How to use swift flatMap to filter out optionals from an array - swift

I'm a little confused around flatMap (added to Swift 1.2)
Say I have an array of some optional type e.g.
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, 4, 5]
In Swift 1.1 I'd do a filter followed by a map like this:
let filtermap = possibles.filter({ return $0 != nil }).map({ return $0! })
// filtermap = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
I've been trying to do this using flatMap a couple ways:
var flatmap1 = possibles.flatMap({
return $0 == nil ? [] : [$0!]
var flatmap2:[Int] = possibles.flatMap({
if let exercise = $0 { return [exercise] }
return []
I prefer the last approach (because I don't have to do a forced unwrap $0!... I'm terrified for these and avoid them at all costs) except that I need to specify the Array type.
Is there an alternative away that figures out the type by context, but doesn't have the forced unwrap?

Since Swift 4.1 you can use compactMap:
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, 4, 5]
let actuals = possibles.compactMap { $0 }
(Swift 4.1 replaced some overloads of flatMap with compactmap.
If you are interested in more detail on this then see for example:
With Swift 2 b1, you can simply do
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, 4, 5]
let actuals = possibles.flatMap { $0 }
For earlier versions, you can shim this with the following extension:
extension Array {
func flatMap<U>(transform: Element -> U?) -> [U] {
var result = [U]()
for item in map(transform) {
if let item = item {
return result
One caveat (which is also true for Swift 2) is that you might need to explicitly type the return value of the transform:
let actuals = ["a", "1"].flatMap { str -> Int? in
if let int = str.toInt() {
return int
} else {
return nil
assert(actuals == [1])
For more info, see

I still like the first solution, which creates only one intermediate
array. It can slightly more compact be written as
let filtermap = possibles.filter({ $0 != nil }).map({ $0! })
But flatMap() without type annotation and without forced
unwrapping is possible:
var flatmap3 = possibles.flatMap {
flatMap($0, { [$0] }) ?? []
The outer flatMap is the array method
func flatMap<U>(transform: #noescape (T) -> [U]) -> [U]
and the inner flatMap is the function
func flatMap<T, U>(x: T?, f: #noescape (T) -> U?) -> U?
Here is a simple performance comparison (compiled in Release mode).
It shows that the first method is faster, approximately by a factor
of 10:
let count = 1000000
let possibles : [Int?] = map(0 ..< count) { $0 % 2 == 0 ? $0 : nil }
let s1 = NSDate()
let result1 = possibles.filter({ $0 != nil }).map({ $0! })
let e1 = NSDate()
// 0.0169369578361511
let s2 = NSDate()
var result2 = possibles.flatMap {
flatMap($0, { [$0] }) ?? []
let e2 = NSDate()
// 0.117663979530334

Related to the question. If you are applying flatMap to an optional array, do not forget to optionally or force unwrap your array otherwise it will call flatMap on Optional and not objects conforming to Sequence protocol. I made that mistake once, E.g. when you want to remove empty strings:
var texts: [String]? = ["one", "two", "", "three"] // has unwanted empty string
let notFlatMapped = texts.flatMap({ $0.count > 0 ? $0 : nil })
// ["one", "two", "", "three"], not what we want - calls flatMap on Optional
let flatMapped = texts?.flatMap({ $0.count > 0 ? $0 : nil })
// ["one", "two", "three"], that's what we want, calls flatMap on Array

You could use reduce:
let flattened = possibles.reduce([Int]()) {
if let x = $1 { return $0 + [x] } else { return $0 }
You are still kind of declaring the type, but it's slightly less obtrusive.

Since this is something I seem to end up doing quite a lot I'm exploring a generic function to do this.
I tried to add an extension to Array so I could do something like possibles.unwraped but couldn't figure out how to make an extension on an Array. Instead used a custom operator -- hardest part here was trying to figure out which operator to choose. In the end I chose >! to show that the array is being filtered > and then unwrapped !.
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, 4, 5]
postfix operator >! {}
postfix func >! <T>(array: Array<T?>) -> Array<T> {
return array.filter({ $0 != nil }).map({ $0! })
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Get elements and count of Array of unknown type

