unity3d player gameobject "hear" sounds - unity3d

I have a question that is a little... complex
basically I want a gameObject (an enemy) "listen" to the sound of the player (footsteps, door opening, gunfire etc)
I could do this just fine by using:
>Collider[] hitColliders;
>hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 10f,enemyLayer);
>for(int i=0;i<hitcolliders.Length;i++){}// Call Enemy Hear Player Function
However, the problem starts here:
I want the "sound" to be blocked by walls. At first, I thought I could use Physics.Linecast to do this. However, this means the sound could be blocked by a mere piece of pole, because Physics.Linecast only shoots a single, straight line.
What I want is player C could not hear anyone at all, but player A and B could still hear each other.
I hope you guys understand my question.

You could place the objects you want to block the soundwave on a specific layer. And just make the raycast ignore all other layers.

Leave all this Physic and other graphical stuff behind.
Create a separate logic for this behavior.
Create a big chess board (where x,y will be x,y position in you game) and add only sound-generators, sound-listeners and sound-obstacles.
Update this chess board each frame and create sounds, fly sounds, block sounds and listen to sounds and act appropriate as the real life actors.
This way you can add parameters to each obstacle, sound-generator and sound-listener so that all be configurable.


Switch turns between the Player and AI in Unity

I've recently started using Unity for a resource management stealth game. The stealth part is turn based, similar to Hitman Go. I have a simple character controller and a simple patrolling AI over a specific path. However, these movements work in real time and I want to change that to turn based. The AI should wait for the player to finish his/her move and then move itself. The same goes for the player.
Both the player and AI should be able to move to their adjacent waypoints only when the movement of the other part is complete.
How should I go about that?
Thank you
The language that I'm writing in is UnityScript.
As a very simple solution, firstly you can create an empty gameobject. Name it as TurnController. With a simple script you can add a boolean variable on it. Lets name it as isPlayerTurn. For player movement you can check this, if it is true player can move. At the end of his/her move (maybe clicking end turn button or when it reachs the max distance to move or something else) you can set isPlayerTurn false. Ofcourse AI should check (Maybe in Update function. But can change by your design) if it is true, AI can do what it needs to do. And at the finish of its turn, it should change isPlayerTurn back to true. I know it is a very simple solution but hope it helps for begining. And I hope I didnt misunderstand your question.
Write the ai as a player instance and have it emulate player input.
(Instead you could also implement a common interface on both classes.)
Spawn a game object with a GameManager behaviour script that stores a reference to the current player (or ai). Then have the GameManager update the current player every frame by checking their input. If the (human) player gives input while it is not his turn, his input will just be ignored.
This way, the player and ai do not have to know if it is their turn.

Path finding on a 2d plataformer game. Making enemies jump

I am working 2D Platform running game and I am stuck at this issue, i cant figure it out how to make my enemies jump through platforms as they follow the player. I used A* path finding with a Grid graph for my flying enemy and it works just fine. But with the ground troops i don't know what to do. Any recommendations where to start and what to study? Thanks in advance
Place a Trigger (Collider) attached with the Platform at the point where you want your enemy to Act (Jump in your case). and Attach a script to your Enemy to Handle its actions whenever it enters that trigger. you can make it Jump/Fly or whatever you want to. Thumb up if its helpful :)

Make two physics objects not collide but do detect collisions in Unity

I have a Unity project in which there is a 2D game world that consists of static colliders to make the geometry solid to the characters that inhabit it. The player is a dynamic collider (with a non-kinematic rigidbody). There's also an enemy character that is also a dynamic collider. Both characters walk over the floor and bump into walls like I'd expect them to.
What I want to achieve is that the player and enemy are not solid to each other, so they can move through each other. I achieved this by putting the enemy and the player on separate layers and setting the collision matrix so that these layers do not collide with each other. The problem I'm having now, however, is that I do want to detect whether or not the enemy and the player ran into each other. I added a trigger collider to the enemy character, it's on the enemy layer which means it doesn't detect collisions with the player.
I thought of making a sub-gameobject for the enemy, put it on the player's layer, add a rigidbody and trigger collider to it and use that to detect collisions between the player and the enemy, but it feels so convoluted that it leaves me wondering if there isn't a more elegant solution for this.
Edit (2020-05-26): Nowadays you can tell the engine to ignore collisions between two given objects. Kudos to Deepscorn for the comment. Will leave the rest of the answer unchanged, and read with that in mind.
Yes, you need to create a child GameObject, with a trigger collider, and put it in a layer that interacts with the player layer.
No, you don't need to add a Rigidbody to the new GameObject, the parent's rigidbody already makes it a dynamic collider, so you will get OnTrigger events.
As a side note, just to keep things organized, if you create a child of the enemy don't put it in the player layer. For example, in the future you might need to disable the player's layer collision with itself. Furthermore, if your player interacts this way with many objects, I'd put a single trigger on the player instead of the enemies, on a separate PlayerTrigger layer, just to keep things simple.
Isn't there a simpler way? Not really. You definitely need non-interaction between the player and enemy colliders, but some kind of interaction between them too. So one of them needs to span two layers, or the whole interaction would be described by a single bool. The physics engine processes lots of information in one go, so you can set all the layers and collisions you want, but during the physics loop you have no further control on what happens. You can't tell the engine to ignore collisions between just two objects. Having only 32 layers, and having them behave in the rigid way they do are actually heavy optimizations. If you are concerned about performance for creating another layer, disable interaction between layers you don't need, like the trigger layer and the floor and walls, or layers that don't even touch.
Your alternative is doing it all by code, which is even less elegant. A single child capsule on the player doesn't sound that bad now, doesn't it?

How to detect which block is closest to player? (Unity3D)

I am making a game simlar to MotherLoad. I'm trying to figure out how to mine downward. I've tried using OnCollisionStay and mining towards the block that the player is colliding with, but normally the player is on 2 blocks at once, so that isn't working.
Does anyone know a better method to do this?

Unity help, indie horror game

I am making a game using a combination of Blender and Unity and have hit a wall. I am trying to make it so a lamp flies off of a table and smashes against a wall once the player walks past a certain point in the map.
I am having a hard time with this. Any help is appreciated.
You need to break this up into little parts.
The first part is that once the player walks past a certain point you want to do something. To do this, look at http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Collider.OnTriggerEnter.html
An on trigger event will let you run some code when an object collides with another object. In your case, when your player collides with a certain point in the game.
Next, inside that OnTriggerEvent, you want to fire the lamp off the table. To best do this, create a keyframe animation (or whatever you're most comfortable with) that animates the lamp to fly off the table. Lastly, play that animation in the trigger event. http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/animation
To summarize, when the user hits a certain point, play an animation on the lamp.