How to break on register value - windbg

I'd like to break in my function when eax is equal to 1800.
I have tried to make single steps until eax is equal to 1800 but it steps once and quit the .while.
bp myProgram!myFunction ".while(eax!=0n1800){p}"
Any idea?


The loop does not repeat properly with a specified number of repetitions in AHK

I have a few lines of code like this. Each iteration will add 1 record to the list. i have tried setting the number of iterations to 100 but sometimes record list is just 97 or less than 100. i can't find the cause. what can I do to fix it?
loop, % loopNum
ie.Document.QuerySelector("input[id='textIndex']").value := A_index
IE.WaitComplete(ie) // check if IExplorer is complete status then sleep 100s

How to get a script to give a value to an input prompt?

I have a collection of smaller scripts foo1, foo2, etc. and a script master.m that runs them all, like this:
% master.m
run foo1
run foo2
Let's say foo1 calls for input somewhere by saying a = input('Gimme a number\n');.
I thought that if I put the value(s) I wanted on new lines after the run command that they would be entered as input, but they don't. I've also tried enclosing them as a string, i.e. '5'. That doesn't work either.
Is their another function I should use? I looked at the help file for input, but there's no output function. Presumably there's something like write or writetostdio somewhere.
How do I give user input to a script that is being called by another script without touching the keyboard? Can I put the values I want to input in the master.m file?
Because there's some confusion, I'll try to clear it up.
The scripts foo1 and foo2 will NOT be passing values back and forth. Every script will be run independently. Instead, I'm trying to test a program for a range of user behaviours (which are responses to prompts via input in foo1). These are normally typed on the keyboard, but I want my master.m file to tell foo1 what the user inputs are.
Sorry if this is confusing, but hopefully that clears it up.
Modifying existing code to accommodate both manual input and testing inputs is trivial:
function foo1(niterations)
if nargin == 0
niterations = round(input('How many iterations? '));
for ii = 1:numel(niterations)
% Run the thing
fprintf('Running some random program with %d iterations! Yay!\n', niterations(ii));
Using this approach we can do:
>> foo1
How many iterations? 2
Running some random program with 2 iterations! Yay!
>> foo1(2)
Running some random program with 2 iterations! Yay!
>> foo1([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
Running some random program with 1 iterations! Yay!
Running some random program with 3 iterations! Yay!
Running some random program with 5 iterations! Yay!
Running some random program with 7 iterations! Yay!
Running some random program with 9 iterations! Yay!
This is far more logical than trying to pipe things from text files, use evalin to poof things into workspaces, or whatever automagical approach is required to accommodate using scripts in this fashion.
Ok, this is a bit ugly... but might be a work-around if for some reason foo1.m etc. have to remain as scripts.
The idea is to replace each instance of input with a newly defined function myInput which checks if a variable PROMPT_VALUE has been set in the base work-space; and returns that if so, and otherwise passes through to the built-in input. For example:
% myInput.m
function [ valueOut ] = myInput( promptString )
W = evalin('caller','whos'); %or 'base'
doesPVexist = ismember('PROMPT_VALUE',[W(:).name]);
if doesPVexist
valueOut = evalin('caller', 'PROMPT_VALUE');
valueOut = input(promptString);
Assuming we have the following sub-scripts:
% foo1.m
a = myInput('Number to double: ');
% foo2.m
b = myInput('Number to halve: ');
We can test the approach as follows:
% master.m
run foo1.m;
run foo2.m
If you run this as-is it will take the PROMPT_VALUE as inputs to each of the subscripts (returning 10, and 1.5). If those lines are commented out it will look for input from the user.

How to exit a loop depending on how long I keep a key pressed?

