Trying to run a BIND job for the new Tivoli OMEGAMON XE DB2 upgrade.
I'm having difficulties running the RKD2SAM(OMBPSS01) job to bind the OMEGAMON Server DB2 plan KO2PLAN.
PKLIST (KO2OM520.*) +
REASON 00E30083
TYPE 00000800
Random and poorly run forums indicate that WLM might be using this resource. How can perform the BIND or find what is using that resource?

REASON 00E30083 means a deadlock on TYPE 00000800 (plan) with NAME KO2PLAN. Since you cannot (re)bind a plan that is in use by an application, one might assume that OMEGAMON is running, thus preventing the bind.
As an aside, in addition to "random and poorly run forums" it is often useful to refer to the product (in this case DB2 for z/OS) documentation.


Can't start / connect to Oracle Database - Windows 10 / Oracle 18 XE / SQL Developer

I am trying to install and run this database for a week... ;<
I previously tried with Oracle 12 c standard edition but it didn't work - I don't know why ;(
For now I have uninstalled (I believe) the 12 c and installed 18 XE..
On SQL Plus I have: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error service is running when I try to log in as sysdba
All services on services.msc are running:
- OracleOraDB18Home1MTSRecoveryService
- OracleOraDB18Home1TNSListener
- OracleRemExecServiceV2
- OracleServiceXE
- OracleVssWriterXE
On command line when I type "lsnrctl status" I have:
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date 23-NOV-2019 10:41:47
Uptime 0 days 11 hr. 36 min. 34 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Default Service XE
Listener Parameter File C:\app\*****\product\18.0.0\dbhomeXE\network\admin\listener.ora
Listener Log File C:\app\*****\product\18.0.0\diag\tnslsnr\DESKTOP-*******\listener\alert\log.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully
And on SQL Developer I have one of 2 errors, depending what I write there:
- Status : Failure - The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
- Status : Failure -Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
I don't know what I am doing. I just want to install and run this as quickly as possible to practice on sample database for an exam :( This is my PC, no virtual machines or online servers
Please help me investigate the issue - I checked several answers, even on this site, but I can't understand them well, there are a lot more information there than I need....
Your exception message...
TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
... and your listener status...
Services Summary...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully
... say exactly what's wrong. Your TNS Listener does not know of your Oracle DB service.
You may be right that your Windows "Oracle DB" service is running; that does not mean, though, that your Oracle instance is running. First, log on as admin to your Oracle DB from a Windows user that is privileged to log on locally...
set ORACLE_SID=fill_in_the_SID_of_your_Oracle_instance_here
sqlplus / as sysdba
... and run...
alter system set local_listener = <fill_in_your_local_listener_SID_here>
alter system register;
That should register your database service to your TNS Listener, provided that you have your local TNS listener configured in your server's tnsnames.ora...
<fill_in_your_local_listener_SID_here> = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1521))
Too complicated, I know. That's why it's better (for new developers w/o Oracle DBA skills) to use precreated VMs images as suggested by #thatjeffsmith's comment above.

short driver from Linux Device Drivers book

I am trying to run short from Linux Device Drivers book, a driver which uses by default the parallel interface of a pc at io address base 0x378. I am specifically using the /dev/short0 device.
Quoting from the book
/dev/short0 writes to and reads from the 8-bit port
located at the I/O address base (0x378 unless changed at load time).
The write operation (on default behavior) essentially does that
while (count--) {
outb(*(ptr++), port);
wmb( );
The ptr variable holds a pointer to the data the user has requested to be written to the device. Only the last byte of course survives, as preceding bytes get overwritten. The read operation works similarly, by using inb instead of outb.
Quoting also from the book
If you choose to read from an output
port, you most likely get back the last value written to the port (this applies to the parallel interface and to most other digital I/O circuits in common use)
So when i do
$ echo -n "a" > /dev/short0
$ dd if=/dev/short0 bs=1 count=1 | od -t x1
as suggested in the book, i expect to get back the ascii code for 'a' in hex, but what i get is 0xff:
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 byte (1 B) copied, 0,000155485 s, 6,4 kB/s
0000000 ff
I have verified, adding some printks and using dmesg, that the relevant code of the driver actually gets executed and beyond that, i' m stuck. What are some possible reasons for this not working? Or where should i look next to find out why it is not working?
For what it matters, the io address range 0x378-0x37a is initially allocated from the parport module, so i rmmod it along with a few other modules that use parport before i load the short module. Finally, on my system uname -a gives
Linux Crete 3.13.0-24-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 2 23:31:42 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux

check Q Apply control table IBMQREP_RECVQUEUES

I am using Q Apply application to receive messages from an MQ Server and I am getting the following error message:
ASN0576E "Q Apply" : "ASNQ" : "BR00000" : The program cannot access the WebSphere MQ queue " ASN.COLDBBLD.ADMINQ". The queue name was specified in column "ADMINQ" of control table "IBMQREP_RECVQUEUES"
This ASN0576E code is when a queue doesn't exist or then the queue name is incorrect in the control tables. I already check the MQ side and everything is fine, the queue does exist, etc.. So the problem is on the DB2 side
I know I have to check in the IBMQREP_RECVQUEUES control table but I am not sure which command I should use. Is it asnqacmd, or asnqapp, etc..
Thanks in advance

