"Failed to get composer template data" - facebook

When I run my URL on debugger it shows "Critical Error" and "Failed to get composer template data"
But when I share the homepage www.techlegends.in, the link preview works and in debugger it shows the correct preview along with the Critical Error.

Had the same issue and searched for solution.
It's an actual Facebook bug, which is being fixed right now: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/918385908182634/
In summary, you can fix this by making sure that article:author only contains Facebook user IDs or Facebook profile URLs.
Applied it and voila, it works.


Facebook 404 file or directory not found

I have an e-commerce website and I want to share a link on my Facebook profile.
When I do I get a 404 - File or Directory not found even though the URL is working properly when you click on it. Below is what I see exactly:
I have tried:
To post the URL with https:// or without
None of these solutions work!
The Sharing debugger shows this error:
But I don't understand how the error is legit since I have the parameters it's asking on my Page's Header tags.
What exactly is wrong?
I had the same problem at some point and the issue was that the team who manages our server had blocked the bots of Facebook and other search engines from entering our website and they forgot to undo this! Have a look if this is the reason in your occasion.

Failed to get composer template data

Few of our websites like womens-health.com.my, mens-health.com.my, and elle.my having problem post any article to Facebook. When I test any URLs of these websites in Facebook Debugger, it gave me warning messages said that Failed to get composer template data. and Critical Errors That Must Be Fixed. I have no idea what causing this as other of our websites are working fine.
It's an actual Facebook bug, which is being fixed right now: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/918385908182634/
In summary, you can fix this by making sure that article:author only contains Facebook user IDs or Facebook profile URLs.

Facebook SDK - Open Graph - Share Dialog post button greyed out - error code 102

I'm following the tutorial for Publishing using the Share Dialog on the Custom Stories in iOS section.
When I want it too, it switches to the Facebook App, the Graph Object is presented to the user (image, title etc) for a few seconds and then disappears and Post button greys out. If I tap the Post button before it greys out, I get an error message logged:
Error publishing story: Error Domain=com.facebook.Facebook.platform Code=102
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.Facebook.platform error 102.)"
UserInfo=0x16d48640 {error_code=102, app_id=1435110413425124,
error_message=An error occurred during publishing.}
FYI, the standard share dialogue presentShareDialogWithLink:handler: is working fine and letting me post - it's just when I present one with a Graph Object attached to it.
I would post sample code, but it'm using the same code that's in the tutorial above. Besides, I'm pretty sure this is to do with settings in the App Dashboard, not the code I'm writing.
Per this question on Stack Overflow Facebook SDK - iOS - Fail to share URL (Error 102), I've confirmed that:
My App's Settings are set correctly in App Dashboard (including iPhone Store ID and Bundle ID)
By info.plist file is configured correctly.
This question facebook error code 102 with sdk 3.6 suggested using a real Facebook user who was an administrator of the app. I tried that, but the problem still occurred for me.
I also tried it with the App published, and with it unpublished and there was no difference.
I'm wondering if anyone else has any ideas for things I haven't checked yet?
I'm a numpty.
Despite the fact I said I'd checked the settings were correct in App Dashboard, I had misspelt the Namepsace.
If your Facebook app status is "development and unavailable to the public" will caused same result.
You may want to change it to public under "App Review" on the Facebook app menu. Or you need to login Facebook as role "Administrators", "Developers" or "Testers"

Sharing URL's from Wordpress with Open Graph on Facebook

When the URL's from my site diipad.com are copied and paste or shared directly from my site, facebook doesn't process the URL and it only display the same URL i mean the excerpt and thumbnail doesn't appear.
but if i paste the same link on http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug it doesn't show any error and it does process the URL's ive checked my HTML structure and it's Ok, the metadata is the one included on the facebook wordpress plugin Open Graph.
Plaese i need help sorry for my bad english.
Just because the FB debugger doesn't complain about your HTML code, doesn't mean it's all there (it doesn't raise errors for missing tags).
There are many Open Graph plugins for WordPress (just search for "Open Graph" on wordpress.org to see). You might want to give this one a try: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-facebook/

Unable to access facebook's Open Graph settings as the link 404's

I have a facebook app that I use to authenticate people on a website, as well as post to stream. I'm interested in using the open graph to set up my own objects, but when I edit my app's settings, and click on the 'open graph', I get a 404 'The page you requested was not found.'
I've tried creating a new App to see if I had messed up a setting, but the open graph link on that app also errors out.
I'm trying to follow the step by step on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/tutorial/
but am unable to proceed to step 3 because the links don't work.
What am I missing here, and how am I able to edit the open graph settings on my app?
Yeah, that link should work. Please open a bug: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/