Let's say we have an Array, assigned to a variable with the type Any
let something: Any = ["one", "two", "three"]
Let's also assume we don't know if it's an array or something entirely else. And we also don't know what kind of Array.Element we are dealing with exactly.
Now we want to find out if it's an array.
let isArray = something is Array // compiler error
let isArray = (something as? [Any?] != nil) // does not work (array is [String] and not [Any?])
Is there any elegant solution to tickle the following information out of the swift type system:
Is the given object an Array
What's the count of the array
Give me the elements of the array
(bridging to NSArray is not a solution for me, because my array could also be of type [Any?] and contain nil-values)
I love #stefreak's question and his solution. Bearing in mind #dfri's excellent answer about Swift's runtime introspection, however, we can simplify and generalise #stefreak's "type tagging" approach to some extent:
protocol AnySequenceType {
var anyElements: [Any?] { get }
extension AnySequenceType where Self : SequenceType {
var anyElements: [Any?] {
return map{
$0 is NilLiteralConvertible ? Mirror(reflecting: $0).children.first?.value : $0
extension Array : AnySequenceType {}
extension Set : AnySequenceType {}
// ... Dictionary, etc.
let things: Any = [1, 2]
let maybies: Any = [1, nil] as [Int?]
(things as? AnySequenceType)?.anyElements // [{Some 1}, {Some 2}]
(maybies as? AnySequenceType)?.anyElements // [{Some 1}, nil]
See Swift Evolution mailing list discussion on the possibility of allowing protocol extensions along the lines of:
extension<T> Sequence where Element == T?
In current practice, however, the more common and somewhat anticlimactic solution would be to:
things as? AnyObject as? [AnyObject] // [1, 2]
// ... which at present (Swift 2.2) passes through `NSArray`, i.e. as if we:
import Foundation
things as? NSArray // [1, 2]
// ... which is also why this fails for `mabyies`
maybies as? NSArray // nil
At any rate, what all this drives home for me is that once you loose type information there is no going back. Even if you reflect on the Mirror you still end up with a dynamicType which you must switch through to an expected type so you can cast the value and use it as such... all at runtime, all forever outside the compile time checks and sanity.
As an alternative to #milos and OP:s protocol conformance check, I'll add a method using runtime introspection of something (foo and bar in examples below).
/* returns an array if argument is an array, otherwise, nil */
func getAsCleanArray(something: Any) -> [Any]? {
let mirr = Mirror(reflecting: something)
var somethingAsArray : [Any] = []
guard let disp = mirr.displayStyle where disp == .Collection else {
return nil // not array
/* OK, is array: add element into a mutable that
the compiler actually treats as an array */
for (_, val) in Mirror(reflecting: something).children {
return somethingAsArray
Example usage:
/* example usage */
let foo: Any = ["one", 2, "three"]
let bar: [Any?] = ["one", 2, "three", nil, "five"]
if let foobar = getAsCleanArray(foo) {
print("Count: \(foobar.count)\n--------")
foobar.forEach { print($0) }
} /* Count: 3
three */
if let foobar = getAsCleanArray(bar) {
print("Count: \(foobar.count)\n-------------")
foobar.forEach { print($0) }
} /* Count: 5
Optional("five") */
The only solution I came up with is the following, but I don't know if it's the most elegant one :)
protocol AnyOptional {
var anyOptionalValue: Optional<Any> { get }
extension Optional: AnyOptional {
var anyOptionalValue: Optional<Any> {
return self
protocol AnyArray {
var count: Int { get }
var allElementsAsOptional: [Any?] { get }
extension Array: AnyArray {
var allElementsAsOptional: [Any?] {
return {
if let optional = $0 as? AnyOptional {
return optional.anyOptionalValue
return $0 as Any?
Now you can just say
if let array = something as? AnyArray {
This works for me on a playground:
// Generate fake data of random stuff
let array: [Any?] = ["one", "two", "three", nil, 1]
// Cast to Any to simulate unknown object received
let something: Any = array as Any
// Use if let to see if we can cast that object into an array
if let newArray = something as? [Any?] {
// You now know that newArray is your received object cast as an
// array and can get the count or the elements
} else {
// Your object is not an array, handle however you need.
I found that casting to AnyObject works for an array of objects. Still working on a solution for value types.
let something: Any = ["one", "two", "three"]
if let aThing = something as? [Any] {
print(aThing.dynamicType) // doesn't enter
if let aThing = something as? AnyObject {
if let theThing = aThing as? [AnyObject] {
print(theThing.dynamicType) // Array<AnyObject>

