Can I declare functions in Swift and later define their implementation? - swift

Coming from Objective-C, I am very fond of header files which expose the interface of a piece of code. Swift has always bothered me a bit because even the most organized code still tends to bury the public/private API's among the rest of the code, making you dig for details.
Are there any practices or tricks where I can define the public interface of a class or module external to the implementation? Right now I'm just making comments at the top of the Swift file and it feels arcane.

As far as I know you can not just declare a method in a class and implement it at other places in Swift.
I feel you want that for clarity and organizing your methods into class. To achieve that in Swift I follow some techniques that I would be happy to share with you:
Organize methods in groups based on access i.e. public, private and internal. Public methods on top as you want your client to look at them first, then internal and last private.
You may sub organize related methods together for making it easy to understand, maintain and navigate through.
Some time it is good to break above rules to group public and private method if they are related and has heavy dependancies.
You may group related methods that do a specific task in to extensions. I generally follow this pattern for implementing specific protocol or delegate in a class. This you could do in a separate file as well.
This is not direct answer to your question but I have tried to address the core of it by targeting organization of methods in a class.

So I've been exploring the options here and it looks like you can define an interface using a protocol, and having your class conform to that protocol. Kind of out of the way, but if a public interface is the goal, this achieves that.
// Foo.swift
protocol PublicFoo {
func publiclyExposedMethod(arg:AnyObject) -> AnyObject
var publiclyExposedVariable:AnyObject
class Foo : PublicFoo {
var publiclyExposedVariable:AnyObject = // something
func publiclyExposedMethod(arg:AnyObject) -> AnyObject {
// do stuff...


How can a Swift module/class work around the lack of language support for "protected" members?

I'm faced with a situation where I am defining a reusable base class in a module, and I want to provide certain functions that should be callable only by subclasses, not external users of that subclass.
I'm writing a framework and packaging it as a Swift module. Part of my framework includes a base class that can be subclassed to add functionality, but whereby the derived class also has a further external purpose as well. Imagine defining a new kind of view: it derives from UIView or NSView, then provides additional logic, and is then itself instantiated by another party.
In this case, I'm the one defining the UIView-like class that is intended to be subclassed, and along with it comes a lot of private UIView internal stuff, like measurement, arranging, who knows, internal stuff.
The point is, end users of this new view class don't want to see the internals of the architecture that supported the subclassing, those should be completely inside the black box of what the subclass represents.
And it strikes me that this is now impossible in Swift.
I really don't understand why Swift got rid of protected access control. According to Apple, the function that I want to expose only to subclasses "isn't really useful outside the subclass, so protection isn’t critical".
Am I missing something? Is this a whole class of design patterns that Swift simply cannot support?
One thought that occurs to me is I could perhaps split up the public-public and the private-public parts of my class into two parts, perhaps using protocols, whereby public-public users would only see the public protocol and "private" public users would see the "private" protocol as well. Alas this seems like a lot of engineering for something that used to be free.
FWIW — I've been continually asking for better access control in Swift (including protected) since before there was access control in Swift. Now, 3.5 years after we were told to give the Swift approach to access control a try, Swift has been my primary language for almost 3 of those years and I still think the access control paradigm is clumsy and unable to model concepts that are easy in almost all similar languages.
The largest mitigating factor for me is that Swift has steered me away from ever using inheritance and subclassing 95% of the time, which I think is a good thing. So this issue comes up less than it may have otherwise. But for situations exactly as you are describing, there isn't an equivalent way to accomplish what you are doing using only protocols and protocol extensions, so you are stuck either polluting a public API with possibly harmful internal details, or using some workaround (like the one that follows) which has the smallest possible public API exposure, and simulates what you want at the cost of boilerplate and awkwardness.
That said, the approach I take is somewhat inspired by Objective C, where there is also no real protected access control, but the convention is to declare a public API header (which client code will import and reference) and a special "+Subclassing" header which only subclasses will import in their implementation, giving them visibility into the not-for-public-consumption internals.
In Swift, this isn't directly possible either, but given a class like this:
open class SomeClass {
private var foo: String
private var bar: Data
public init(){
foo = "foo"
bar = Data()
private func doInternalThing() {
You can add a nested "Protected" wrapper via extension (has to be in the same file as your class declaration), which takes an instance of the class (or a subclass) and exposes the protected-level internals as a sort of proxy:
// Create a nested "Protected" type, which can accept an instance of SomeClass (or one of its subclasses) and expose the internal / protected members on it
public extension SomeClass {
public class Protected {
unowned private var someClass: SomeClass
public var foo: String {
get {
set { = newValue
public init(_ someClass: SomeClass) {
self.someClass = someClass
public func doInternalThing() {
Outside of the framework, in the client application, the protected members are accessed in a subclass like this:
class SomeSubclass: SomeClass {
private lazy var protected: SomeClass.Protected = { SomeClass.Protected(self) }()
func doSomething() { = "newFoo" // Accesses the protected property foo and sets a new value "newFoo"
protected.doInternalThing() // Prints "newFoo" by calling the protected method doInternalThing which prints the foo property.
There are pros and cons for this approach. The cons are mainly the amount of boilerplate you need to write to map all your properties and functions from the Protected wrapper to the actual class instance as shown above. Also, there is no avoiding the fact that consumers will see SomeClass.Protected as a publicly visible type, but hopefully it's clear that it shouldn't be used and it's difficult enough to use it arbitrarily that it won't happen.
The pros are that there isn't a lot of boilerplate or pain for clients when creating subclasses, and its easy to declare a lazy "protected" var to get the desired API. It's pretty unlikely that non-subclass would stumble upon or use this API accidentally or unwittingly, and it's mostly hidden as desired. Instances of SomeSubclass will not show any extra protected API in code completion or to outside code at all.
I encourage anyone else who thinks access control — or really in this case, API visibility and organization — to be easier than it is in Swift today to let the Swift team know via the Swift forums, Twitter, or
You can kinda, sorta work around it by separating out the for-subclasses stuff into a separate protocol, like this:
class Widget {
protocol SubclassStuff {
func foo()
func bar()
func baz()
func makeSubclassStuff() -> SubclassStuff {
// provide some kind of defaults, or throw a fatalError if this is
// an abstract superclass
private lazy var subclassStuff: SubclassStuff = {
return self.makeSubclassStuff()
Then you can at least group the stuff that's not to be called in one place, to avoid it polluting the public interface any more than absolutely necessary and getting called by accident.
You can also reconsider whether you really need the subclass pattern here, and consider using a protocol instead. Unfortunately, since protocols can't nest types yet, this involves giving the subclass-specific protocol an Objective-C-style prefixed name:
protocol WidgetConcreteTypeStuff {
protocol Widget {
var concreteTypeStuff: WidgetConcreteTypeStuff { get }