Solaris svcs command shows wrong status

I have freshly installed an application on solaris 5.10 . When checked through ps -ef | grep hyperic | grep agent, process are up and running . When checked the status through svcs hyperic-agent command, the output shows that the agent is in maintenance mode . Application is working fine and I dont have any issues with the application . Please help
There are several reasons that lead to that behavior:
Starter (start/exec property of service) returned status that is different from SMF_EXIT_OK (zero). Than you may check logs:
# svcs -x ssh
See: /var/svc/log/network-ssh:default.log
If you check logs, you may see following messages that means, starter script failed or incorrectly written:
[ Aug 11 18:40:30 Method "start" exited with status 96 ]
Another reason for such behavior is that service faults during while its working (i.e. one of processes coredumps or receives kill signal or all processes exits) as described here: https://blogs.oracle.com/lianep/entry/smf_5_fault_retry_models
The actual system that provides SMF facilities for monitoring that is System Contracts. You may determine contract ID of online service with svcs -v (field CTID):
# svcs -vp svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
online - Apr_14 68 svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
Apr_14 1679 sendmail
Apr_14 1681 sendmail
Than watch events with ctwatch:
# ctwatch 68
68 28 crit no process contract empty
Than there are two options to handle that:
There is a real problem with service so it eventually faults. Than debug the application.
It is normal behavior of service, so you should edit and re-import your service manifest, to make SMF less paranoid. I.e. configure ignore_error and duration properties.

NFS mount points are going off/NFS compound failed for server mashost

We have an application in solaris during specific test case we will generate heap dump which will be written in to the server at specific path during this case we are getting following error in trace file
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Dumping heap to /ossrc/upgrade/JREheapdumps/java_pid16092.hprof ...
Dump file is incomplete: I/O error
and in /var/adm/messages we could see
Oct 28 13:00:10 ossuas2 nfs: [ID 733954 kern.info] NOTICE: [NFS4][Server: mashost][Mntpt: /ossrc/upgrade]NFS server mashost not
responding; still trying
Oct 28 13:02:53 ossuas2 nfs: [ID 733954 kern.info] NOTICE: [NFS4][Server: mashost][Mntpt: /usr/local]NFS server mashost not
responding; still trying
Oct 28 13:04:53 ossuas2 nfs: [ID 733954 kern.info] NOTICE: [NFS4][Server: mashost][Mntpt: /etc/opt/ericsson]NFS server mashost not
responding; still trying
Can anyone please help here why we are getting this problem and can any tell us can an application cause this impact on mashost ..????
First things first, check out the NFS service w/ svcbundle and svcs -- when it crashes, run:
# svcs -x nfs/client
on the client, and
# svcs -x nfs/server
on the server. I would expect one or both to be in a "maintenance" state. (You may see it fails to start properly at all). If it is in a maintenance mode, you should see a row marked "Reason:" that says why.
You might see "offline" -- in that case, startd will attempt to reboot the service multiple times and, if it fails after five attempts or hangs indefinitely, places it into "maintenance" state and stops restarting.
Check the logs in
/var/svc/log/<service-name FMRI>.log
There will be one on your client machine under "network-nfs-client:default" (probably, may have a name other than 'default' if it's been changed manually), and one on the server under "network-nfs-server:default"
See what you can glean from those.
svcbundle is all the time taking snapshots as backups of services, so you can try reverting to one of those.
# svcs -s nfs/server:default
svc:/network/nfs/server:default> listsnap
svc:/network/nfs/server:default> revert start [name_of_snapshot]
svc:/network/nfs/server:default> quit
# svcadm refresh nfs/server:default
# svcadm restart nfs/server:default
Make sure to include the ":default" tag, or if you saw a different tag from "svcs nfs/server" include it, that name defines an instance of the service, every running service is an instance.
If the process is failing to boot, you might have to look at the XML manifest under /lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs/ -- inside, you'll see dependencies (and services dependent on this one), then "exec_method"s, which define how the service starts, stops and restarts.
Instead of snapshots, you can can also restore it to default: use svccfg -s <FMRI> delete to clear it, then svcadm refresh <FMRI> and svcadm enable <FMRI>.
If the service is in maintenance state, once you've isolated and fixed the problem, you can manually clear that state by running svcadm clear <FMRI>.