Swift 1.2 cast [AnyObject?] to [AnyObject]

If you look at this function:
typealias JSONDictionary = [String: AnyObject]
private func allIdentifiersInJson(json: [JSONDictionary], key: String?) -> [AnyObject] {
if let identifier = key {
let identifiers ={ $0[identifier] } //this returns [AnyObject?]
return identifiers as? [AnyObject] ?? [] // this crashes the compiler in Release with Optimizations
return []
How would you cast an [AnyObject?] to an [AnyObject]
In Release config with optimizations enabled, I get this error during compilation:
Bitcast requires both operands to be pointer or neither
%548 = bitcast i64 %547 to %objc_object*, !dbg !10033
LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted!
One way would be to use flatMap:
let l: [AnyObject?] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, nil, 7]
let m = l.flatMap { $0 } // Returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] as [AnyObject]
(tested only in Swift 2)
Expanding on what is in my comment above, if you use the following, your app will crash if identifier is not a key in the dictionary:
let identifiers = { $0[ identifier ]! }
So, what you might want to do is filter that first, then perform the mapping knowing that you can force unwrap because you've already checked for that key:
let identifiers = json.filter({ $0[ identifier ] != nil }).map { $0[ identifier ]! }
But if it were me, I'd want to get rid of the force unwrap altogether for total safety, even when someone else or even yourself comes back to this code a week later and monkeys with it by taking out the filter:
let identifiers ={ $0[ identifier ] ?? NSNull() }).filter { !($0 is NSNull) }
Now you are safely unwrapping with the nil coalescing operator (??) and providing a default object (NSNull), then filtering out those default objects.
You probably want to be using something like this instead:
private func allIdentifiersInJson(json: [JSONDictionary], key: String?) -> [AnyObject] {
if let key = key {
return { $0[key] }.filter { $0 != nil } as! [AnyObject]
return []
Because we are using filter to remove all instances of nil, we can use the forced cast to [AnyObject] without fear of a crash.
Or, as pointed out by #MirekE in their answer, flatMap is even more succinct:
return json.flatMap { $0[key] }
Which only returns non-nil results, and removes the need for any casting.
This function will not crash the compiler:
private func allIdentifiersInJson(json: [JSONDictionary], key: String?) -> [AnyObject] {
if let key = key {
let identifiers ={ $0[key]! } //this returns [AnyObject]
return identifiers ?? []
return []

Map with Optional Unwrapping in Swift

Say I had the below api :
func paths() -> [String?] {
return ["test", nil, "Two"]
And I was using this in a method where I needed [String], hence I had to unwrap it using the simple map function. I'm currently doing :
func cleanPaths() -> [String] {
return{$0 as! String})
Here, the force-cast will cause an error. So technically I need to unwrap the Strings in the paths array. I'm having some trouble doing this and seem to be getting silly errors. Can someone help me out here?
compactMap() can do this for you in one step:
let paths:[String?] = ["test", nil, "Two"]
let nonOptionals = paths.compactMap{$0}
nonOptionals will now be a String array containing ["test", "Two"].
Previously flatMap() was the proper solution, but has been deprecated for this purpose in Swift 4.1
You should filter first, and map next:
return paths.filter { $0 != .None }.map { $0 as! String }
but using flatMap as suggested by #BradLarson is a just better
Perhaps what you want to is a filter followed by a map:
func cleanPaths() -> [String] {
return paths()
.filter {$0 != nil}
.map {$0 as String!}
let x = cleanPaths()
println(x) // ["test", "two"]
let name = obj.value { name in print(name)}

