maven error with build all argument - eclipse

I am a beginner in maven. I have just installed maven 3.3.1.
I have already added the m2_Home pointing to the installation directory in the environment variable.
I created a quick demo project for testing purposes named tutorialsJava.
In my eclipse, I have configured the external tools configuration for different maven arguments
for e.g I am using the build-all argument
Here when I run the project using the maven Build all command, I have the following error.
I have tried several solutions on the web like changing the arguments in the path
I have also tried with this solution but without any success.
Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it?

I would suggest that you use M2Ecilpse which is a Maven integration for Eclipse:


Eclipse's embedded Maven doesn't accept run-time arguments

I have configured jar.version as dynamic input to pom.xml
I tried to configure maven goal in eclipse's run configuration as
clean install -Djar.version=1.0.1
I also tried to add jar.version=1.0.1 in parameter section of maven run configuration.
But this parameter is not accessible by maven build process. Need help here.
I am able to access it if i use external maven (and not eclipse's embedded one) then below command works well
mvn clean install -Djar.version=1.0.1

Eclipse console is terminated on maven build

I intend to run a simple Spring MVC application using Maven. When I try to perform maven clean / build, nothing runs on console instead it shows message as
" Projectname [maven build] ..[JDK path]/javaw.exe"
I have set valid JDK path in system env variables and in the eclipse.ini file. Please help as I can't find anything related to this problem on Google.
Please refer to the attached image for the error:

Apache Ant - Installing Maven Ant Tasks

This is for running files as Ant builds in Eclipse. I have my Ant set up, now I need to install the Maven Ant Tasks. I followed the instructions on the Maven website: downloaded the JAR and put it in my .ant/lib, and double checked that my environment variables were correct. When I try to run as an Ant build in Eclipse, however, it gives me this error:
No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet
This appears to be an antlib declaration.
Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of:
-a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument
Now I know there are a ton of resolved questions like this that have been answered, but I've tried all of the solutions I could find to no avail. I've tried using -lib in prompt, tried setting the classpath variable, tried playing around with my environment variables, but I'm still screwing up somehow.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, what I'm missing?
When running Ant within Eclipse, it is Eclipse itself which is managing the classpath of Ant.
Look into the global preferences of Eclipse, and then into the Ant/Runtime panel. The first tab, 'Classpath' is the one you want to modify. Click on the 'Global Entries' and then hit the button 'Add JARs...'. Select the jar of the Maven Ant Tasks and you're done.

In PlayN, how can I upgrade to PlayN version 1.3.1 without getting "no lwjgl in java.library.path" error?

The reason I couldn't update properly was I didn't have game's jar file properly installed. That was fixed by first running this on the command line:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.mygame -DartifactId=mygame-core -Dversion=0.9-beta -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/home/klenwell/projects/mygame/playn/mygame/java/target/mygame-java-0.9-beta.jar
Then, in Eclipse, I right-clicked java folder > Maven > Test. This updated all my dependencies including lwjgl.
Otherwise, see thomasbroad's answer.
Original Question
I've consulted the following authorities on this topic and applied their various recommendations:!topic/playn/E2t7gNh4ab0
Part of the problem is I'm not sure whether I should be following the Maven instructions or the Eclipse instructions. I've tried both and everything in between.
I'm working in Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on Eclipse using Maven. Everything was working fine until I changed the PlayN version in my POM file from 1.2 to 1.3.1 and introduced the lwjgl dependency.
What I would have expected to have worked:
1) Download lwjgl (latest version 2.8.4) and test per instructions (this was successful)
2) Update the appropriate POM files
2A) Add lwjgl.version as a property to mygame/pom.xml
2B) Add lwjgl as a dependency to mygame/mygame-java/pom.xml
3) Right-click mygame-java project in Eclipse > Run As > Run Configurations > Arguments and add either -Djava.library.path=target/natives or -Djava.library.path=/absolute/path/to/my/lwjgl/lib to VM arguments. (I've tried both variations.)
I can see the dependencies listed under my java project folder in Eclipse. And when I follow the guide for Eclipse, I can see the jar listed under the java project folder. But I still get the error.
After two hours of hair-wrenching frustration, I hope somebody can either point out my fatal oversight or provide explicit instructions that will help me get back to work. Thanks.
I upgraded my project from 1.2 to 1.3 a while ago. I only updated my pom.xml files to refer to the new version of PlayN . I did not manually install lwjgl and neither did I add the lwjgl dependency as that one is implicitly pulled in by PlayN
Manually apply the diffs found here to your project, to your poms.
The key part being the piece in the java pom that tells Maven to unpack native dependencies. This part was actually added in the previous diff, so you may want to look there as well.
Now your IDE will most likely tell you that your project is not up-to-date with your poms, update your project, this should pull in the lwjgl dependency and set it up correctly.
I believe you should add the -Djava.library.path arguments to the VM Arguments, not to the Program Arguments in your runtime configuration.
The other -using maven- option is described on the Getting Started page, it worth noting, that the default embedded Maven is buggy for development, you should download and use at least Maven 3.0.3 as it is mentioned on the page (but I guess you already do this).
I just started a new project fresh with PlayN 1.4 and encountered this issue again in Eclipse. Resolved it as follows:
Right click mygame-java > Run As > Run Configurations...
Then added the following to VM Arguments under Arguments tab:
Then successfully ran as application.
At one point, I also ran the mvn install:install-file... command mentioned in question but I'm not sure whether that was necessary or not.

