How to push a big file data in talend? - talend

I have created a table where I have a text input file which is 7.5 GB in size and there are 65 million records and now I want to push that data into an Amazon RedShift table.
But after processing 5.6 million records it's no longer moving.
What can be the issue? Is there any limitation with tFileOutputDelimited as the job has been running for 3 hours.
Below is the job which I have created to push data in to Redshift table.
tS3Put(copy output file to S3) ------> tRedShiftRow(createTempTable)--> tRedShiftRow(COPY to Temp)

The limitation comes from Tmap component, its not the good choice to deal with large amount of data, for your case, you have to enable the option "Store temp data" to overcome the memory consumption limitation of Tmap.
Its well described in Talend Help Center.

Looks like, tFilOutputDelimited(csv) is creating the problem. Any file can't handle after certain amount of data. Not sure thought. Try to find out a way to load only portion of the parent input file and commit it in redshift. Repeat the process till your parent input file gets completely processed.

use AWS Glue to push your file data from S3 to Redshift. AWS Glue will easily push the large data into redshift without any issue.
1: Create a connection with your Redshift
2: create a database and two tables.
a: Data-from-S3 (this will use to crawl file data from S3)
b: data-to-redshift ( add redshift connection)
3: Create a Job:
a: In Data source, select the "Data-from-S3" table
b: In Data Target, select the "data-to-redshift" table
4: Run the job.
Note: You can also automate this with lambda and SNS trigger.

You can use copy command option to load large data into aws redshift, if the copy command doesn't support txt file, then we need to have csv file. processing 65 million records will create issue. so we need to perform split and run. for that create 65 iterations and do process 1 million data a a time . To implement this use tloop and set the values inside the component. take the global variables of tloop in header and limit values of tinputdelimited component
tloop----->tinputfiledelimited---->tmap(if needed)--------> tfileoutdelimited
also enable the option "Store temp data" to handle the memory issue


AWS Redshift: How to run copy command from Apache NiFi without using firehose?

I have flow files with data records in it. I'm able to place it on S3 bucket. From there on I want to run COPY command and update command with joins to achieve MERGE / UPSERT operation. Can anyone suggest ways to solve this as firehose only executes copy command and I can't make UPSERT / MERGE operation as prescribed by AWS docs directly, so has to copy into staging table and update or insert using some conditions.
There are a number of ways to do this but I usually go with a lambda function run every 5 minutes or so that takes the data put in Redshift from firehose and merges it with existing data. Redshift likes to run on larger "chunks" of data and it is most efficient if you build up some size before performing these operations. The best practice is to move the data from the firehose target in an atomic operation like ALTER TABLE APPEND and use this new table as the source for merging. This is so firehose can keep adding data while the merge is in process.

Cloud SQL: export data to CSV periodically avoiding duplicates

I want to export the data from Cloud SQL (postgres) to a CSV file periodically (once a day for example) and each time the DB rows are exported it must not be exported in the next export task.
I'm currently using a POST request to perform the export task using cloud scheduler. The problem here (or at least until I know) is that it won't be able to export and delete (or update the rows to mark them as exported) in a single http export request.
Is there any possibility to delete (or update) the rows which have been exported automatically with any Cloud SQL parameter in the http export request?
If not, I assume it should be done it a cloud function triggered by a pub/sub (using scheduler to send data once a day to pub/sub) but, is there any optimal way to take all the ID of the rows retrieved from the select statment (which will be use in the export) to delete (or update) them later?
You can export and delete (or update) at the same time using RETURNING.
\copy (DELETE FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid<1000 RETURNING *) to foo.txt
The problem would be in the face of crashes. How can you know that foo.txt has been writing and flushed to disk, before the DELETE is allowed to commit? Or the reverse, foo.txt is partially (or fully) written, but a crash prevents DELETE from committing.
Can't you make the system idempotent, so that exporting the same row more than once doesn't create problems?
You could use a set up to achieve what you are looking for: 
1.Create a Cloud Function to extract the information from the database that subscribes to a Pub/Sub topic.
2.Create a Pub/Sub topic to trigger that function.
3.Create a Cloud Scheduler job that invokes the Pub/Sub trigger.
4.Run the Cloud Scheduler job.
5.Then create a trigger which activate another Cloud Function to delete all the data require from the database once the csv has been created.
Here I leave you some documents which could help you if you decide to follow this path.
Using Pub/Sub to trigger a Cloud Function:
Connecting to Cloud SQL from Cloud Functions:
Storage Tutorial:
Another method aside from #jjanes would be to partition your database by date. This would allow you to create an index on the date, making exporting or deleting a days entries very easy. With this implementation, you could also create a Cron Job that deletes all tables older then X days ago.
The documentation provided will walk you through setting up a Ranged partition
The table is partitioned into “ranges” defined by a key column or set of columns, with no overlap between the ranges of values assigned to different partitions. For example, one might partition by date ranges, or by ranges of identifiers for particular business objects.
Thank you for all your answers. There are multiples ways of doing this, so I'm goint to explain how I did it.
In the database I have included a column which contains the date when the data was inserted.
I used a cloud scheduler with the following body:
{"exportContext":{"fileType": "CSV", "csvExportOptions" :{"selectQuery" : "select \"column1\", \"column2\",... , \"column n\" from public.\"tablename\" where \"Insertion_Date\" = CURRENT_DATE - 1" },"uri": "gs://bucket/filename.csv","databases": ["postgres"]}}
This scheduler will be triggered once a day and it will export only the data of the previous day
Also, I have to noticed that in the query I used in cloud scheduler you can choose which columns you want to export, doing this you can avoid to export the column which include the Insertion_Date and use this column only an auxiliary.
Finally, the cloud scheduler will create automatically the csv file in a bucket

