Possible to copy branches/pages of TYPO3 6.2 into existing website? - typo3

I am new to TYPO3 and got a problem. I have an existing website (6.2) and an old site (4.5).
Problem is that the old site has a lot of pages which should be migrated into the new site. The existing pages of the old site contain only regular content records. I want to avoid to copy hundreds of pages manually.
My idea is to upgrade the old site from 4.5 to 6.2. And then somehow copy the existing branches/pages eg. with help of sql? Does someone has experience with it?
If this might not work is it possible to copy at least the structure of the branches/pages? Means the content needs to be copied manually but at least page title, url etc. can be copied by sql?


TYPO3 9+: Multiple user_uploads related to page tree

is it possible to use different user_uploads by page tree in TYPO3 9+?
Multiple companies are using the same TYPO3 instance for their websites.
Example #1:
An editor is placing images in a content element on a page of a page tree with drag'n'drop. Normally the files would be uploaded to the user_upload folder. If you have a huge amount of backend editors the user_upload folder will be a mass in a short time and nobody feels responsible for the files. I know that you can see if a file is used by its references in the info section but it would be much easier if a company would have its own user_upload directory (maybe subfolder of it).
Did anyone faced the same problem an has a solution for this?
Thanks in advance!
I think you should configure your user groups and their users in such a way that they use the correct storage. you can read about it here:

Bulk remove scheme/protocol/domain from internal referencing links

I created a website years ago, but I don't have the original files, just what I was able download off the site. The website's internal links are all fully qualified (with domain name). Is there a way to remove the URL from all the links?
i.e. http://drawingproject.frostartmuseum.org/events/ should be
I'm using Dreamweaver and Visual Studio Code. I have a PC.

Missing file references in TYPO3 backend

In a TYPO3 6.2 site that was upgraded from 4.5, the "Ref" column in the file list doesn't provide accurate data.
For example, this image is definitively being used on a page, but the reference is not shown in the backend:
I have run the File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index task in the scheduler and updated the refindex several times - no change.
What can I do to make the references display correctly?
Conclusion of comments to a question:
After a migration from pre-FAL installation (TYPO3 < 6.x) all used images, that were located in /uploads/pics or /uploads/media are moved to /fileadmin/_migrated/ folder.
So, if your image in "Filelist" is reported as without references, then it means, that it probably is.
Be aware, that if you have extensions, which are not FAL-aware, then a file still can be in use, but no usage counter will be shown, becasue files are referenced not through FAL (db), but via filesystem.
At the moment of writing, I don't know any tool, that can help to migrate 'internal_type'=>'file' to FAL. If someone finds it, please, add it here in comments or as separate answer.

How to migrate a Dreamweaver site into Kentico

I have a site that was originally built with FrontPage and then transferred over into Dreamweaver. There's a lot of old coding in there and a lot of image maps (think PhotoShop image slicing) for navigation etc. I need to move the site over to Kentico (not my choice) and I'm wondering if there is an easier way of doing it.
I was able to rebuild the whole template in Kentico and now I'm left with creating all the pages and importing content. Currently I'm copying and pasting all the content (text) into the pages I've built and I'm uploading all pdfs and images into the new system. That's all fine and dandy, but there are literally HUNDREDS of pages and THOUSANDS of pdfs. Is there any easier way of doing this? I'm going crazy!
Regrettably there is no easy way to achieve your goal as Kentico is ASP.NET application and your website is built with HTML pages at the moment.
You will need to manually transfer all the pages or you can use Kentico API to handle this programatically but you will need to parse the HTML pages on your own, so in this scenario... the best option is really to transfer all the content manually (or you can pay one of Kentico partners to do this for you).

How To Change target paths for thousands of products at once

I am using Magento 1.7.1 and find that magento has automatically added ugly urls like www.afd.com/catalog/product/view/id/2728/name.html.
When I go into catalog > URL Rewrite, I see the target paths for all my products listed in the above totally unfriendly way with id numbers displaying.
How do I fix this en masse?
Try to do it by using a .csv file. You can create a php file which will run outside your project and do the expected changes via a csv file. Also hopes this will help to grab an idea. http://www.solvingmagento.com/magento-url-rewrites/
Refresh all indexes in magento, here is instrucion http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/magento/102-customizing-magento/how-to-reindex-your-magento-website, then flush all cache. Then magento should use Url Rewrites. If doesn't work make sure that you heve proper settings in
System->Configuration->Web->Search Engine Optimization