Unable to check private browsing for Android - firefox-addon-sdk

We are developing an addon for Android mobile, using SDK1.17, where we need to check for private-browsing, but we are unable to do this.
As of now we have gone through too many documentation pages to check for private window state/detection but none of the solution is working in case of Android Firefox.
Below are some implementation that we tried
1. require('sdk/private-browsing/utils').ignoreWindow(window) : It always returning false when opted for private browsing and nothing was return in case of Private Window mode when NOT opted for private browsing
2. require("sdk/private-browsing").isPrivate(tab) : It always returning false when opted for private browsing
3. Also checked other solutions on other forums
Device Details on which we are checking:
1. Samsung - S4
2. Android 4.4.2
3. Firefox Nightly Build 39.0a1
Could you please suggest any solution for below expectations?
1. We want to detach content script for private window in onAttach event of page-mod
2. Want to identify if request/response is from/to private window (while intercepting request/response using observer)


Desktop Bridge - Upgrade Settings not working

I am trying to upgrade the user settings if my app gets updated. I am storing settings ins
Properties.Settings.Default. As suggested in other answers a way to merge settings between version is to can create a bool setting UpgradeRequired and do the following.
if (Properties.Settings.Default.UpgradeRequired)
Properties.Settings.Default.UpgradeRequired = false;
I tried to make a minimum example with this code in a desktop bridge app without any success. Does this method not work for them?
Yes, unfortunately this does not currently work in desktop bridge apps. This is a known bug that the team is aware off.
As a possible workaround you could move to the new localsettings API in your desktop bridge app:

Open browser in private=incognito mode from Thunderbird extension

I would like to open a URL in private mode from a Thunderbird extension. Right now, the following code works in "standard" non-private mode:
try {
var eps = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"].
var ios = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
eps.loadURI(ios.newURI("http://www.example.com", null, null));
} catch (err) {}
Any idea how to achieve the same result in private mode? I'm interested to make it work with launching Chrome as the default browser. (Once again, Chrome is correctly launched with the code above).
You cannot really launch Firefox with a new url in a private window AFAIK. -private-window <url> will open a new private window, but still put the new tab in a regular one.
Chrome can be launched with chrome --incognito <url>, however you would need to launch it yourself via nsIProcess and therefore would first have to figure out where the chrome binary is.
If you can guarantee that the default handler is Chrome, then you might use nsIExternalProtocolService.getProtocolHandlerInfo(), use preferredApplicationHandler and QueryInterface that to nsILocalHandlerApp to find the .executable. Otherwise, you'll have to deal with the OS and/or known paths yourself.

Soundcloud record flash plugin don't work with current version of chrome under macOS

this record plugin stops to work for us with current version of chrome under macOS
Chrome: Version 23.0.1271.97
MacOS: 10.8.2
how to reproduce:
click record
allow using your microphone
-> recording don't start
(In fact sometimes it works (20% of cases for me))
and also sometimes there is an error in console
PepperFlashPlayer.plugin: 0x2A052 is not valid resource ID.
Please help us, we use it for production and a lot of users can not record sound
regards, Dmitry
My investigation show:
sometimes the "SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA" event not triggered (or not assigned) in flash.
To solve this issue I do:
Added to event handler "StatusEvent.STATUS" (or call manually if microphone unmuted):
tti = setInterval(applySampleData, 100);
Added function:
protected function applySampleData() : void {
microphone.removeEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, recordSampleDataHandler);
microphone.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, recordSampleDataHandler);
And in function "recordSampleDataHandler" (it's SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA listener):
if(tti) { clearInterval(tti); tti = 0; }
Try this.

chrome cache removal for single files

recently I had to remove my entire cache to be able to view a webpage I was working on. This is fine I guess but it could be improved by removing specific pages from the cache.
the chrome.browsingData.remove, seemingly has no option for indicating individual pages for removal. I was wondering if this could be done externally, but I am not familiar with the chromium code. I was also wondering if there are any planned changes to the chrome.browsingData.remove implementation.
Many thanks
To remove a single file cache enter its URL into browser and do hard refresh.
If you are working on a webpage and wish to avoid caching (btw, it's recommended! :) You can do it today in Chrome DevTools.
Go to Settings (the icon in the bottom-right corner) and click on it.
Then, you will have an option 'disable cache' - mark it and you done.
Just don't forget to return this state when you done working as chrome will be faster with its caching schema.
Edit 10/Feb/2022: Access the remote dev tools documentation for a whole suit of tools available to override cached files while developing:
If you are attempting to clear HTTP cached data, which was the original question in the post, then the network log is where it is possible. the guide for that is here:
First find the file then release its cacged content by right clicking:
To remove all files (not single files) while in Chrome DevTools you should click on the Dev Tools settings then choose
"Disable cache (while DevTools is open)". This was the first option on the page - it is now (as of Chrome 103 in 2022) under network in Preferences.
Note that these settings are not the main Chrome settings, but are specific to Dev Tools.
You can reach DevTools by pressing F12 while on a web page you want to debug or by pressing Ctrl-Shift-I.
Edited 28 July 2022
If you're building the page dynamically, then during development, you can put a random string at the end of the URL used to load the script.
<script src="path/to/script.js?_=<%=Math.random()%>"></script>
This will cause a cache miss for that file but will use the cache for everything else (subject to cache-control headers and so on). Just remember to remove the parameter before pushing to prod!
UPDATE : 2019, April 20
Lately, I'm working with Chrome browser's inbuilt feature - Overrides. With this feature, we can write code for HTML, CSS, JS, etc directly in the console and see it on the web-page.
Here's a tutorial that might be helpful
Previous Answer :
I'm working with Google Chrome extension Resource Override.
After installing this extension, I'm overriding the resource which I want from the server instead of cache:
STEP #2 : Override the resource which you want fresh from the server:
⭐Important Note - Access the plugin from the developer-console instead of the browser
⭐⭐ I started with this approach but have moved to approach suggested by Lukas Greblikas in the answer above.
Good Luck...

Debugging with KBX extension : how to avoid having to deploy at every code modification?

I am currently debugging my apps so they can run with the KBX extension. KBX extension runs the last deployed version so everytime I change some code in the appbuilder I need to redeploy to see the changes. Could the Kynetx team give us a modified KBX extension that uses the last saved version instead?
We do have plans to make the KBX more developer friendly, but in the meantime, there are a few tricks.
We recommend spending most of your development time testing with bookmarklets, as these give you greater control over when your actions fire, allowing easier inspection between the state of the page before and after your rules fire. Applications can be tested with bookmarklets with no change to the code, and are easy to use.
This does not help debugging in the rare case that your application behaves differently while running in the KBX, but it should get you past most troubles you are currently experiencing.
Here is a solution for Chrome and Firefox: a modified KBX extension that targets the latest version of apps: http://blog.lolo.asia/technology/kynetx/2011/04/16/debugging-with-kbx-extension-how-to-avoid-having-to-deploy-at-every-code-modification/
In short, I replaced :
with :
//patch run_latest_app_version_in_kbx
var run_latest_app_version_in_kbx= true;
var run_msg_json={‘rids’:response.apps};
if (run_latest_app_version_in_kbx===true){
for (var i=0;i<response.apps.length;i++){
in page_interaction/pages.js inside the Chrome extension and
in resources/jid0-njkmo4quo4rc8p9kcuemahnyiku-kynetxforfirefox-data/page_interaction.js inside the Firefox extension