Swift: shortcut unwrapping of array of optionals

Assume we have an array of optionals defined:
var arrayOfOptionals: [String?] = ["Seems", "like", "an", nil, "of", "optionals"]
I can force unwrap it in a short way: var arrayForCrash = { $0! }
But that will make app to crash, is there any other short way(without explicitly unwrapping) how I can unwrap an array of optional?
This solution will get you a new array with all values unwrapped and all nil's filtered away.
Swift 4.1:
let arrayOfOptionals: [String?] = ["Seems", "like", "an", nil, "of", "optionals"]
let arrayWithNoOptionals = arrayOfOptionals.compactMap { $0 }
Swift 2.0:
let arrayOfOptionals: [String?] = ["Seems", "like", "an", nil, "of", "optionals"]
let arrayWithNoOptionals = arrayOfOptionals.flatMap { $0 }
Swift 1.0:
let arrayOfOptionals: [String?] = ["Seems", "like", "an", nil, "of", "optionals"]
let arrayWithNoOptionals = arrayOfOptionals.filter { $0 != nil }.map { $0! }
Since it is an array of optionals, it is possible some of the entries are nil. Instead of force unwrapping with !, use the nil coalescing operator to turns nils into empty strings.
let arrayOfOptionals: [String?] = ["This", "array", nil, "has", "some", "nils", nil]
let array:[String] ={ $0 ?? "" }
// array is now ["This", "array", "", "has", "some", "nils", ""]
Although you can use flatMap { $0 } to remove nils, flatMap is actually a much more powerful function, and has an overloaded version which does something completely different (e.g. flatten [[Int]] to [Int]). If you're not careful, you may accidentally invoke the wrong function.
I would recommend using an extension on SequenceType to remove nils. If you use removeNils(), you'll be able to essentially do the following:
[1, nil, 2].removeNils() == [1, 2]
It works by making Optional conform to an OptionalType protocol which allows extending SequenceTypes that contain Optional values.
For more information see the original answer I posted.
I took #Cenny's answer and decided to make an operator out of it:
prefix operator <!> {}
prefix func <!> <T>(array: [T?]) -> [T] {
return array.filter{ $0 != nil }.map{ $0! }
I'm using it to parse an array of JSON objects and filter the ones that failed:
static func parse(j: JSONArray) -> [Agency]? {
return <!> { self.parse($0) }
Update for Swift 2+:
Use flatMap operator and it'll only return non-nil objects
Swift 4
Easy to read and safe approach to filter nils of any sequence
protocol OptionalProtocol {
associatedtype Wrapped
var optional: Wrapped? { get }
extension Optional: OptionalProtocol {
var optional: Wrapped? {
return self
extension Sequence where Element: OptionalProtocol {
var removingOptionals: [Element.Wrapped] {
return self.compactMap { $0.optional }
let array: [Int?] = [1, 2, nil, 3, 4, nil]
print(array.removingOptionals) // prints [1, 2, 3, 4], has type [Int]
The more interesting, how to unwrap an optional array of optional values. It is important to deal when we are working with JSON, because JSON can potentially contain null value for an array of something.
{ "list": null }
// or
{ "list": [null, "hello"] }
To fill a Swift struct we may have a model:
struct MyStruct: Codable {
var list: [String?]?
And to avoid working with String?? as a first item we could:
var myStruct = try! JSONDecoder.init().decode(MyStruct.self, from: .utf8)!)
let firstItem: String? = s1.list?.compactMap { $0 }.first
With compactMap { $0 } we can avoid
let i2: String?? = s1.list?.first
compactMap { $0 } is an equivalent of filter { $0 != nil }. map { $0! }
How about:
import Foundation
var test: [String!] = ["this","is","a",nil,"test"]
for string in test {
if string != nil {
Output is thisisatest.
In your case use [String!], if I understood you correctly.