gwt-maven-plugin with Eclipse Indigo

I would just like to setup a new GWT project in Eclipse and use Maven for dealing with all the jar jungle. I used gwt-maven-plugin with this instructions, but I can't get the project to work in Eclipse.
What I've actually done:
Created a maven project using the archetype gwt in command line.
Imported the projet in eclipse using import > existing maven project
While doing that I had errors saying:
gwt-maven-plugin:2.3.0-1:generateAsync - "No marketplace entries found to handle"
gwt-maven-plugin:2.3.0-1:i18n - "No marketplace entries found to handle"
gwt-maven-plugin:2.3.0-1:exploded - "No marketplace entries found to handle"
These errors don't go away even if I ignore them on the import.
How can I make these projects working? Is the problem that I skipped the "process-resources" setting? (There is no such setting in the latest version of m2e.)
Should I even use gwt-maven-plugin? Is there any other way of making a GWT project to use Maven? Or – is there any other way to fight with the jar jungle? What does GWT guys use?
I use Eclipse Indigo with m2e plugin 1.0.0 and Google suite plugin version 2.3.3.
Eventually I gave up Maven. As one other developer said "good ideas and bad code build communities faster" , I also remember my experience with Maven on all the projects: very promising on the beginning, but eventually you get to some problems and end up working more with configuring Maven than actually dealing with your own code.
I decided to manually copy needed .jar-s into /lib folder. I spent some time due to transitive dependencies, but LESS than dealing with Maven and now I have things under control. If sometime in the future working with libraries will become an overhead, I will consider using Ivy.
If someone wishes to stick with Maven, I lately found a very useful link by Google team:
They recommend using their sample projects and not gwt-maven-plugin archetypes (due to issues). I agree. They also provide needed pom lifecycle changes for Eclipse Indigo.
According to a recent post on the gwt-maven-plugin mailing list the Maven integration is not complete for Eclipse Indigo, since the M2Eclipse 1.0 release has brought about a large number of changes. The suggested workarounds from David Chandler, Google engineer, are:
You can run "mvn package" on the command line or right-click on the project > Maven > Run as > Maven build.
The plugin execution failures you're seeing can be resolved by adding lifecycle mapping metadata as in the sample POMs. They are only needed for Indigo. You should not get these errors in Helios or when running mvn package from the command line.
Disclaimer: The following guidelines are for Windows users. These steps are on the basis that, they have worked when tried by the replier and doesn't guarantee fulfledge working unless experimented by self and tried with proper prerequisites.
::Creating a simple gwt project using archetype::
Following are few commands that can be used to create a simple gwt project "Web Starter Application":
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.3.0
mvn -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.3.0 -DgroupId={project packaging} -DartifactId={application name} -Dversion=1.0 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:generate
mvn -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.3.0 -DgroupId={project packaging} -DartifactId={application name} -Dversion=1.0 -Dmodule={module name} org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:generate
(The value of archetypeVersion can be 2.3.0 or any higher stable version.)
Few coordinates are required by maven to create the gwt project. They are as follows:
The first command doesn't take any of the above coordinates hence, we need to supply them at the time it executes. Notice that the archetype goal is mentioned right at the beginning of the command. It is mandatory to give the archetype goal.
The meanings of these coordinates can be found here.
One of the best ways to start with understanding maven is this.
The second command doesn't consider the module name hence, you will be prompted to give it at the time the command executes.
The third command is equivalent to running it in batch mode where you just have to confirm the inputs for groupId, artifactId, version, module as mentioned in command itself.
Once any of these commands gives a BUILD SUCCESS result, then navigate to the just-now-created project folder from command line and execute the following command:
mvn gwt:run
It should start the project in Development Mode so that you can Launch the Default Browser to run the project or Copy the URL to clipboard and navigate to it through any browser.
Good luck with the execution.