. It turns out that they are having some internal issues with the sandbox at the moment. If anyone else is having an issue with logging into one of their sandbox test accounts do the following:
Go back to the Sandbox Test Accounts page where it list all your test accounts.
Click on the email address of any sandbox account. There will be a drop down of "Profile" & "Notification".
Click on Profile and you shall see an iframe with a few tabs. You would be able to see the change password, change password.
Use this url to login to your sandbox account.
The key here is step 4. Don't click on the provided link labeled "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account." Copy and past the above URL into your browser instead.
When you are re-directed to the PayPal page to login, what URL is shown in the address bar ?
If it's "" then you need to use your production account credentials.
If it's "" then you need to use your sandbox account credentials.

Where may I find passwords for fictitious Sandbox Accounts that PayPal creates automatically on its Developer site registration?

PayPal says:
When you register as a PayPal developer on the Developer site, the Sandbox automatically creates a Business test account for you (such as and its associated NVP/SOAP API test credentials. A default Personal account (such as is also created automatically
That's great from PayPal, but where are their passwords? These accounts are pretty much useless without passwords. Have PayPal devs really forgot to include passwords for those accounts? Because there is neither links nor options nor fields nor anything to get or assign passwords for them.
For the test accounts you already have, if you go to Sandbox Test accounts you will see a list of accounts. Click any and you will see 2 options "Profile" | "Notifications". If you click on Profile you will see the option to change the password.
PD: From the image you show, click any account to see the "Profile" option. In there you can change the password (without inputting the old one)
Try the password for your regular PayPal account. You can always just create new test accounts from the Sandbox test site. If you create new accounts from there, it will let you enter your own password for the accounts.
Having just had this issue myself, the existing answers are no longer correct as of August 2019. PayPal no longer gives you the option to set a sandbox account's password when you first create it, nor does clicking on an account give you a list of options.
Instead, there's now a menu handle in the rightmost column (circled below). Hover over it, then select "View/Edit Account". This will open a popup window listing, among other things, the "System Generated Password" of the account. You can also change the account's password from here, if you so desire.

Simple Sandbox Button Tutorial

It seems it was easy at one time to create a sandbox button but now I'm going round and round on the paypal site and keep ending up the same place. All I would like to do is create and test a paypal sandbox button.
I've created my test accounts in the sandbox but that's as far as I've got (can I login to paypal using these accounts as so far it appears not)??
Help would be very welcome.
If you have created a sandbox account, you should be able to login to with the sandbox's account email address and password. Once logged in, use this shortcut link to get to the 'My Saved Button' page: (You can also navigate through the account but it varies on the type of sandbox account you have). From there, you can create PayPal button as usual.
P/S: If somehow you cannot login to, then you can create a new one in PayPal Developer dashboard. Refer to this link for the steps:

Import to new Paypal Developer Broken

I have logged into the new paypal developer site and clicked import to bring over my old account data which is listed here:
When I click on the business TEST account and view the profile of the account, the API credentials (username and password) are blank. Then when I click the link to the Sandbox Site and try to log in with said test account, it says "Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features.", in which I am already logged in, even if I click the link back to the sandbox. So basically I am stuck.. I need to use the classic API for now and cannot test because the sandbox is evidently broken.
If you have not already tried this, please try clearing all of your cache and cookies prior to accessing the site. Also try using a different browser other than IE. If you can then log in, try to navigate to the test sandbox account and log into your test seller account and view the API credentials from the profile. There are some issues that are currently being looked into with the launch of the new developer site, and they are being addressed as quickly as possible.
Also as a work around, I am not sure of the testing that you are needing to do specifically but you could try using the API credentials that are included with the SDK. You would be able to make API calls with those credentials. However, you would just not be able to sign into the seller account to see those transactions.
If you have not already done so, you may also want to file a ticket with PayPal Merchant Technical Services at so that they can look into your issue if it is not already being looked into. By filling out a ticket, this will help to gauge the number of merchants being effected by a particular issue, and this allows you to be notified once the issue is resolved.