Sort Dictionary by values in Swift

Is there are analog of - (NSArray *)keysSortedByValueUsingSelector:(SEL)comparator in swift?
How to do this without casting to NSDictionary?
I tried this, but it seems to be not a good solution.
var values = Array(dict.values)
$0 > $1
for number in values {
for (key, value) in dict {
if value == number {
println(key + " : \(value)");
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
dict.sortedKeysByValues(>) // fanta (12), cola(10), sprite(8)
Just one line code to sort dictionary by Values in Swift 4, 4.2 and Swift 5:
let sortedByValueDictionary = myDictionary.sorted { $0.1 < $1.1 }
let dict = ["a":1, "c":3, "b":2]
extension Dictionary {
func sortedKeys(isOrderedBefore:(Key,Key) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return Array(self.keys).sort(isOrderedBefore)
// Slower because of a lot of lookups, but probably takes less memory (this is equivalent to Pascals answer in an generic extension)
func sortedKeysByValue(isOrderedBefore:(Value, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return sortedKeys {
isOrderedBefore(self[$0]!, self[$1]!)
// Faster because of no lookups, may take more memory because of duplicating contents
func keysSortedByValue(isOrderedBefore:(Value, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return Array(self)
.sort() {
let (_, lv) = $0
let (_, rv) = $1
return isOrderedBefore(lv, rv)
.map {
let (k, _) = $0
return k
Updated to the new array syntax and sort semantics from beta 3. Note that I'm using sort and not sorted to minimize array copying. The code could be made more compact, by looking at the earlier version and replacing sort with sorted and fixing the KeyType[] to be [KeyType]
Updated to Swift 2.2:
Changed types from KeyType to Key and ValueType to Value. Used new sort builtin to Array instead of sort(Array) Note performance of all of these could be slightly improved by using sortInPlace instead of sort
You could use something like this perhaps:
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
var myArr = Array(dict.keys)
var sortedKeys = sort(myArr) {
var obj1 = dict[$0] // get ob associated w/ key 1
var obj2 = dict[$1] // get ob associated w/ key 2
return obj1 > obj2
myArr // ["fanta", "cola", "sprite"]
This should give you the sorted keys based on value, and is a little more cleaner:
var sortedKeys = Array(dict.keys).sorted(by: { dict[$0]! < dict[$1]! })
I think this is the easiest way to sort Swift dictionary by value.
let dict = ["apple":1, "cake":3, "banana":2]
let byValue = {
(elem1:(key: String, val: Int), elem2:(key: String, val: Int))->Bool in
if elem1.val < elem2.val {
return true
} else {
return false
let sortedDict = dict.sort(byValue)
OneLiner :
let dict = ["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3]
(Array(dict).sorted { $0.1 < $1.1 }).forEach { (k,v) in print("\(k):\(v)") }
//Output: a:1, b:2, c:3
Swap out the .forEach with .map -> Functional programming
Syntactical sugar :
extension Dictionary where Value: Comparable {
var sortedByValue: [(Key, Value)] { return Array(self).sorted { $0.1 < $1.1} }
extension Dictionary where Key: Comparable {
var sortedByKey: [(Key, Value)] { return Array(self).sorted { $0.0 < $1.0 } }
["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3].sortedByKey // a:1, b:2, c:3
["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3].sortedByValue // a:1, b:2, c:3
Lots of answers, here's a one-liner. I like it because it makes full use of native Swift iterative functions and doesn't use variables. This should help the optimiser do its magic.
return dictionary.keys.sort({ $0 < $1 }).flatMap({ dictionary[$0] })
Note the use of flatMap, because subscripting a dictionary returns an optional value. In practice this should never return nil since we get the key from the dictionary itself. flatMap is there only to ensure that the result is not an array of optionals. If your array's associated value should BE an optional you can use map instead.
Sorting your keys by the dictionary's value is actually simpler than it appears at first:
let yourDict = ["One": "X", "Two": "B", "Three": "Z", "Four": "A"]
let sortedKeys = yourDict.keys.sort({ (firstKey, secondKey) -> Bool in
return yourDict[firstKey] < yourDict[secondKey]
And that's it! There's really nothing more to it. I have yet to find a quicker method, other than the same approach in form of a simple one-liner:
let yourDict = ["One": "X", "Two": "B", "Three": "Z", "Four": "A"]
let sortedKeys = yourDict.keys.sort { yourDict[$0] < yourDict[$1] }
Sorting a dictionary by key or value
Using Swift 5.2 internal handling of "sorted":
var unsortedDict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
// sorting by value
let sortedDictByValue = unsortedDict.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value } // from lowest to highest using ">"
print("sorted dict: \(sortedDictByValue)")