COPY command runs but no data being copied from Teradata (on-prem)

I am running into an issue where I have a set up a pipeline that gets a list of tables from Teradata using a Lookup activity and then passes those items to a ForEach activity that then copies the data in parallel and saves them as a gzipped file. The requirement is to essentially archive some tables that are no longer being used.
For this pipeline I am not using any partition options as most of the tables are small and I kept it to be flexible.
COPY activity within ForEach activity
99% of the tables ran without issues and were copied as gz files into blob storage, but two tables in particular run for long time (apprx 4 to 6 hours) without any of the data being written into a blob storage account.
Note that the image above says "Cancelled", but that was done by me. Before that I had a run time as described above, but still no data being written. This is affecting only 2 tables.
I checked with our Teradata team and those tables are not being used by any one (hence its not locked). I also looked at "Teradata Viewpoint" (admin tool) and looked at the query monitor and saw that the query was running on Teradata without issues.
Any insight would be greatly apreciated.
Onlooking issue mention it look the data size of table is more than a blob can store ( As you are not using any partition options )
Use partition option for optimize performance and hold the data
Just in case someone else comes across this, the way I solved this was to create a new data store connection called "TD_Prod_datasetname". The purpose of this dataset is to not point to a specific table, but to just accept a "item().TableName" value.
This datasource contains two main values. 1st is the #dataset().TeradataName
Dataset property
I only came up with that after doing a little bit of digging in Google.
I then created a parameter called "TeradataTable" as String.
I then updated my pipeline. As above the main two activities remain the same. I have a lookup and then a ForEach Activity (where for each will get the item values):
However, in the COPY command inside the ForEach activity I updated the source. Instead of getting "item().Name" I am passing through #item().TableName:
This then enabled me to then select the "Table" option and because I am using Table instead of query I can then use the "Hash" partition. I left it blank because according to Microsoft documentation it will automatically find the Primary Key that will be used for this.
The only issue that I ran into when using this was that if you run into a table that does not have a Primary Key then this item will fail and will need to be run through either a different process or manually outside of this job.
Because of this change the previously files that just hung there and did not copy now copied successfully into our blob storage account.
Hope this helps someone else that wants to see how to create parallel copies using Teradata as a source and pass through multiple table values.

AWS Glue, data filtering before loading into a frame, naming s3 objects

I have 3 questions, for the following context:
I'm trying to migrate my historical from RDS postgresql to S3. I have about a billion rows of dat in my database,
Q1) Is there a way for me to tell an aws glue job what rows to load? For example i want it to load data from a certain date onwards? There is no bookmarking feature for a PostgreSQL data source,
Q2) Once my data is processed, the glue job automatically creates a name for the s3 output objects, I know i can speciofy the path in DynamicFrame write, but can I specify the object name? if so, how? I cannot find an option for this.
Q3) I tried my glue job on a sample table with 100 rows of data, and it automatically separated the output into 20 files with 5 rows in each of those files, how can I specify the batch size in a job?
Thanks in advance
This is a question I have also posted in AWS Glue forum as well, here is a link to that:
Glue supports pushdown predicates feature, however currently it works with partitioned data on s3 only. There is a feature request to support it for JDBC connections though.
It's not possible to specify name of output files. However, looks like there is an option with renaming files (note that renaming on s3 means copying file from one location into another so it's costly and not atomic operation)
You can't really control the size of output files. There is an option to control min number of files using coalesce though. Also starting from Spark 2.2 there is a possibility to set max number of records per file by setting config spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile

Redshift insert bottleneck

I am trying to migrate a huge table from postgres into Redshift.
The size of the table is about 5,697,213,832
tool: pentaho Kettle Table input(from postgres) -> Table output(Redshift)
Connecting with Redshift JDBC4
By observation I found the inserting into Redshift is the bottleneck. only about 500 rows/second.
Is there any ways to accelerate the insertion into Redshift in single machine mode ? like using JDBC parameter?
Have you consider using S3 as mid-layer?
Dump your data to csv files and apply gzip compression. Upload files to the S3 and then use copy command to load the data.
The main reason for bottleneck of redshift performance, which i considered is that Redshift treats each and every hit to the cluster as one single query. It executes each query on its cluster and then proceeds to the next stage. Now when i am sending across multiple rows (in this case 10), each row of data is treated a separate query. Redshift executes each query one by one and loading of the data is completed once all the queries are executed. It means if you are having 100 million rows, there would be 100 million queries running on your Redshift cluster. Well the performance goes to dump !!!
Using S3 File Output step in PDI will load your data to S3 Bucket and then apply the COPY command on the redshift cluster to read the same data from S3 to Redshift. This will solve your problem of performance.
You may also read the below blog links :
Loading data to AWS S3 using PDI
Reading Data from S3 to Redshift
Hope this helps :)
Better to export data to S3, then use COPY command to import data into Redshift. In this way, the import process is fast while you don't need to vacuum it.
Export your data to S3 bucket and use the COPY command in Redshift . COPY command is the fastest way to insert data in Redshift .