Facebook Graph API - /{user-id}/feed limits - facebook

I would like to use the facebook /{user-id}/feed to read facebook posts for a specific user. Before I go down the long road of setting up the Graph API, just wanted to get some quick questions answered.
How far back in time does the /{user-id}/feed go to return data?
Can I filter for specific words?

The Graph API returns all posts for a user since they joined. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.1/user/feed/
Keyword filtering was available using FQL, which is now depreciated. There's no way to do this using the Graph API.


How do I get users who liked my Instagram post over a period of time? using Instagram graph api

I need the statistics of users who have liked/commented on my Instagram post in a certain period of time.
After hours of searching, I came to the conclusion that I could use Instagram graph API to get a list of users who had commented on Instagram post.
but I need a list of users who had liked too.
in the Facebook Graph API docs it seems that such a possibility has been provided.
if it is possible how can I do that?
I tried to proceed according to the documents, but I think I made a mistake.
here is problem

Facebook API to get 'landmark' posts

How would I GET landmarks, like new job/ married/ moved, etc. from the facebook (or any other 3rd party) API??
I'm trying to make a timeline of 'big' moments using facebook, specifically on iOS
I found an answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/12400522/… that lets you use FQL instead of the graph API to send requests and then returns more exact information.
Facebook's FQL reference is here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/technical-guides/fql/

Viewing Shares information for a Facebook post using Facebook graph API

Im trying to use the Facebook graph api on rails to find for a specific post who shared it. Looking through the documentation and the api data it doesn't seem that this information is available for a specific post. I am able to get the likes and comments information, however not the shares.
Would anyone know whether the current Facebook Api gives that information? Thanks
Using Graph API, do a request to graph.facebook.com/POST_ID?fields=sharedposts.
Iterate through the resulting array to get the sharers' identity.
Example in Python here.

Get user wall feed posts with custom filter using Facebook Graph API

In the Facebook Graph API I am able to retrieve the user's wall feed using the following:
And it returns all feeds from the user's wall, however I want to filter this, I want to get everything except likes.
I noticed that the feed type for likes is link and the stuff I need is something like status and photo.
So how do I get every feed except the ones that have the type link and how do I get every feed that has the type status?
Something like:
From what I gathered, if you want to filter the data you retrieve in your own way, the way to go is to use FQL, since the Graph API is somewhat limited.
Since I'm not sure if I can do what I wanted with the Graph API, but the info I gathered lead me to believe I can't, I'm marking FQL as my answer.

News Feed via Graph API 'outdated'

On the Graph API documentation, the following is in brackets next to the News Feed endpoint:
this is an outdated view, does not reflect the News Feed on facebook.com
This is a fairly critical method in any app using the Graph API, so what are we supposed to use? Is there a way to obtain a more accurate version of the News Feed with a different API?
I've noticed some differences between what is shown on the website and what is shown through the API but I assumed most of it was down to individual user permissions. Either way this issue is non-trivial and is starting to make regret choosing the Graph API over, say, FQL.
You can use FQL to fetch the news feed. See the documentation under https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/
But it seems that the results doesn't differ from the results via the graph api.