Chinese in Japanese encoding - encoding

This may sound like a stupid question. I typed some Chinese characters into an empty text file in VS code text editor (default utf8). Then I saved the file in an encoding for Japanese: shift JIS, which apparently doesn't cover all the characters I have typed in.
However, before I close the file, all Chinese characters are displayed properly in VS code. Now after I closed the file and reopened it using shift JIS encoding, several characters are displayed as a question mark ?. I guess these are the Chinese characters not covered by the Japanese encoding?
What happened in the process? Is there anyway I can 'get back' the Chinese characters that are now shown in ?? I don't really understand how encoding works in this scenario...

Not all encodings cover all characters. (Unicode encodings, in principle, do, but even they don't have quite everything yet.) If you save some text in an encoding which does not include all characters in that text, something has to give.
you get an error message,
nothing saves at all,
the characters which cannot be included are silently dropped,
the characters which cannot be included are converted to some other character (such as the question mark).
Once that conversion is done, the data is lost, and cannot be recovered. Why not use UTF-8 or another Unicode encoding? (GB 18030 might be the best for large amounts of Chinese text.)


retrieving unicode text from notepad which is saved as ANSI text file

Yesterday I wrote some text in a notepad file which was full of Unicode characters and saved the file as ANSI. Notepad gave me some warning, which i clicked OK without reading it fully and closed notepad.
Today when I again opened the same text in notepad, I am seeing notepad full of ??? signs. I now understand that this happened because I saved Unicode data as ANSI text. Is there a way to retrieve this text back? May be using some hex-editor or so?
No. Certain characters cannot be encoded in certain encodings. "風" cannot be encoded at all in ISO-8859 or any other single-byte encoding, for example. Each ANSI encoding also can only encode a certain subset of all possible characters. It is simply not possible to store characters not defined in a particular ANSI encoding in that encoding, they're simply not defined there.
So, they're gone. You better pull out a backup.

Find non-ASCII characters in a text file and convert them to their Unicode equivalent

I am importing .txt file from a remote server and saving it to a database. I use a .Net script for this purpose. I sometimes notice a garbled word/characters (Ullerهkersvنgen) inside the files, which makes a problem while saving to the database.
I want to filter all such characters and convert them to unicode before saving to the database.
Note: I have been through many similar posts but had no luck.
Your help in this context will be highly appreciated.
Assuming your script does know the correct encoding of your text snippet than that should be the regular expression to find all Non-ASCII charactres:
see here: and
Also, the base-R tools package provides two functions to detect non-ASCII characters:
You need to know or at least guess the character encoding of the data in order to be able to convert it properly. So you should try and find information about the origin and format of the text file and make sure that you read the file properly in your software.
For example, “Ullerهkersvنgen” looks like a Scandinavian name, with Scandinavian letters in it, misinterpreted according to a wrong character encoding assumption or as munged by an incorrect character code conversion. The first Arabic letter in it, “ه”, is U+0647 ARABIC LETTER HEH. In the ISO-8859-6 encoding, it is E7 (hex.); in windows-1256, it is E5. Since Scandinavian text are normally represented in ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (when Unicode encodings are not used), it is natural to check what E7 and E5 mean in them: “ç” and “å”. For linguistic reasons, the latter is much more probable here. The second Arabic letter is “ن” U+0646 ARABIC LETTER NOON, which is E4 in windows-1256. And in ISO-8859-1, E4 is “ä”. This makes perfect sense: the word is “Ulleråkersvägen”, a real Swedish street name (in Uppsala, at least).
Thus, the data is probably ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (Windows Latin 1) encoded text, incorrectly interpreted as windows-1256 (Windows Arabic). No conversion is needed; you just need to read the data as windows-1252 encoded. (After reading, it can of course be converted to another encoding.)