How can I end this loop depending on how long I keep X pressed? If I hold X for five seconds it should send B, S, C, Y, and U at one second intervals.
When I hold X for one second it should only send B, if I hold X for two seconds it should send B and S, etc. Currently it simply sends B, S, C, Y, and U.
While(GetKeyState("x", "P"))
send b
Sleep 1000
send s
Sleep 1000
send c
Sleep 1000
send y
Sleep 1000
send u
Sleep 1000
Solution does not have to be a loop.
send % o%i%
x Up::i:=0
I can see a few possible approaches.
1) The first and perhaps worst is to have an if... to test the keystate, and an exit, after every single send. This is extremely repetitive, but not too terrible if you stick it in a function, and just call that, something like:
while (GetKeyState("x", "P")) {
sendStuff(str) {
Send str
if (!GetKeyState("x", "P")) {
sleep 1000
2) The next is to continue operating as you are, with a chained series of commands, and have an external, separate script kill that series of commands while running, then re-Run() your script when you wish to restart. Killing external scripts is covered in the FAQ, here:
There are three relevant sections there which are a little long to paste here, but in summary, you may be interested in the following commands:
; Allow script's hidden main window to be detected.
DetectHiddenWindows On
; Avoid need to specify full path of file.
SetTitleMatchMode 2
; Kill another script: Update params to the script's case sensitive name.
WinClose Script Filemame.ahk - AutoHotkey
; Suspend other script.
PostMessage, 0x111, 65305,,, Script Filename.ahk - AutoHotkey
; Pause other script.
PostMessage, 0x111, 65306,,, Script Filename.ahk - AutoHotkey
; Pause/resume current script on Ctrl+Alt+P
3) There's also a longer code sample just below that, which describes canceling a loop, and it's my belief that this is the correct approach to this problem, as while it might be fiddlier initially, it is considerably more scalable, reduces code duplication, and permits you to handle multiple loop entry/exit conditions in a single place.
It is, in short, the best in terms of Programming Style.
Place the entries (b, s, c, y, u) that you wish to sent into a string, array or other iterable datastructure, and iterate over it, so that your while loop sends only a single item and a pause each iteration. Then the next time you hit your hotkey, you can either resume the loop from where you left off, or start over, depending on whether you maintain a pointer to your current position in the structure.
For example, using the above sendStuff function, a loop will give you the very powerful and trivially extensible:
letters = b,s,c,y,u
Loop, parse, letters, `,
This post is so old, but I just can't help it.
sendChars := "bscyu"
i := 1 ; (!i ? 1 : i) ; permits starting where left off.
While (getKeyState("x", "P")) {
Send % subStr(sendChars, i, 1)
i := ((i==strLen(sendChars)) ? 1 : (i+1))
if (getKeyState("x", "P")) { ; why wait if you don't have to.
Sleep 1000
The docs point out that a While loop is only evaluated at the beginning of each iteration, so listing all the keys in a loop will just send all the keys, then break out of loop once at that top again and sees that "x" is no longer being pressed.

SVA - Is there any way to check an variable variable pattern in a variable length serial output using system verilog assertion?

