Azure Data Factory - Error creating a parameterised mapping dataflow - azure-data-factory

I am having an error when trying to create a parameterised Mapping Data Flow. More specifically, I have the following error. Anyone have suggestions on how to fix it or what the error may be?
{ "Message": "ErrorCode=InvalidTemplate, ErrorMessage=Unable to parse expression 'body('DataFlowDebugExpressionResolver')?.Data Vault Loadb734571b6d5a414ea8387a08077f1ff1?.DataVaultSource.sourcetable': expected token 'EndOfData' and actual 'Identifier'." } - RunId: 24ee9884-610d-4061-a9be-670aeb8f1660
Thanks #Leon and #Joel for your responses. I am attaching my pipelines here for your consideration

I have found the resolution to the problem I raised yesterday. The error was caused by the name of the Mapping Data Flow (Data Vault Load).
I raised a request from Microsoft and they had the following suggestion
Spaces in name of object and parameters does not go well
Once I removed the spaces in my Mapping Data Flow name it, this particular error was resolved.
Thanks to everyone that responded.

I have been looking for going around looking for this answer it is 2021 and Microsoft still didn't add any validation or restriction for the naming of the Data Flow


Azure Data Factory Webhook body problems

So I'm experiencing some issues in Azure Data Factory.
I have a standard pipeline where I'm trying to implement a webhook for later callbacks, but the body for the webhook post does not seem to be behaving.
(In advance: sorry for the image URLs -> I'm not reputable enough to post images)
So here is what I've typed into the "Body" of the Webhook service:
Then I verify that the template looks correct:
And finally I debug the pipeline only to find this as output from the webhook:
As you can see it's grabbing a {"Key":"Value"} from somewhere.
Now I've saved the pipeline; I've published the pipeline; I've restarted ADF.. Still.
So the first issue is that I'm not able to send the body that I want.
The second issue is that I'd like to parameterize the body (when this is cleared up):
I've not been able to solve that last one either, so if any kind souls would be so kind.. much obliged!
Edit: In addition I've not been able to spot the "callBackUri" that the documentation promises:
Any insights into that issue as well?
I tried many times and finally succeeded.
In your case, you can use the expression as follow:
The result is as follow:
First, we need to concatenate the query string.
Then we need to use #json() to convert the string type to json type.

Azure DataFactory V2: Use SecureString Parameter in dynamic content

I have a secure string parameter in data fatory
According to another post this is the way to access said parameter
This use to and still give a validation error within the dynamic content window:
However the pipeline worked like this without issue. This validation error did not block publishing.
Asof today I can no longer publish if that validation error is present
How do I get around this?
Refer it in this way:
It will work.
I don't know why the syntax of ADF is so terrible.

Error missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity

when saving (updating) opr delete Entities the "missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity" Error is thrown.
Breeze.Angular" version="1.1.1"
Breeze.Angular.Directives" version="1.3.10"
Breeze.Angular.SharePoint" version="0.10.0"
Breeze.Client" version="1.5.3"
Breeze.DataService.SharePoint" version="0.10.0"
Breeze.Metadata.Helper" version="1.0.8"
Read the Entites is no problem. When debugging breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js line 297 function updateEntityNode...
metadata is obtained by Sharepoint, etag and type as defined -> type = "SP.Data.LearningPathsListItem" as I went along the pluralsight course and blog from Andre Connell. However on line on line 301 node.$entityType is undefined and __metadata is not copied to extraMetadata. I've no clue why as I went strictly to blog an course when defining the entities. Anyone to point out how to fix $entityType? Thanks.
I've brought this to Andrew Connell's attention. He's tied up at the moment but we'll try and follow up as soon as we can.
You might help us help you by adding some information to your question:
Describe your SharePoint source. A sanitized URL will probably do.
Show us the metadata you wrote for the LearningPathsListItem
Show us the JSON returned from SharePoint in response to the successful query (you can scrap this from the pertinent traffic visible in the "Network" tab of the browser's developer tools [F12]).

Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0030:

I am trying to paypal express checkout i used
when i call use
PayPalAPIAASoapBinding paypal = new PayPalAPIAASoapBinding();
i am getting error
Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0030:
Cannot convert type
'[]' to
'paypal.sandbox.TupleType' error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert
type 'paypal.sandbox.TupleType' to
how to over come this
Just hit this myself when updating to version 119. In your generated Web service file, do a find for [][] and replace all occurrences with []. The bad guy seems to be the merchantDataField in the PaymentDetailsType.
It seems to be a bug in the Microsoft WSDL tools when interacting with services that have "nested nodes with the maxOccurs attribute set to unbounded"; I've encountered it before when interacting with FedEx SOAP APIs as well.

QBO API V3.0: Persistent error today retrieving Tax Rates

We have consistently getting the following error today when using API V3.0 to retrieve TaxRate from QBO:
An application error has occurred while processing your request - Detail: System Failure Error: An unexpected error occurred while accessing or saving your data. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact customer support. - Error Code: 10000
Is this a temporary issue with the servers or has something changed in the API ?
I tried both the taxrate endpoints(findById and Query) from ApiExplorer and got a successful response.
GetById -
Query - * from TaxRate
Can you please give it a try from ApiExplorer and check if you are hitting the correct endpoints. Otherwise you can raise a support ticket mentioning your company's relamID.
Standard BASE URL for V3 -
We get the following when we try this call using devkit -*+from+TaxRate&requestid=faf9f5e207134f24930eef40c9b8a21a&
There is a bug in .net devkit where IDSquery will not work for count.
You need to use the following lamda function until the fix is in place-
QueryService AccQueryService2 = new QueryService(context);
int accs22= AccQueryService2.Select(c => c).Count();
The team has identified this a bug. They will rectify this in the next release around 1 month from now.