How to only remove the default button Close in Fom StatusBar? - forms

how to remove the only Button close (default button) in the Form , in Dynamics AX-2012?
This button is located on the lower right , named "Close"
But I don't want to remove all others informations in StatusBar.

The "Close" button is part of a status bar on a form.
Change StatusBarStyle property of the form Design to SimpleWithoutClose value.
It seems like there is no option to remove the "Close" button without leaving all other parts of "Full" status bar style.


How to position form's close button on right side?

On an old MS Access 2016 app, I remember that the close button was on the right side of the form's title bar.
Form being maximized the close button was on the right side of the app:
Now I have noticed that my close button is imediately after the form's name, so way off the right side:
Is there a way to configure this title bar and close button position or is an update of Access that changed this behaviour?
No. This is a part of the design changes enforced in the latest update.
The reason is, that this design - where you also can reposition tabs - is more in line with what users see elsewhere.
You could, of course, add your own close button at the far right by setting its property Anchor to: Right.

Access Menu sub form - No default Tab stop

I have a main form...imagine that...that for most of my users will be the only form they use. Naturally, it contains tabs with sub forms.
I have a navigation sub form on the left side of this form that changes based on the user's rights level. Currently, this sub form is all buttons...and 1 always is selected as the default tab stop for that form.
I don't want to highlight any of them at first...and I can remove the highlight by switching off Tab Stops for all buttons. However, I'm not sure that I want to remove that functionality all together...and it still highlights a button. I'd just like for there to not be a default button highlighted.
As you can see, Add Course is 'selected'. I can't seem to find the correct terminology to search for a way to do this. I tried using a smaller button set behind another button, but since it has the focus, it moves to the front. Using a text field with the same colors as the background shows the cursor in a random, blank area...not visually ideal.
I'm sure that there is someone here clever enough to have this figured out. Please enlighten me. I don't care if this can be handled in VBA code or through design view.
"Focus" is the word you're looking for - you don't want any visible control to have the focus when opening the form.
The easiest method is an invisible button: create a button with Transparent = True, and an empty OnClick (i.e. the button does nothing, even when accidentally clicked).
Move this button to the top in the Tab Order, so it has the focus when opening the form.
But if your users use TAB to walk through the buttons, there will be one position where the focus disappears (when circling around from the last to first control). I don't know if it will confuse them.
Create a button on the main form itself.
Named is cmdDummyButton with the following GotFocus event code.
Set the tab order property to 0 (ie first)
Make the button transparent.
This will cause no control on the form to have the focus when it starts up.
Private Sub cmdDummyButton_GotFocus()
Static IveHadFocusAlready As Boolean
If Not IveHadFocusAlready Then
Me.cmdDummyButton.Enabled = False
IveHadFocusAlready = True
End If
End Sub

Ms access form: field order

can I somehow set in what order the text fields become active after pressing the "Tab" button?
I think it depends on when you added the field and not where it is in the form. So can I change this or I should add the fields in the order I want to switch them with the "Tab" button?
There are at least a couple of ways to change tab order.
With the form in design view, right click on an area of the form without a control. On the context menu that appears, click on Tab Order. A dialog will open that will allow you to change the tab order.
Another method is via the property sheet for each control. On the Other tab there is a property for Tab Order. Just set it to whatever you like.

Switching between tabs in android

Hi I Have 3 tabs in one sceen..
first tab:some edittext fields with some data in disable mode.initially only one button will be there ie "edit",when u click "edit" then fields will change to editable mode.and "save","cancel" buttons will come.
My Requirment:if we change data in edittext fields and if u are trying to change tab I should display an alert box saying that "do u want to save data?"
can any one tell how can i achive this?
thanks in advance
Just implement OnTabChangeListner in main activity and in this check whether edit text is in editable mode.u can check it by using a flag. set flag when user press on edit button. if flag is true then show alert.

Interface Builder - Custom Button with Title text

When I set up a custom button in Interface Builder it hides the Title text.
Do you have to create the text for the button too or is it possible to change the Z order so that the Title appears on top?
You are probably setting the 'Image' property of your button instead of the 'Background' property.
'Image' appears over your text, so either programmatically or in NIB(way simpler), set the 'Background' image to your desired png, and set the text for the desired button 'State Config'(default, selected etc), Leaving the 'Image' property blank.
The title by default appears on the top and in no case the text goes behind the button...
Still follow the below steps
1. Drag uibutton to the view
2. Select UIButton
3. Click on the first tab of the Inspector
4. Then Enter the title over there.
The title entered will be on the button..
Hope this helps
For a custom button, I fixed the same problem by going in interface builder and in the tab where you can set up hte title, image, background, etc., if you look lower, there will be a section titled "Control". In that section you can change the alignment and there are also some checkboxes for "Content". Put a checkmark in "Enabled" and "Selected" and it should work. Ensure to have populated the title for the various states of the button.
It may be related to the State Config attribute. I had the same problem and solved it by doing this:
Select your button
In the utilities pane (right pane), select the Attribute inspector (4th tab).
Change the State Config (2nd attribute) to the value "Default".
Enter a Title and press Enter (I tried changing it directly on the button but it is resized automatically).
You may switch back to your previous State Config if it is what you need.