How to detect which block is closest to player? (Unity3D) - unity3d

I am making a game simlar to MotherLoad. I'm trying to figure out how to mine downward. I've tried using OnCollisionStay and mining towards the block that the player is colliding with, but normally the player is on 2 blocks at once, so that isn't working.
Does anyone know a better method to do this?


Why does using PhotonRigidbody2DView give 'elastic' movement?

I'm currently using photon pun 2 to learn simple 2d multiplayer.
Using PhotonRigidbody2DView is giving an 'elastic' movement to the player. The player goes forward a bit and then returns to the original position.
Here's the video:
Why does this happen and how do I solve this?
I tried using PhotonTransformView and PhotonTransformViewClassic but it is giving weird results. The players go inside each other and when one player collides the other, the other player starts jittering.
So I decided to use PhotonRigidbody2DView instead. Now the players don't go inside each other and the jittering is also not happening but the 'elastic' movement problem is happening.
This happens because the remote client uses the velocity of the rigidbody to reproduce the movement of the character is does not control. This makes it a bit independent from the lag but for arcade style movement (where direction changes are immediate), this doesn't work all that well.
Solutions to this depend on what you actually need. Networked objects combined with physics can be tricky to get right. For PUN 2, we didn't implement a solution to this case and assumed you'd tweak the PhotonRigidbody2DView as needed.
The Smooth Sync package in the Asset Store seems to do well and is a plugin to PUN 2.
Alternatively, the newer Photon SDK "Fusion" should do better and is state of the art as networking solution.

Orbit camera around player while facing player

I ACCIDENTALLY programmed this function (it was just 2 lines or so) a few days ago to orbit the camera around the player with the mouse x input value, but now I just can't get it to work again. I saw many solutions, some even used LookAt, but my own function was really very simply.
My player is constructed like this:
CharacterWithBones (child of PlayerObject)
OverShoulderCamera (child of PlayerObject)
Could somebody tell me again how to orbit the mouse around the player so that the camera always faces the player?
I do swear that it was without LookAt, and it was really simple. But now all solutions that I can think of would be overkills.
Thank you for the help.

Path finding on a 2d plataformer game. Making enemies jump

I am working 2D Platform running game and I am stuck at this issue, i cant figure it out how to make my enemies jump through platforms as they follow the player. I used A* path finding with a Grid graph for my flying enemy and it works just fine. But with the ground troops i don't know what to do. Any recommendations where to start and what to study? Thanks in advance
Place a Trigger (Collider) attached with the Platform at the point where you want your enemy to Act (Jump in your case). and Attach a script to your Enemy to Handle its actions whenever it enters that trigger. you can make it Jump/Fly or whatever you want to. Thumb up if its helpful :)

unity3d player gameobject "hear" sounds

I have a question that is a little... complex
basically I want a gameObject (an enemy) "listen" to the sound of the player (footsteps, door opening, gunfire etc)
I could do this just fine by using:
>Collider[] hitColliders;
>hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 10f,enemyLayer);
>for(int i=0;i<hitcolliders.Length;i++){}// Call Enemy Hear Player Function
However, the problem starts here:
I want the "sound" to be blocked by walls. At first, I thought I could use Physics.Linecast to do this. However, this means the sound could be blocked by a mere piece of pole, because Physics.Linecast only shoots a single, straight line.
What I want is player C could not hear anyone at all, but player A and B could still hear each other.
I hope you guys understand my question.
You could place the objects you want to block the soundwave on a specific layer. And just make the raycast ignore all other layers.
Leave all this Physic and other graphical stuff behind.
Create a separate logic for this behavior.
Create a big chess board (where x,y will be x,y position in you game) and add only sound-generators, sound-listeners and sound-obstacles.
Update this chess board each frame and create sounds, fly sounds, block sounds and listen to sounds and act appropriate as the real life actors.
This way you can add parameters to each obstacle, sound-generator and sound-listener so that all be configurable.

Unity help, indie horror game

I am making a game using a combination of Blender and Unity and have hit a wall. I am trying to make it so a lamp flies off of a table and smashes against a wall once the player walks past a certain point in the map.
I am having a hard time with this. Any help is appreciated.
You need to break this up into little parts.
The first part is that once the player walks past a certain point you want to do something. To do this, look at
An on trigger event will let you run some code when an object collides with another object. In your case, when your player collides with a certain point in the game.
Next, inside that OnTriggerEvent, you want to fire the lamp off the table. To best do this, create a keyframe animation (or whatever you're most comfortable with) that animates the lamp to fly off the table. Lastly, play that animation in the trigger event.
To summarize, when the user hits a certain point, play an animation on the lamp.