How to include Roku_Ads.brs library for the Roku Advertising Framework - google-dfp

I'm trying to make midroll ads work with DFP on Roku and I'm having some trouble.
I'm reading the docs on using the Roku Advertising Framework (RAF) and it says to put Library "Roku_Ads.brs" into the code where I want to use RAF. Since it uses the Library call, it leads me to assume that the library is included in Roku and doesn't have to be downloaded separately.
However, when I put Library "Roku_Ads.brs" at the top of my lib/ads.brs file, I always get the following error:
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/lib/ads.brs:
Error loading file. (compile error &hb9) in pkg:/source/lib/ads.brs(1) 'Roku_Ads.brs'
What am I missing here? Is there some Roku_Ads.brs file that I need to download from somewhere first?
Thanks for the help!

Be sure to add the following line to your manifest:


Google Calendar API - No such module 'GoogleAPIClientForREST'

I'm trying to integrate the Google Calendar API on iOS. I've followed the iOS Quickstart. I've managed to get the objective-c version to run but I need to get it to work in Swift. I'm getting an error loading the module 'GoogleAPIClientForREST'
I'm using cocoapods as shown in the example. All looks to be loaded fine on the pod side, as you can see in the screenshot.
Has someone succeeded to run the google example in swift ?
Linking the library with the binary resolved the module not found error.
I then ran into another error "Value of type 'GTLRCalendarService' has no member 'authorizer'" in the signin method (Two instances of the error). Found a solution to this error here
Solved this by creating a bridging header where I included these lines
#import <GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcher.h>
#import <GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcherService.h>
Here's my Xcode project incase it can help someone.

Getting error trying to use UnityEngine.Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly()

I'm using Unity version 5.5.0f3 and getting an error during development. It's showing an error on this line of code:
var assembly = Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(www.bytes);
The error message I'm getting:
UnityEngine.Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(byte[])' is obsolete:This was an internal method which is no longer used'
As per the documentation, this method is used by the Web Player. However:
Note that web player is not supported from 5.4.0, so this function no longer serves a purpose and will be deprecated.
If you really want to continue using this method, you can try downloading a prior version of Unity from the Download Archive - though I would recommend against working on Web Player projects since they will become even more difficult to maintain going forward without official support.

How to add third party framework to mobile substrate tweak

I would like to add the iOS AWS framework, specifically S3 functionality, to a Mobile Substrate tweak that I am building. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it work. I have tried adding the following to my Makefile without any success:
xxxxx_CFLAGS += -I./External/
xxxxx_LDFLAGS += -l./External/AWSS3.framework
The frameworks, Core and S3 are located in ./External directory. Whatever I try I always get the following error:
fatal error: 'AWSS3/AWSS3.h' file not found
Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Try coping it to /Library/Frameworks and load it from there iOS will automatically search for frameworks in that location

Compiler error when using AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftSockets

I'm try to write a small game on IOS using socket and I've had a java socket server running with Flash client, but I got complier errors when I add the AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftSockets source code to my swift project, and I did nothing after doing this
Here is the project structure:
the selected group "ARISockets" is the source code I drag into my project
and here are the errors(Use of unresolved identifier 'ari_fcntIVi'):
It seems that the errors cause by lack of some import file and I found "ari_fcntIVi" in ARISockets/UnixBridge.c,but I'm a really newer to Swift/Objective-C/C (I'm a AS3 developer), so that sucks me :/
I had the same problem with this library.
You need to create a Bridge file similar to "Import Objective-C into Swift" but this is C:
How to call Objective-C code from Swift
The issue was that you just copied over the sources instead of embedding the SwiftSockets framework. The ari_ prefixed functions used to required the bridging header of the SwiftSockets framework.
Having said that, the current SwiftSockets doesn't use bridging headers anymore, and you can directly embed the sources.

No such Directory Error >

i am using in my code this protocol:
#import "AdMobDelegateProtocol.h"
but i am facing no such file or directory found ??
help needed.
This error shows AdMobDelegateProtocol.h not present in your app bundle. either it need any kind of reference if you use this from any code present at net or you missing to include any framework or it also may possible you create any kind of typo. not more than this
Pls check if the file is present in the project folder or tree in the correct destination. This indicates that there is no such file or is missing in the specified folder/destination
From your comments I see you use AdWhirl.
If you want to use AdMob with AdWhirl you have to add the AdMob framework to your project.
There are no Ad frameworks included in AdWhirl. You have to add them to your project. AdWhirl just uses them, but you have to add them.
You can find the AdMob SDK and install instructions on the admob website.