Swift 3, singleton pattern and having separate classes

I'm using a singleton in a Swift 3project I've built.
As part of the project I have registration and login view controllers and I figured I might want registration/login in future projects. So for code reuse I thought about having the registration and login functions in separate .swfit classes and then I'd instantiate these classes in the singleton.
Or just have the registration/login functions as static functions in separate files.
I just wasn't sure if that breaks the idea of a singleton and that all the registration/login functions should be in the singleton.
It's a bit hard to come by practical examples of design patterns in my college degree studies, teachers like data structures, and many other coding topics but not so much about design patterns and how to write better structured code.
In general, you should regard view controllers as not reusable, because they mediate between this particular data and this particular interface (model-view).
But if you can isolate this particular functionality into an independent object, that would make it reusable. What I usually do is make a custom struct and have the view controller own this as a helper object. I don't quite see the point of the putting the struct declaration in a separate file, since it's easy to copy and paste, but you can certainly do that if you like.
(Nor do I see what any of this has to do with Singleton.)
For better learning Design Pattern I recommend the fun and easy reading Head First Design Patterns
Regarding your question about a Singleton pattern in Swift code is always best learned with an example:
final class AccountUtility {
//here is object instantiation to meet the Singleton Design Pattern single instance requirement
static let shared = AccountUtility()
//a private constructor ensures no one can create an instance of this class
private init() {
func login() {
func register() {
To use this Singleton Swift class:

Best practice for using same functions between classes

In swift, what is best practice for having several functions common to more than one class, where inheritance between those classes isn't feasible?
I'm new to programming so please don't condescend. Its just when I first started learning a few months ago I was told its terrible practice to repeat code, and at the time I was coding in Ruby where I could create a module in which all the functions resided, and then just include module in any class where I wanted to use those functions. As long as all variables in the module's functions were declared in the classes the code worked.
Is there a similar practice in swift, or should I be doing something else like making a bunch of global functions and passing the instance variables to those functions? Please be as specific as possible as I'm gonna follow your advice for all code I write in swift going forward, thanks!
simple answer to your question is protocol
define protocol
protocol ProtocolName {
/* common functions */
func echoTestString()
extension ProtocolName {
/* default implementation */
func echoTestString() {
print("default string")
class conforming to protocol with default implementation
class ClassName: ProtocolName {
ClassName().echoTestString() // default string
class conforming to protocol with overriden implementation
class AnotherClass: ProtocolName {
func echoTestString() {
print("my string")
AnotherClass().echoTestString() // my string
While an opinion, I think this is the right route - use a Framework target. Protocols work too. But with a Framework, you can:
Share across projects
Keep everything local in scope what you need or not
Be agnostic in many ways
If you want to use the "include" Swift verb (and all that comes with it), you pretty much need to use a Framework target. If you want complete splitting of code too. Protocols are used when you are within a single project, do not want to "repeat" code pieces, and know you will always be local.
If what you want is to (a) use protocols across projects, (b) include true separate code, (c) have global functions, while (d) passing instance variables... consider a separate target.
EDIT: Looking at your question title ("using same functions") and thinking about OOP versus functional programming, I thought I'd add something that doesn't change my solution but enhances it - functional programming means you can "pass" a function as a parameter. I don't think that's what you were saying, but it's another piece of being Swifty in your coding.