understanding file encodings

in eclipse, I have a file where some place this is written:
onclick='obj1.help_open_new_window(fn1(), "/redir/url_name")'
and in eclipse Edit menu->set encoding, I see this:
Now I change the encoding to UTF-8 using the same dialog box and the text changes to:
All I know is if this was not happening, then my website would be working fine. Why is this happening and what do I do to prevent this?
I do have some knowledge about encodings: Â and nbsp mystery explained The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) but still I do not understand why this is happening. Feel free to go to byte level(how file is stored) just to explain it.
UPDATE: Here's what I understand: if the file is encoded in latin-1 then every character is a byte and so is the . it should be hex(32). now when I convert it to utf-8, it still remains hex(32) and that is definitely . this leads me to believe that in latin-1, is not hex(32) but a combination of two bytes. How is that possible?
The character you have between the comma and the quote appear sto not be a normal space but some other whitespace character, probably the famous U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE. Since the file is encoded in latin1, the character is stored on disk as the byte \xA0, which does not form a valid character in UTF-8. This means that if you reload the file in your editor using UTF-8 you will see the universal replacement character � in its stead. (The proper UTF-8 encoding of no-break space would be \xC2\xA0.)
To get rid of the problem replace the no-break space with a normal space (U+0020). There is no reason why you should use a no-break space in this context, i.e. in program text.

Should I use hex ascii accented character code in HTML or use the actual character?

I have several huge CSVs with lots of accented characters in html hex code: é for é and lots of others, even – for –, etc.
My site is a wiki for people to update listings. So when they are presented a textarea for update, the existing content is filled in, and obviously those hex codes will be shown.
Should I be bothered replacing those codes with actual accented characters, or just leave it as it is? I wrote a script to replace the characters, but somehow the output are weird characters. Probably the format saved in Ruby isn't in UTF-8 format.
By default my site is in UTF-8, and the accented characters are displayed properly with some html coding in the view.
Please advise. Thanks.
Could you clarify what the problem is?
If your data (CSV) is in UTF-8, and the default encoding of your site is UTF-8, then all you would need to do is make sure that when users are editing content, that content is properly treated as UTF-8.
You may not need to display the markup to the users. Perhaps you could leverage a WYSIWIG editor package like TinyMCE?

How to "force" a file's ISO-8859-1ness?

I remember when I used to develop website in Japan - where there are three different character encodings in currency - the developers had a trick to "force" the encoding of a source file so it would always open in their IDEs in the correct encoding.
What they did was to put a comment at the top of the file containing a Japanese character that only existed in that particular character encoding - it wasn't in any of the others! This worked perfectly.
I remember this because now I have a similar, albeit Anglophone, problem.
I've got some files that MUST be ISO-8859-1 but keep opening in my editor (Bluefish 1.0.7 on Linux) as UTF-8. This isn't normally a problem EXCEPT for pound (£) symbols and whatnot. Don't get me wrong, I can fix the file and save it out again as ISO-8859-1, but I want it to always open as ISO-8859-1 in my editor.
So, are there any sort of character hacks - like I mention above - to do this? Or any other methods?
PS. Unicode advocates / evangelists needn't waste their time trying to convert me because I'm already one of them! This is a rickety older system I've inherited :-(
PPS. Please don't say "use a different editor" because I'm an old fart and set in my ways :-)
Normally, if you have a £ encoded as ISO-8859-1 (ie. a single byte 0xA3), that's not going to form part of a valid UTF-8 byte sequence, unless you're unlucky and it comes right after another top-bit-set character in such a way to make them work together as a UTF-8 sequence. (You could guard against that by putting a £ on its own at the top of the file.)
So no editor should open any such file as UTF-8; if it did, it'd lose the £ completely. If your editor does that, “use a different editor”—seriously! If your problem is that your editor is loading files that don't contain £ or any other non-ASCII character as UTF-8, causing any new £ you add to them to be saved as UTF-8 afterwards, then again, simply adding a £ character on its own to the top of the file should certainly stop that.
What you can't necessarily do is make the editor load it as ISO-8859-1 as opposed to any other character set where all single top-bit-set bytes are valid. It's only multibyte encodings like UTF-8 and Shift-JIS which you can exclude them by using byte sequences that are invalid for that encoding.
What will usually happen on Windows is that the editor will load the file using the system default code page, typically 1252 on a Western machine. (Not actually quite the same as ISO-8859-1, but close.)
Some editors have a feature where you can give them a hint what encoding to use with a comment in the first line, eg. for vim:
# vim: set fileencoding=iso-8859-1 :
The syntax will vary from editor to editor/configuration. But it's usually pretty ugly. Other controls may exist to change default encodings on a directory basis, but since we don't know what you're using...
In the long run, files stored as ISO-8859-1 or any other encoding that isn't UTF-8 need to go away and die, of course. :-)
You can put character ÿ (0xFF) in the file. It's invalid in UTF8. BBEdit on Mac correctly identifies it as ISO-8859-1. Not sure how your editor of choice will do.