Trying to understand Ruby's getter setter rules - getter-setter

What I can't understand is the
def initialize(awesome_level2)
#awesome_level2 = awesome_level2
Does the #awesome_level2 have to have the same name as awesome_level2?
It seems if I change it, it doesn't work properly
class Awesome
attr_accessor :awesome_level2
def initialize(awesome_level2)
p awesome_level2 #100
#awesome_level2 = awesome_level2
P #awesome_level2 #100
awesome_sauce =
puts awesome_sauce.awesome_level2 #100 where is awesome_level2 from?
awesome_sauce.awesome_level = 99
puts awesome_sauce.awesome_level #99

attr_accessor is a convenience method that creates getter and setter methods for the symbols you pass as arguments. You can then access the instance variable it creates directly, in this case #awesome_level2. Note that this has the # symbol in front of it, which indicates it's an instance variable. This is different from a local variable or a method parameter which does not have the # sign. Therefore in your initialize method, the variable names #awesome_list2 and awesome_list2 are different and can hold different values.
As #Prescott has said, it seems as though you were trying to set your instance variable #awesome_list2 to the argument passed to your initializer, awesome_list2, but accidentally wrote it with a capital A, which is just going to set it to nil since an object with the name Awesome_list2 (note the capital 'A') doesn't exist (I presume).


Return value is not the same as predicted from a defined function

james=open('C:/Users/skora da_bura/Documents/data.txt')
def Read(numblist,charlist):
for i in range(0,len(jake),4):
for i in range(2,len(jake),4):
Bring = numblist,charlist
james = open('C:/Users/skora da_bura/Documents/data.txt')
jake22 = james.readlines()
back='Number of lines read',len(jake22)
return back
the charlist returns [] even though I had appended values to it to make a list when I was defining the function Read.
I don't seem to see what the problem is with the code
The charlist you define in the signature of Read shadows the global charlist. They're different variables that happen to have the same name. If you intend to modify the global variable, you shouldn't try to pass it as a parameter.

Can you pass by reference in PeopleCode?

I'm new to PeopleCode and as I'm learning functions, I noticed that in PeopleCode, we'd normally pass value using %PATIENT_ID. A friend told me that you can also pass by reference in PeopleCode but how?
PeopleCode passes by reference for functions.
Function addOne(&num As integer)
&num = &num + 1
Local integer &val = 9;
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0,String(&val));
Results in 10
If you are using App Classes it behaves differently
for methods:
Pass by value for simple types (string, int, number,etc)
Pass by reference for objects (rowsets, records, app classes)
Can pass by reference for simple types using the OUT keyword in the parameter list
method addOne(&num as integer out)
Functions which are defined in the same context as the executing code, e.g. page/component/record/field event PeopleCode, always consider parameters as refernces.
Within Application Classes, parameters of simple types on methods can be defined with the 'out' key word to state that they are a references. Methods also automatically pass parameters as references for complex types. Think: "If there is a lot of data, it is a reference"
This documentation will be very helpful for you.
Passing Parameters with Object Data Types
Parameters with object data types are always passed by reference:
/* argument passed by reference */
method storeInfo(&f as File);
If you specify the out modifier for a method parameter with an object
data type, it becomes a reference parameter. This means that the
parameter variable is passed by reference instead of the object that
it is pointing at when passed.
For example, if you pass an object parameter with the out modifier:
method myMethod(&arg as MyObjectClass);
Local MyObjectClass &o1 = create MyObjectClass("A");
Local MyOtherObjectClass &o2 = create MyOtherObjectClass();
And inside myMethod this occurs:
Method myMethod
&arg = create MyObjectClass("B");
Since the method argument is reassigned within the body of myMethod,
&o1 does not point at the new instance of MyObjectClass (initialized
with "B") after the method call completes. This is because &o1 still
references the original instance of MyObjectClass.
However, if &o1 had been passed with the out modifier, after the
method call completes, &o1 points at whatever the parameter was last
assigned to; in this case, the new instance of MyObjectClass. The
parameter, rather than the object, is passed by reference. Using
the Out Specification for a Parameter
In the following example, a class, AddStuff, has a single public
method, DoAdd. This adds two numbers together, then assigns them as
different numbers. In the signature of the method declaration, the
first parameter is not declared with an out statement, while the
second one is.
class AddStuff
​method DoAdd(&P1 as number, &P2 as number out);
method DoAdd
&X = &P1 + &P2;
&P1 = 1;
&P2 = 2;
In the following PeopleCode example, an object named &Aref is
instantiated from the class AddStuff. Two parameters, &I and &J are
also defined.
local AddStuff &Aref = Create AddStuff();
local number &I = 10;
local number &J = 20;
The following code example is correct. &J is changed, because of the
outstatement in the method signature, and because the value is being
passed by reference. The value of &I is not updated.
&Aref.DoAdd(&I, &J); /* changes &J but not &I */
The following code example causes a design time error. The second
parameter must be passed by reference, not by value.
&Aref.DoAdd(10, 20); /* error - second argument not variable */

