Eclipse console is terminated on maven build - eclipse

I intend to run a simple Spring MVC application using Maven. When I try to perform maven clean / build, nothing runs on console instead it shows message as
" Projectname [maven build] ..[JDK path]/javaw.exe"
I have set valid JDK path in system env variables and in the eclipse.ini file. Please help as I can't find anything related to this problem on Google.
Please refer to the attached image for the error:


Keep Getting Error When Trying to Run Javafx on Eclipse with Mac

So I keep getting this error when trying to run my program:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found
I'm using a mac with eclipse, and my VM argument is:
--module-path /Users/myname/Desktop/javafx-sdk-11.0.2_3/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
I've tried everything, javafx.controls.jar and the other .jar file are in my lib folder. I've reinstalled the javafx program, changed my file path around hundreds of times, and I've tried to install plugins. Does anyone have any idea as too what can be happening? JavaFX is also an added library in my project, and all the .jar files assocated with it are added to it. Please let me know if anyone has an idea. Best!
I had success with the following additional step.
In the Run Configuration->Dependencies tab, click the "ModulePath" and then add the JavaFX JDK's jars (or the /lib folder that holds the jars) to the list.
You can inspect the generated command line, and check that these are included in the -p option.
IDK why this step should be needed. I would think Eclipse should be smart enough to include something on the dependency module path if it were in the project's Build Path Library list.
I have questions about this at and gluon. Maybe there will be an explanation, or fix so that this step isn't needed, or an edit to the documentation to let us know we need to do this.

maven error with build all argument

I am a beginner in maven. I have just installed maven 3.3.1.
I have already added the m2_Home pointing to the installation directory in the environment variable.
I created a quick demo project for testing purposes named tutorialsJava.
In my eclipse, I have configured the external tools configuration for different maven arguments
for e.g I am using the build-all argument
Here when I run the project using the maven Build all command, I have the following error.
I have tried several solutions on the web like changing the arguments in the path
I have also tried with this solution but without any success.
Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it?
I would suggest that you use M2Ecilpse which is a Maven integration for Eclipse:

Gwt Production Mode in IntelliJ IDEA

Specifically, I wonder how to compile project for production mode in IntelliJ IDEA. So far I have found only dev mode mentions and the official JetBrains guide describes only devmode. Now, when I compile my gwt module in IDEA using "Compile module" from context menu and try to run it in browser calling:
I always get message "Gwt module need(s) to be recompiled".
I have defined a maven run configuration with the command line:
clean gwt:compile -Dgwt.inplace=true
Now the compiler writes his output in the source directory ( in our case /src/main/webapp). If I take now the url without the parameter for the codeserver I get the correct results.
I hope this will help!

PlayN GWT/HTML, keeps insisting module must be (re)compiled

I created a new PlayN project from the 1.2 archetype using the command line given in the GettingStarted wiki page. I then imported this Maven Project into Eclipse, just bringing in the core, java, and html modules. If I right-click the Java project, I can choose my main class, and a window pops up with the background image shown. Note that I've done no real programming yet: I'm just using the default project configuration.
Next, I used GWT-compile through Eclipse on the HTML project, and I got no errors. When I run it as a Web application by using the provided URL (without removing the "?gwt.codesvr=" bit), the application runs fine aside the Eclipse Console gives a warning about being in Development Mode. (Specifically, "You are running in GWT Development Mode. For optimal performance you may want to use an alternative method.")
However, if I run the application the recommended way, by removing the gwt.codesvr parameter, then I keep getting a dialog box saying "GWT module 'testproject' may need to be (re)compiled."
After reading How do I run a maven/eclipse/GWT/playN app in production mode?, I tried doing mvn test -Ptest-html
and then pointing my browser at http://localhost:8080, but it gives the same error.
Am I doing something wrong?
(EDIT: I have no idea if this next point is significant or not, but I'll share it anyway. When I try to create a project from Eclipse, the newest PlayN archetype I can see is 1.0.3, even after telling Eclipse to update the Maven index. I'm running Eclipse Indigo.)
I guess you are running PlayN 1.0.3.
There is a bug in 1.0.3:
So you need to do the following:
Run GWT-Compile
Run the web application and get the error message: "GWT module 'testproject' may need to be (re)compiled."
Run again GWT-compile, while the Web-Application is running
Reload your browser with CTRL-F5
The important step is step 3.
You can update to PlayN 1.2 to get rid of the error. For this you have to change the file playn-showcase/pom.xml.
Change the line

Grails dependencies 'empty' in java build path STS

My coworker is attempting to install STS, groovy/grails onto his PC. He has imported a TFS project which grabbed the source fine. However he is getting lots of build errors that appear to be the result of the Grails Dependencies library being empty. He cleared .ivy2 cache and restarted STS which repopulated the .ivy2 cache. However, the dependencies are still empty under the build path (right click project, build path, libraries tab, expand Grails Dependencies).
He might be able to add them manually, but that doesn't seem like the appropriate solution and may cause issues down the line. Any ideas?
Select "Grails Tools -> Refresh dependencies" from the context menu of your project. Then the dependencies are added.
I had the same problem. It turned out that an undeclared class was causing the problem. One of the STS engineers responded that "if the command "grails compile" fails, then STS will not have the dependency data. This data is produced as a side effect of the compile command. So it doesn't get generated if the compile fails."
Basically, the entire Grails Dependency issue was a red herring. If you look at the Error Log (Window->View->Error Log or Window->View->Other: General->Error Log) check to see there is an undefined that is stopping the grails compile.