Can't run minecraft from eclipse - eclipse

So, I'm making an hacked client for Minecraft, and i wanna click run and then it says this :
I tried many thing but nothing helps ;(
By the way I'm on Windows
Error: Could not find or load main class Start
, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release

What youtube tutorial are you blindly copying code from? If it's one of ConnorM's, stop before he ruins programming for you forever.
You need to sort out the classpath problems that come with MCP. However, I would strongly advise you to learn Java first (as all the skids on HF will tell you). If you can't solve this on your own, you really have no business trying to create a client.


AVR - Can't add Programmer on Eclipse

I want to use Eclipse to develop code I will be uploading to my Atmega 2560 microcontroller. I could easily use the Arduino IDE to do this, but in my opinion, developing on Eclipse is a whole lot easier.
So, I followed this guide.
I get to the step where I have to add a programmer, but when I click on the Add button, nothing happens.
Does anyone have an idea as to what might be the problem?
The issue here is that 6.0.x series of avrdude uses a different configuration file which the avr-eclipse plugin is not able to parse. There is a ticket filed for this in the bug tracker in SourceForge.
A temporary solution would be to downgrade to avrdude 5.11.x.
I tried to use Eclipse for Arduino development and I followed this tutorial too but it didn't work for me. Also I couldn't find normal description of how I have to use it. From the other side so called Arduino IDE in my opinion isn't IDE it's very primitive buggy editor(looks like amateur product).
To upload my program to Atmega controller I decided to use avrdude direct from the console, where I specify programmer type and hex file that I want to upload. In this case I write program in c and use avrgcc toolchain for compiling and linking. However the question about IDE is still opened for me(the main problem for me that I don't know how to debug my code without IDE).
Also exist Atmel IDE AVrStudio. I didn'y try to use it, my I will mention it like a variant that you can try if you want.
Getting AVRDude (used by the AVR-ecplipse plugin) running on Windows with USB connected AVR programmers can be a real pain, often involving very specific driver uninstall/install sequences, such as those described at the bottom of this forum topic. I used to use Eclipse for my AVR programming, but have since moved to the new iteration of Atmel Studio. Version 6 is now available, and its relatively straight forward to get everything working well. There are a few things odd about it, but it has improved a lot since AS4.

XLET - how to create a simple xlet MHP javax.TV

I'm trying to create my first xlet project.
Can you help me?
I don't know which library I need to download.
What kind of project I have to create? (I'm using netbeans)
This site has a lot of useful info:
You can use XletView to view your Xlet.
You will need to get a hold on the various API's, which is somewhat troublesome (I've heard).
But there are also other ways of getting them. For example, if you own PowerDVD, you'll be able to find BDJ.jar somewhere in that package. Add that to your classpath, and you'll be able to compile your Xlet.
If you're running Windows, you can probably develop Xlets with JavaME SDK 3.0 too (sadly not available for Linux though).

Develop plugins in Go?

Can go run dynamically in order to be used for a plugin based application ?
In eclipse, we can create some plugins that Eclipse can run dynamically.
Would the same thing be possible in Go ?
I'll argue that those are two separate problems :
having dynamic load
having plugins
The first one is simply no : A Go program is statically linked, which means you can't add code to a running program. And which also means you must compile the program to let it integrate plugins.
Fortunately, you can define a program accepting plugins in Go as in most languages, and Go, with interfaces and fast compilation doesn't make that task hard.
Here are two possible approaches :
Solution 1 : Plugin integrated in the main program
Similarly to Eclipse plugins, we can integrate the "plugins" in the main program memory, by simply recompiling the program. In this sense we can for example say that database drivers are plugins.
This may not feel as simple as in Java, as you must have a recompilation and you must in some point of your code import the "plugin" (see how it's done for database drivers) but, given the standardization of Go regarding directories and imports, it seems easy to handle that with a simple makefile importing the plugin and recompiling the application.
Given the ease and speed of compilation in Go, and the standardization of package structure, this seems to me to be a very viable solution.
Solution 2 : Separate process
It's especially easy in Go to communicate and to handle asynchronous calls. Which means you could define a solution based on many process communicating by named pipes (or any networking solution). Note that there is a rpc package in Go. This would probably be efficient enough for most programs and the main program would be able to start and stop the plugin processes. This could very well feel similar to what you have in Eclipse with the added benefits of memory space protection.
A last note from somebody who wrote several Eclipse plugins : you don't want that mess; keep it simple.
Go 1.8 supports plugins (to be released soon Feb 2017.)
As dystroy already said, it's not possible to load packages at runtime.
In the future (or today with limitations) it may be possible to have this feature with projects like go-eval, which is "the beginning of an interpreter for Go".
A few packages I found to do this:

How to determine what is making Eclipse slow?