Classname in static methods of abstract classes

I would like to access the class name of the concrete class that's invoking a static method implemented in an abstract superclass.
This is the code (part of) of the abstract superclasss:
classdef (Abstract) AbstractJobProcessor < handle
properties (Abstract, Constant)
methods (Static)
function res = getVersionMajor;
res = AbstractJobProcessor.VERSION_MAJOR;
function res = getVersionMinor
res = AbstractJobProcessor.VERSION_MINOR;
function res = getVersionInfo
res = sprintf('**CLASSNAME**: v%d.%02d (last modified: %s)',...
Basically, I would like to access the classname of the concrete subclass and use it in the method getVersionInfo in place of the string **CLASSNAME**.
All the methods returning meta information about a class (that I have found in the documentation) require a reference to an instance of the class (like, for example, mc = metaclass(object)).
The below function will give you what you want - subclass name, that was used when invoking an (inherited) static superclass method. Just call it inside your superclass method like you would any normal function:
className = getStaticCallingClassName();
What it does handle:
Both the case when method was invoked programmatically (i.e. by a running script / function), as well as when it was invoked from the command window.
Arbitrarily nested package names (i.e. classes located inside directories prefixed with +).
What it does not handle:
Does not work if the static method is called in a non-static context, i.e. on an object instance. But you should not be using such syntax anyway. This would've been possible if we were able to use evalin with 'caller' workspace recursively, but it does not work this way.
A brief explanation behind the idea: second entry in the stack trace, produced by dbstack, would correspond to the superclass, which we can use to extract the static method name. The next steps depend on:
If the method is invoked programmatically, third stack entry would point us to a line in the the parent script/function which we need to read, e.g. using dbtype. All that's left to do is extract the subclass name using regexp based on the method name.
If the method is invoked from command window, we query the last command and use that as the input for our regular expression.
Note that even if stack has 3 entries or more, it doesn't mean that the method was invoked programmatically. For example, if we've stopped on a breakpoint somewhere and invoke the method from command window, stack trace would be long, but regexp based on the line from the third stack trace entry will not give us the answer. In this case we fall back to the command window approach.
Warning: it heavily relies on undocumented features and may break in any feature release. Tested on Matlab 2015b, but should work on most previous releases as well. Some may say it is quite dirty, but it works very well, and it's the only method that I'm aware of to achieve such a behavior.
function [className, fullPath] = getStaticCallingClassName()
ST = dbstack('-completenames');
% First one is getStaticCallingClassName, second one is the superclass
methodName = char(regexp(ST(2).name, '[^\.]([^.]*)$', 'match'));
% matches string (combination of alphanumeric/underscore/dot characters) preceeding the given method call.
pattern = sprintf('[\\w.-]*(?=.%s)', methodName);
% If the parent called static method programmatically, we should be able to find it via the next (third) stack trace
if length(ST) > 2
command = evalc('dbtype(ST(3).file, num2str(ST(3).line))');
className = char(regexp(command, pattern, 'match'));
else % was likely called from command window. Long stack trace means that we're simply waiting in a breakpoint somewhere
className = []; % go straight to command window approach
if isempty(className) % means that static method was called directly from command window
javaHistory = com.mathworks.mlservices.MLCommandHistoryServices.getSessionHistory();
command = char(javaHistory(end));
className = char(regexp(command, pattern, 'match'));
fullPath = which(className);
Here's a workaround. According to the MATLAB documentation:
'Ordinary methods define functions that operate on objects of the class',
'Static methods are (1) associated with a class, but (2) not with specific instances of that class'.
You can have both aspects of static methods if you call an ordinary method with an empty object array.
For example, suppose we have a base class:
classdef base
function obj = base()
disp('constructor called')
function dispClassName(obj)
disp(['class name = ', class(obj)]);
and a subclass
classdef sub < base
Now call the methods as follows (this will not invoke any constructor):
>> base.empty.dispClassName
class name = base
>> sub.empty.dispClassName
class name = sub
A real solution (for which I did an enhancement request 03315500 to MathWorks) would be to extend the MATLAB language with a method attribute 'Class' to define methods that are associated with the invoking class (similar to the Python #classmethod decorator). Methods of this class would automatically receive the metaclass of the invoking function as a first argument. With such an extension we could define a base class:
% Future MATLAB syntax extension
classdef base
methods(Class) % New method attribute ‘Class’
function dispClassName(cls) % implicit argument (meta.class)
disp(['class name = ' cls.Name ]);
and a subclass
classdef sub < base
and call
>> base.dispClassName
class name = base
>> sub.dispClassName
class name = sub

