running sbt class using only a jar - scala

Is there any way to run sbt commands with only a jar instead of a project?
I've been having issues using scopt with java or scala commands, and it only seems to work with sbt.
Ideally something like
sbt --jar <jar name>/"run-main <options"

You'd probably want to package everything up into something you can execute. One possibility would be to create a fat jar using something like sbt-assembly.
Once you've built your jar, you can then:
java -jar /path/to.jar --your-options
Take note that at this point you can only do what would have been the equivalent of sbt run-main with the jar. You cannot of course invoke any of the other sbt commands on the jar created.


how to run scala .jar with external jar files in terminal

I have my .jar built from scala classes and it has an external dependency with other.jar. Please suggest how should I run my jar files in terminal. The command I tried is
$scala my_scala.jar external.jar
It works same way as running java program. Try this
scala -classpath <your_scala_jar>:<external_jar> <package.MainClass>

build and executable jar using SBT

I have a simple Scala command line App that I want to package using SBT.
object Transform extends App {
val source =
I can't seem to find anything in the SBT docs or an online example of a SBT configuration/command that would allows me to create a standalone executable jar (java -jar ...) with the appropriate manifest and dependencies included.
I did find SBT Assembly, but it looks to be a plugin for SBT < 0.13.5.
sbt-onejar was created for exactly this use case.

Run junit4 test from cmd

I tried to run junit4 test case from command line using:
java -cp junit-4.8.1.jar;test\Dijkstra;test\Dijkstra\bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Data0PathTest00
but I got the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: graph/shortestgraphpath;
while the test case is working without any problems in eclipse.
Hint: in eclipse, shortestgraphpath was added in Referenced Libraries.
You need to the jar file containing shortestgraphpath to java class path.
java -cp junit-4.8.1.jar;test\Dijkstra; test\Dijkstra\bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Data0PathTest00
The class path is the value that you pass to java with -cp so in your question you just supply junitand your compiled classes.
Try updating it with the jar file with the missing class.
java -cp junit-4.8.1.jar;<path to jar file>;test\Dijkstra;test\Dijkstra\bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Data0PathTest00
You might have to add additional jar files as well. I recommend that you take a look at some build tool to help you build and run your java applications for example Maven, Gradle, Buildr.

Compile scala files from a sbt plugin

I am developing a sbt plugin. In this plugin I generate some new scala sources packaged in a sbt project. Then I need to compile these new files programaticaly so that I could add the generated class in my classLoader.
I do not find any way to compile programaticaly sources from a given sbt project path (and eventually from a classLoader) in the sbt API, something as simple as the sbt command (sbt compile) line would be very convenient, something like:
I suggest you have a look at sbt-boilerplate which is an sbt plugin that generates code, works well and is really simple.
Here's a link to the file that you probably want to take a look at

Scala SBT: standalone jar

The answer: Making stand-alone jar with Simple Build Tool seems like what I need, but it did not have enough information for me, so this is a followup.
(1) How do I adapt the answer to my need? I don't understand what would need to be changed.
(2) What command do I run to create the standalone jar?
(3) Where can I find the jar after it has been created?
What I've tried:
Pasting the code in the linked answer verbatim into my: project/build/dsg.scala file. The file now has a
class ForkRun(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
(from before, used for running projects in a separate VM from SBT) and the new:
trait AssemblyProject extends BasicScalaProject
from the linked answer.
I also tried pasting the body (all defs and the lazy val of the AssemblyProject into the body of ForkRun.
To create a jar I ran package at the SBT prompt and get:
[info] Packaging ./target/scala_2.8.1/dsg_2.8.1-1.0.jar ...
[info] Packaging complete.
So I tried running the dsg_2.8.1-1.0.jar from the shell via:
java -jar dsg_2.8.1-1.0.jar
But I get:
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
Could this be caused by having multiple entry points into my project? I select from a list when I execute run from the SBT prompt. Perhaps I need to specify the default when creating the package?
Here's a writeup I did on one way to make an executable jar with SBT:
sbt-assembly is a sbt plugin to create a standalone jar of Scala sbt project with all of its dependencies.
Refer this post for more details with an example.