Facebook SDK - Open Graph - Share Dialog post button greyed out - error code 102 - facebook

I'm following the tutorial for Publishing using the Share Dialog on the Custom Stories in iOS section.
When I want it too, it switches to the Facebook App, the Graph Object is presented to the user (image, title etc) for a few seconds and then disappears and Post button greys out. If I tap the Post button before it greys out, I get an error message logged:
Error publishing story: Error Domain=com.facebook.Facebook.platform Code=102
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.Facebook.platform error 102.)"
UserInfo=0x16d48640 {error_code=102, app_id=1435110413425124,
error_message=An error occurred during publishing.}
FYI, the standard share dialogue presentShareDialogWithLink:handler: is working fine and letting me post - it's just when I present one with a Graph Object attached to it.
I would post sample code, but it'm using the same code that's in the tutorial above. Besides, I'm pretty sure this is to do with settings in the App Dashboard, not the code I'm writing.
Per this question on Stack Overflow Facebook SDK - iOS - Fail to share URL (Error 102), I've confirmed that:
My App's Settings are set correctly in App Dashboard (including iPhone Store ID and Bundle ID)
By info.plist file is configured correctly.
This question facebook error code 102 with sdk 3.6 suggested using a real Facebook user who was an administrator of the app. I tried that, but the problem still occurred for me.
I also tried it with the App published, and with it unpublished and there was no difference.
I'm wondering if anyone else has any ideas for things I haven't checked yet?

I'm a numpty.
Despite the fact I said I'd checked the settings were correct in App Dashboard, I had misspelt the Namepsace.

If your Facebook app status is "development and unavailable to the public" will caused same result.
You may want to change it to public under "App Review" on the Facebook app menu. Or you need to login Facebook as role "Administrators", "Developers" or "Testers"


Android facebook PhotoShareDialogBuilder error

I'm trying to use PhotoShareDialogBuilder to upload photos to facebook and I'm getting an error from the facebook app when uploading is finished (The upload progress bar reaches 100% just before it errors).
The error message is:
"Your photo could not be uploaded."
"We're sorry, this upload can't be completed."
Steps I've taken to set the app up as per the documentation:
Adding the facebook application to my solution
Setting up the application on https://developers.facebook.com/
Creating the app key/secret and dev hashkey and adding the app key to the application
Adding a com.facebook.NativeAppCallContentProvider to the androidmaniest.xml with the app key correctly attached
Adding a UiLifecycleHelper and overriding all the activity functions
Adding the following code to share the image in question:
if (FacebookDialog.canPresentShareDialog(context, FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature.PHOTOS) && FacebookDialog.canPresentShareDialog(context, FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature.SHARE_DIALOG)) {
//If you can find the facebook app, link to it
FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.PhotoShareDialogBuilder(getActivity())
The "renderedImage" is a bitmap array with size of 1, as addPhotos must be passed a collection instead of a single image.
Extra info:
I have used ShareDialogueBuilder to sucessfully post a text status to my facebook account, and link to a website, it's only uploading photos that is broken
I tried multiple different sizes of image, and uploaded one of them to facebook manually from the phone to be sure it worked
On the upload dialogue on the facebook app, the image preview displays correctly
First stackexchange post, hope my formatting is ok!
If you're getting this problem check your dev hash key
I'd previously got sharing links working but in between switching to pictures the hash key got overwritten or corrupted, and was causing my problems
If you're unsure, try just sharing a link, as the photo uploader does not tell you about the hash key error!

Facebook application url and comment box

I have multiple application on Facebook suddenly I got this issue without any code change.
I have a facebook comment plugin with href of the application URL but it is not working correctly as I can't expand or see any comment, also moderate interface is not visible in some applications
My meta s are
"Sorry I had to null the data"
Any idea what is the problem, and how to fix this, I could not find anything!
Here is more screen shots

FB Wall Posting with Link from FB IFrame App

I am doing the FB Wall post with a link say http://www.rewardtv.com. When i post it from my standalone website (using spring social) the link on the wall is working fine. It goes to the rewardtv.com
But when i use the same code from FB app and post it to the wall, even though the wall post looks correct, but when i click on the link it is getting redirected to
instead of rewardtv.com
and then getting a error page that my "An error occured with app name. Please try again.
Any help please... My intention is even if the wall posting is done from FB app (iframe), it should be directed to www.rewardtv.com instead of going to my app connect and permission
is there any extra permission need to granted in the app?
Constructing link like below
FacebookLink link = new FacebookLink("http://www.rewardtv.com",
rtvLinkTitle, rtvLinkHeading,
and doing the post like
facebook.feedOperations().postLink(message, facebookLink);
To rectify the problem follow the below steps,
To Post the Cross domain URL (http://www.rewardtv.com) as link do the following,
Go to developer app setting (https://developers.facebook.com/apps) for the corresponding App.
Click the Edit App tab.
Click the Advanced tab on left side.
In the settings of Migrations Menu, check the radio button to Disabled for Stream post URL security

Game status Live but page sharing forbidden?

I have submitted the game on Facebook (Ostrich Island), App center page says:
"App Detail Page Status: Live
Your app detail page is now live and will appear in Search."
BUT, I cannot even send the game link to my friend. When she receives it the message says the link was removed.
I have tried the different links:
All of them works for me, but not for anybody else.
Game Community page also shows Play Game button only for me.
Did I miss something?
Your app's ID returns 'false' when accessed at https://graph.facebook.com/477037362322781
I'm almost sure, assuming you haven't deleted the app, that it's in sandbox mode
Check the 'Advanced' tab of settings, 3rd item:
This issue is officially complaint by many Facebook users and now Facebook game status is working well at my side.

"view app profile page" button missing

I've just duplicated and re-skinned an app I've used many times before. It's a simple Like gate with a name/email form to fill in.
I've copied the details for the app config within the developer app just as I do every other time. Last time I installed an identical app was about 3 weeks ago.
I am missing the "view app profile page" on any app I've tried to create today which means I can't add it as a custom tab to my pages to test it out, or get to it at all.
Anyone know why this may be the case please?
Try the following link
before use, replace:
[APP-ID] with your app id
[http://www.yourdomain] with the Facebook canvas or tab URL (on your domain; not the facebook.com one)
As you can see from this facebook developers blog post, facebook has started removing the "application profile page". This change will be completed 1st of February 2012. There are details in the blog post on how to handle these changes.