For example, I have a pattern pt=1101 that needs to be checked in a serial output s_out= 1011101110111011 (LSB first). I am trying to check the "pt" in "s_out" only using SVA without using always block. Note: pt and s_out both are variable in length.
I am trying to use two counters for pt and s_out lengths but I don't know how to use them in SVA.
Any suggestions will be much helpful.
Thank you,
You can declare internal variables in sequences and in properties. These can also have input arguments. Here's how I'd approach your problem:
First, I would create a sequence to handle matching one occurrence of the pattern. This sequence would take the pattern as an argument, together with the length:
sequence pattern_in_output(pattern, int unsigned len);
int unsigned count = 0;
s_out == pattern[count],
$display("time = ", $time, " count = ", count),
count += 1
) [*len];
Notice that the pattern argument is untyped. I also left some debug prints in there for you to see how it works. Once this sequence starts, it checks for len cycles that s_out matches the appropriate bit of the pattern.
I don't know what your exact condition for checking is (when exactly you want to start and stop) so I just assumed you have a signal called tx that tells you if you are currently transmitting or not (1 means you are transmitting so we need to check, 0 means you aren't, hence no check).
The property would look something like this:
assert property (
#(posedge clk)
// check first group
$rose(tx) |-> pattern_in_output(pt, 4)
// if 'tx' is still high, need to check for another occurence
// - repeat this forever
##1 tx |-> pattern_in_output(pt, 4)
// this line causes and internal error
//##1 tx |-> pattern_in_output(pt, 4) [+] or !tx
// this prints when the property exits
##0 (1, $display("exited at ", $time))
We start checking on the rising edge of tx. We look for a match of our previously defined sequence. Afterwards, it could be the case that we are still transmitting and we need to check a second occurrence of the pattern. If after this second occurrence, tx is still 1, we need to check for a third and so on.
Here, I'll have to apologize for leaving you with half of an answer. I was doing this example on EDAPlayground and couldn't get this to work (I kept getting simulator internal errors). The line ##1 tx |-> pattern_in_output(pt, 4) only checks for a second occurrence. The one under that (which is commented out), ##1 tx |-> pattern_in_output(pt, 4) [+] or !tx, should check for any subsequent occurrence of the pattern while tx is still 1 and stop matching once it becomes 0.
You'll have to fiddle with the details here yourself, but I guess your question was pretty much answered. You can see how you can use internal variables inside assertion constructs.
P.S. If you want it, the full code (including testing harness) is here:

Basic NASM bootstrap

I've recently been researching Operating Systems, the boot process, and NASM. On my journeys I ran into a piece of useful bootstrapping code which I partially understand and have tested via a virtual floppy disk. My basic question is to what some of these lines I don't understand do. I've commented what I think the lines do, and any corrections or confirmations would be much appreciated.
; This is NASM
BITS 16 ; 16 bits!
start: ; Entry point
mov ax, 07C0h ; Move the starting address (after this bootloader) into 'ax'
add ax, 288 ; Leave 288 bytes before the stack beginning for some reason
mov ss, ax ; Show 'stack segment' where our stack starts
mov sp, 4096 ; Tell 'stack pointer' that our stack is 4K in size
mov ax, 07C0h ; Use 'ax' as temporary variable for setting 'ds'
mov ds, ax ; Set data segment to where we're loaded
mov si, text_string ; Put string position into SI (the reg used for this!)
call print_string ; Call our string-printing routine
jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop!
text_string db 'This is my cool new OS!', 0 ; Our null terminated string
; For some reason declared after use
print_string: ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
mov ah, 0Eh ; I don't know what this does..
; Continue on to 'repeat'
lodsb ; Get character from DS:SI into AL
cmp al, 0 ; If end of text_string
je .done ; We're done here
int 10h ; Otherwise, print the character (What 10h means)
jmp .repeat ; And repeat
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s
dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC 'magic word' boot signature
Your comments are largely correct.
mov ah,0Eh
This sets a parameter to the BIOS interrupt call:
int 10h
See here for more details, but essentially the call to 10h expects an operation in ah and data for the operation in al.
The segment registers cannot be loaded directly and can only load from a register, thus the use of ax as a 'temporary variable.'
The 288 bytes added to the base stack pointer are actually not bytes at all. Addresses loaded into the segment registers are actually pointers to 16-byte blocks, so to convert the number to its actual address, shift it left by 4-bits. That means that the address 07C0h is actually referring to 7C00h, which is where your bootloader code is placed. 288 is 120h in hex, and so the actual location of the stack is really 7C00h + 1200h = 8E00h.
Also, you use words like "show" and "tell" which are fine, but it's better to think of defining the stack by setting ss and sp as opposed to reporting where it is at... I hope that makes sense.
mov ah, 0Eh ; I don't know what this does..
Loading 0eh into ah sets up the int 10h function Teletype output, which will print the character in al to the screen.
Your .repeat loop will then load each character from text_string into al and call int 10h.