Retrieve FaceBook user's friends profile pictures with Graph API v2.3 - facebook

I am in the prototype and research stage of an app that would create a quiz about a FaceBook user's friends. The gist is that each question would ask the user to match the profile picture of her Facebook friend with the name of the Facebook user that picture belongs to.
As I read the v2.3 Facebook API documentation, specifically the section about the user_friends permission, it appears that any app I make will only be able to get the user's friends' info if the friend has also installed and authorized my app.
If this is indeed the case, I won't even attempt the app as it's unlikely to be any fun if the content is limited to the set of friends who have installed the app.
Is there any other way to get the user's friends info while staying within the bounds of the Facebook Developers Terms of Service AND without requiring that the user's friend has installed and authorized my app?

Yes, that is indeed the case, you can only get access to friends who authorized your App with user_friends too. There is no other way since you don´t want to "invite friends to a canvas game" or "tag friends".
Check out the answer in this thread for more information: Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app


How does this facebook app got user's friends list through oauth

I am working with facebook graph and I believe that Facebook graph doesn't give access to users friends list but only total friends count is given on graph request in any of the present graph versions (2.0-2.7).
But this app has got over that restriction and it gets users friends list on oauth version 2.3 How did they got that ?
Facebook App with friends list resource available(
Did facebook made any exception for them or did I missed something ?
I would not authorize those spam apps, just to be safe. Anyway, i assume they are using taggable_friends or invitable_friends - i am pretty sure they shouldn´t though. There is more information in this thread: Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app

How tinder gets friend list from facebook?

I have seen many apps like Tinder and many other apps gets friends lists from facebook. When i login to these app they import all my friends list and sotre to their database. According to facebook doc it says only taggable friends are available through api which should be used to tag on user posts. But Tinder and other apps do not tag friends in the post. So I m curious to know how they get facebook friends.
/me/friends gets all friends who authorized the App with user_friends too, so they most likely used Tinder already.
The answer in this thread explains everything you need to know: Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app

Accessing Friends List on new FB APIs for non-app users

I am building an app where users can send picture messages to friends and would like users to see their Facebook friends list when they login through FB. However, I am confused by Facebook's new API information regarding the access that an app can have to display someone's list of friends. On the FB change log information page it says:
1) Friend list is no longer part of the default permission set and has its own permission: Asking for access to a person's friend list is now a separate permission that your app must request. The new permission is called user_friends.
2) Friend list now only returns friends who also use your app: The list of friends returned via the /me/friends endpoint is now limited to the list of friends that have authorized your app.
Does this mean that my app will only display to users their Friends that are also using my app? Is there no way for a User to see their entire friends list? And if not, how can I prompt the User to invite new friends to use my app?
Yes, that is exactly what it means, and for what you want to do there is no way to get the friends who did not authorize your App. But maybe you want to use the Send Dialog instead:
For that, you don't even need to authorize the user and he can choose the receiver on his own.

fetching list of friends using facebook 2.0

is there any way to fetch list of friends using facebook 2.0 API?
I was reading this upgrade from the API and it seems it is quite difficult to fetch the friends now,
but I have seen 2 permissions
Is their any way to fetch list of friends? and what about the widgets that get friends from facebook, will they go down?
In v2.0 of the Graph API /me/friends returns the user's friends who also use the app. You need to be granted the user_friends permission in order to get even app-using friends.
There is no way in v2.0 to get the full user's friends.
However, you may use the API or the APIs to get all the user's friends with tokens than can be used for tagging and inviting.
the read_friendlist perm doesn't get you a list of the user's friends, it gets you the list of a user's friendlists which may be used to build a custom privacy selector when publishing stories to Facebook.
As of 4/30/2014, you can only retrieve the friends who also use the app.
There are, however, specific methods for apps in the 'Game' category for inviting friends.

Restrict facebook app from accessing user's friends list

I am using facebook to login to my website. The website does not need any information about the facebook user's friends' list. I am interested only in the user's general information. shows the friend list also as the minimum information shared by Facebook.
Hence wanted to check if there is any way to restrict the user friend list information from being passed on from facebook to my application?
No, when a user authorize an application the minimum data shared is it's basic information and friend list.
Unfortunately you cannot change this.
Official documentation:
When someone connects with an app using Facebook Login, the app can
access their public profile and friend list, the pieces of information
that are visible to everyone. Each other piece of information that
someone adds to their Facebook profile is secured behind permissions.
Source: Facebook