Supporting "recursive objects" in lua

I'm fairly new to lua and have the following problem with an assignment from a class:
We currently extend lua to support objects and inheritance. The Syntax for that is
attribute1 = String,
attribute2 = Number
Class{'MySubClass', MyClass,
attribute3 = Number
This works perfectly fine. The real problem lies within the next task: We should support "recursive types", that means a call like
Class{'MyClass', attribute = MyClass}
should result in an class with a field of the same type as the class. When this "class-constructor" is called the variable MyClass is nil, thats why the parameter table doesnt't have an entry attribute. How is it possible to access this attribute?
My first thought was using some kind of nil-table which gets returned every time the global __index is called with an unset key. This nil-table should behave like the normal nil, but can be checked for in the "class-constructor". The problem with this approach are comparisons like nil == unknown. This should return true, but as the __eq meta method of the nil-table is never called we cannot return true.
Is there another approach I'm currently just ignoring? Any hint is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Here the relevant part of the "testfile". The test by which the code is rated in class is another one and gets published later.
three = 3
print( three == 3 , "Should be true")
print( unknown == nil , "Should be true" )
Class{'AClass', name = String, ref = AClass}
function AClass:write()
print("AClass:write(), name of AClass:",
aclass = AClass:create("A. Class")
Since MyClass is just a lookup in the global table (_G), you could mess with its metatable's __index to return a newly-defined MyClass object (which you would later need to fill with the details).
However, while feasible, such an implementation is
wildly unsafe, as you could end up with an undefined class (or worse, you may end up inadvertantly creating an infinite lookup loop. Trust me, I've been there)
very hard to debug, as every _G lookup for a non-existing variable will now return a newly created class object instead of nil (this problem could somewhat be reduced by requiring that class names start with an uppercase character)
If you go that route, be sure to also override __newindex.
How about providing the argument in string form?
Class{'MyClass', attribute = 'MyClass'}
Detect strings inside the implementation of Class and process them with _G[string] after creating the class
Or alternatively, use a function to delay the lookup:
Class{'MyClass', attribute = function() return MyClass end}

Matlab: Getter runs before Constructor?

Given an object with custom get-methods for some properties, does Matlab execute some of the code (the getter) before the class constructor is executed?
Even if i set the default of a property to empty, and have a getter (!) open an io connection to a file, when I step through the debugger, even on the first line the object is already defined as (with a filepath that corresponds the information available to the object before the constructor ran). How can this be, and whats the reasoning behind this implementation?
Edit: A breakpoint in the get method does not halt the debugger, so I'm not sure wether it is actually executed or not.
Edit 2: It seems like the getter is executed after the constructor is entered, after the debugger halts in the first line, before the first line is executed. No halt at breakpoint within get method though...
As per request, some code:
classdef Cat < handle
poop = []; % my data matrix the cat is there to produce/manage
function obj = Cat(config)
obj.filename = config.FILENAME; % Halt debugger in this line
function value = get.poop(obj)
obj.poop = matfile(obj.filename)
value = obj.poop.ingredients; % 'ingeredients' being the name of the variable in poopfile.mat
To debug, I call
myCat = Cat(config)
from a different script. Workspace is cleared and path is rehashed.
When the debugger halts, obj.poop is not [], but is already a reference to some undefined file, and the reference to the linked file obj.poop.Source is empty, which is obvious, as obj.filename has not been set yet.
Test setup:
With a slightly modified class Cat.m:
classdef Cat < handle
poop = [];
function obj = Cat(config)
display('In constructor.');
obj.filename = config.FILENAME;
function value = get.poop(obj)
display('In poop getter.');
obj.poop = matfile(obj.filename);
value = obj.poop.ingredients;
to display the execution order of the class methods, and the test.m script:
ingredients = 1:100;
save('a', 'ingredients');
config.FILENAME = 'a.mat';
myCat = Cat(config)
I got the following result:
In constructor.
myCat =
In poop getter.
Cat handle
filename: 'a.mat'
poop: [1x100 double]
Methods, Events, Superclasses
Please note that the first assignment in the getter method was ended with semicolon (while in the original code was not).
In conclusion:
The get.poop() method is called after the constructor, as expected. This was tested on MATLAB R2012a, but I strongly believe that this is not a matter of version.
The reason for which get.poop() method is called is because the assignment myCat = Cat(config) is not ended with a semicolon ;.
The default behavior for assignments not ended with semicolon is to display the result of assignment. Displaying an object means, among other things, displaying the values of public properties. To get the value of the public property poop, get.poop() is called; that explains the getter call. Once the statement is changed to myCat = Cat(config);, the getter is not called anymore, because the result of assignment is not displayed anymore.
Later note:
Please note also that every request for display of the object will call the getter. So, yes, the getter might be called while the constructor is still halted by the debugger, because you inspect the poop member.