// result: "sorted dict: [(key: "fanta", value: 12), (key: "cola", value: 10), (key: "sprite", value: 8)]\n"
// highest value
print(sortedDictByValue.first!.key) // result: fanta
print(sortedDictByValue.first!.value) // result: 12
// lowest value
print(sortedDictByValue.last!.key) // result: sprite
print(sortedDictByValue.last!.value) // result: 8
// by index
print(sortedDictByValue[1].key) // result: cola
print(sortedDictByValue[1].value) // result: 10
// sorting by key
let sortedDictByKey = unsortedDict.sorted{ $0.key < $1.key } // in alphabetical order use "<"
// alternative:
// let sortedDictByKey = unsortedDict.sorted{ $0 < $1 } // without ".key"
print("sorted dict: \(sortedDictByKey)")
// result: "sorted dict: [(key: "cola", value: 10), (key: "fanta", value: 12), (key: "sprite", value: 8)]\n"
// highest value
print(sortedDictByKey.first!.key) // result: cola
print(sortedDictByKey.first!.value) // result: 10
// lowest value
print(sortedDictByKey.last!.key) // result: sprite
print(sortedDictByKey.last!.value) // result: 8
// by index
print(sortedDictByKey[1].key) // result: fanta
print(sortedDictByKey[1].value) // result: 12
The following might be useful if you want the output to be an array of key value pairs in the form of a tuple, sorted by value.
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
let sortedArrByValue = dict.sorted{$0.1 > $1.1}
print(sortedArrByValue) // output [(key: "fanta", value: 12), (key: "cola", value: 10), (key: "sprite", value: 8)]
Since Swift 3.0 Dictionary has sorted(by:) function which returns an array of tuples ([(Key, Value)]).
let sorted = values.sorted(by: { (keyVal1, keyVal2) -> Bool in
keyVal1.value > keyVal2.value
Just cast it to NSDictionary and then call the method. Anywhere you use #selector in ObjC you can just use a String in Swift. So it would look like this:
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
let sortedKeys = (dict as NSDictionary).keysSortedByValueUsingSelector("compare:")
let sortedKeys2 = (dict as NSDictionary).keysSortedByValueUsingComparator
($0 as NSNumber).compare($1 as NSNumber)
As of Swift 3, to sort your keys based on values, the below looks promising:
var keys = Array(dict.keys)
keys.sortInPlace { (o1, o2) -> Bool in
return dict[o1]! as! Int > dict[o2]! as! Int
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
let arr = dic.sort{ (d1,d2)-> Bool in
if d1.value > d2.value {
retrn true
}.map { (key,value) -> Int in
return value
Take look a clean implementation way.
print("arr is :(arr)")
The following way in Swift 3 sorted my dictionary by value in the ascending order:
for (k,v) in (Array(dict).sorted {$0.1 < $1.1}) {
Using a few resources I put this beautifully short code together.
dictionary.keys.sorted{dictionary[$0]! < dictionary[$1]!}
This returns an array of the dictionary keys sorted by their values. It works perfectly & doesn't throw errors when the dictionary is empty. Try this code in a playground:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
let dictionary = ["four": 4, "one": 1, "seven": 7, "two": 2, "three": 3]
let sortedDictionary = dictionary.keys.sorted{dictionary[$0]! < dictionary[$1]!}
// ["one", "two", "three", "four", "seven"]
let emptyDictionary = [String: Int]()
let emptyDictionarySorted = emptyDictionary.keys.sorted{emptyDictionary[$0]! < emptyDictionary[$1]!}
// []
If you'd like some help on why the heck the code uses $0, $1 and doesn't even have parentheses after the "sorted" method, check out this post -
This is how I did it - sorting in this case by a key called position. Try this in a playground:
var result: [[String: AnyObject]] = []
result.append(["name" : "Ted", "position": 1])
result.append(["name" : "Bill", "position": 0])
result = sorted(result, positionSort)
func positionSort(dict1: [String: AnyObject], dict2: [String: AnyObject]) -> Bool {
let position1 = dict1["position"] as? Int ?? 0
let position2 = dict2["position"] as? Int ?? 0
return position1 < position2
Sorting the dictionary with a dictionary as the value (Nested dictionary)
var students: [String: [String: Any?]] = ["16CSB40" : ["Name": "Sunitha", "StudentId": "16CSB40", "Total": 90], "16CSB41" : ["Name": "Vijay", "StudentId": "16CSB40", "Total": 80], "16CSB42" : ["Name": "Tony", "StudentId": "16CSB42", "Total": 95]] // Sort this dictionary with total value
let sorted = students.sorted { (($0.1["Total"] as? Int) ?? 0) < (($1.1["Total"] as? Int) ?? 0) }
print(sorted) //Sorted result
Use this, and then just loop through the dictionary again using the output keys.
extension Dictionary where Value: Comparable {
func sortedKeysByValue() -> [Key] {
keys.sorted { return self[$0]! < self[$1]! }
...or this if you hate force unwrapping :)
extension Dictionary where Value: Comparable {
func sortedKeysByValue() -> [Key] {
keys.sorted { (key1, key2) -> Bool in
guard let val1 = self[key1] else { return true }
guard let val2 = self[key2] else { return true }
return val1 < val2