What's the correct way of thinking C# protected accessor in swift?

In c# we have the protected accessor which allows class members to be visible on inherited clases but not for the rest.
In Swift this doesn't exist so I wonder what's a correct approach for something like this:
I want to have a variable (internal behavior) and and a public method using this variable on a base class. This variable will be used also on inherited clases.
Options I see
Forget about base class and implement variable and methods everywhere I need it. WRONG, duplicated code
Implement inheritance by composition. I'd create a class containing common methods and this will be used by composition instead of inheritance. LESS WRONG but still repeating code that could be avoided with inheritance
Implement inheritance and make variable internal on base class. WRONG since exposes things without any justification except allowing visibility on inherited clases.
Implementation Details for Base Class
I want to have a NSOperationQueue instance and and a public method to cancel queued operations. I add new operations to this queue from inherited classes.
In Swift the correct answer is almost always protocols and extensions. It is almost never inheritance. Sometimes Cocoa stands in our way, because there are classes in Cocoa more often than protocols, but the goal is almost always protocols and extensions. Subclassing is our last choice.
Your particular case is confusing because NSOperationQueue already has a public method to cancel queued operations (cancelAllOperations). If you want to protect the queue from outside access (prevent callers from using addOperation directly for instance), then you should put the queue inside another type (i.e. composition), and forward what you want to the queue. More details on the specific problem you're solving would allow us to help suggest other Swift-like solutions.
If in the end you need something that looks like protected or friend, the correct solution is private. Put your subclass or your friend in the same file with the target, and mark the private thing private. Alternately, put the things that need to work together in a framework, and mark the attribute internal. The Swift Blog provides a good explanation of why this is an intentional choice.

When the use of an extension method is a good practice? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Extension methods are really interesting for what they do, but I don't feel 100% confortable with the idea of creating a "class member" outside the class.
I prefer to avoid this practice as much as I can, but sometimes it looks better to use extension methods.
Which situations you think are good practices of usage for this feature?
I think that best place for extension methods is "helper" methods or "shortcuts" that make existing API easier and cleanier by providing default values to arguments of existing methods or hiding repeating chains of method calls.
Contrary to the common beliefs that you can "extend" classes for which you do not have access to the source code, you cannot. You have no access to private methods and objects, all you can do is to polish public API and bend it to your likings (not recommended).
They're great for interfaces (where you can add "composite" behaviour which only uses existing methods on the interface) - LINQ to Objects is the prime example of this.
They're also useful for creating fluent interfaces without impacting on the types that are being used. My favourite example is probably inappropriate for production code, but handy for unit tests:
DateTime birthday = 19.June(1976) + 8.Hours();
Basically anywhere that you don't want to or can't add behaviour to the type itself, but you want to make it easier to use the type, extension methods are worth considering. If you find yourself writing a bunch of static methods to do with a particular type, think about whether extension methods wouldn't make the calls to those methods look nicer.
When the class is not extensible and you don't have control over the source code. Or if it is extensible, but you prefere to be able to use the existing type instead of your own type. I would only do the latter if the extension doesn't change the character of the class, but merely supplies (IMO) missing functionality.
In my opinion, extension methods are useful to enhance the readability and thus maintainability of code. They seem to be be best on entities where either you have no access to the original class, or where the method breaks "Single Responsibility Principle" of the original class. An example of the latter we have here is DSLs. The DSL models are extended with extension methods are used to make T4 templating easier but no methods are added the model unless they are specifically related to the model.
The ideal use for them is when you have an interface that will be implemented in many places, so you don't want to put a huge burden on implementors, but you want the interface to be convenient to use from the caller's perspective as well.
So you put the "helpers" into a set of extension methods, leaving the interface itself nice and lean.
interface IZoomable
double ZoomLevel { get; set; }
public static void SetDefaultZoom(this IZoomable z)
z.ZoomLevel = 100;
Extension methods are a great way to add functionality to classes that you don't own (no source), are in the framework or that you don't want to inherit for whatever reason.
I like them, but you are right. They should be used judiciously.