We have rather large code base (150+ projects, 400000+ lines of Java code, some Groovy and Gradle code, some Perl code, some XML, a lot of JSPs etc.). I managed to open all those projects in Spring Tools Studio 2.6 to which I also added some plugins for Groovy, Perl, Checkstyle, PMD.
And the problem is that Eclipse is holding my CPU busy all the time. And it's really slow when I update something, it's building slowly, any kind of UI operations happen with a delay.
Also I have rather good machine 64-bit, 8GBs of RAM and I run 64-bit version of STS and I give 2GBs to Eclipse (but it does not get higher that 1GB of heap anyway).
So, my first question is there a way to determine what is making it slow? And do some of you guys have succeded in working with such large code bases in a single workspace?
I have tried looking at the threads (using jconsole) of the JVM that runs Eclipse, but I can't find anything intersting there.
I'll make a few suggestions - these are in order of easiness. If you are hell bent on figuring out what plugin it was and either joining that project to fix it or send hate mail to a support list, then you probably want to skip to "Profile It" below.
Check the console
If you start eclipse from the command line ( ie type eclipse ) then if there are any exceptions being thrown you'll see them in here. Sometimes slowness can be caused by a plugin repeatedly failing and throwing lots of exception. Sometimes it is something you can fix - sometimes you have to remove that plugin.
Boost your RAM
We love GC but it causes a slow death. The beauty of GC is that your program never runs out of memory - because the user thinks it has locked up and kills it before it actually runs out of ram. So, try increasing the PermGen and other Eclipse memory settings:
Create a new Workspace
I often give up and just delete/recreate the whole workspace. There are so many plugins there is can be a real challenge to debug and often it garbage in the workspace directory that keeps things breaking.
Keep Eclipse Lean
If I want to keep Eclipse really snappy, I'll create an install for a single project and add only the plugins needed. If you can start from the non-EE version you're already far less bloated.
Profile It
The VisualVM that is included in with the Sun JDK (you probably already have it installed.) can be used to see what classes are consuming the most processor time and which objects are taking up memory (and what created them).
Start VisualVM up, and you should see Eclipse listed in the Applications. Right click on the Eclipse entry and "Open" Eclipse inside VisualVM. You can now attach a profiler and see what classes are being used.
Profiling will slow everything down (a lot!) so you might want to start with the smallest possible example you can - or be extremely patient. Especially at the start of profiling it will take a long time as it 'instruments' the classes (injecting bytecode to allow profiling).
One way to know what Eclipse is doing by enabling debugging. There is some information here about debugging eclipse builders, however the process is generic i.e. you need to start eclipse from command line $eclipsec –debug > log.txt and enable debugging for certain plugins using the .options file. I guess you would want to look a bit closely at 'update' and 'build' operations.
Another option would be to use a tool, e.g. MAT (Memory Analyzer), YourKit. I find YourKit to be quite useful, you could for example enable CPU profiling in YourKit and then perform an action in Eclipse which you feel is taking a lot of time. Once the action completes, you can take a snapshot and do some analysis in YourKit. A caveat is that a attaching the YourKit profiler to Eclipse will further slow down Eclipse.
Having said that 150+ projects in one workspace is a bit much. If it is possible you should probably setup one workspace per component with the rest of the plugins in a target platform. All your workspaces can share a single target platform. With 150+ projects a full workspace build alone can take quite a bit of time since a large number of class files have to be generated which means a large amount of disk IO, and eclipse cannot help you there only a SSD can :)
Eclipse 2019-09 proposes a new way:
Automatic detection of UI freezes in the Eclipse SDK
The Eclipse SDK has been configured to show stack traces for UI freezes in the Error Log view by default for new workspaces.
You can use this information to identify and report slow parts of the Eclipse IDE.
You can disable the monitoring or tweak its settings via the options in the General > UI Responsiveness Monitoring preference page as shown below.

Where can I find VBSQL.VBX?

I've been given the task of re-engineering a really old VB3 application. As part of this I have an XP virtual workstation upon which I've installed VB3 Pro, so I can create a running verison of it to help me emulate it, but the VB3 app uses a control called VBSQL.VBX, which didn't come with VB3 Pro, apparently. I've checked Microsoft's site, but there are only seven pages in the search result for VBSQL.VBX, and none of them offers an install.
Does anyone here have any idea where on earth I can obtain VBSQL.VBX?
Via, "Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit for Visual Basic".
It looks like they offer the .ocx here:, possibly there is a VBX as well?
Whenever I run into an issue like this I usually end up creating a mock object with the same public members as the class in question. Sometimes it works out better as I can fake the data I want to pass around so I can run tests that would otherwise prove difficult.
If you can't find this file this is the approach I would recommend.