get confidence level in C# using ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK - abbyy

i am using abbyy flexi capture sdk to read data from an image. everything else is working fine. now i need to read confidence level that how accurately image is read. can anyone tell me how can i do this in C#? abbyy flexicapture sdk provide any functionality like this or not?

You could try to use the .xml export setting with "Character Recognition Quality Info" enabled.

To be able to get the confidence of the words please try to use RecognizedWordInfo::WordConfidence – this property returns the value of recognition confidence for the current variant of word recognition. More information please find in Help → API Reference → Objects → Text-Related Objects → RecognizedWordInfo.
To be able to get the confidence of the character please try to use RecognizedCharacterInfo::CharConfidence – this property stores the value of recognition confidence for current variant of character recognition. More information please find in Help → API Reference → Objects → Text-Related Objects → RecognizedCharacterInfo.
Also you could specify the confidence level at which a character in recognized text is marked as uncertainly recognized. For this please try to use TextRecognitionParams::ErrorHighlightLevel. More information in Help → API Reference → Objects → Document Definition Structure → Processing Parameters → TextRecognitionParams.
If you need help in future, you can use ABBYY OCR SDK Forum to get an answer faster than at stackoverflow


Reading Dogbone (Magnus 3) sensor tags with Zebra RFD8500

I'am trying to read the new sensor tags Dogbone, (with Magnus S3 IC) but I don't have luck.
I'am using Zebra RFD8500 and programming with the Zebra SDK for Android.
I want to read the RSSI or the temperature values, but it seems the problem is with the Select command.
In either case, it is a two step procedure : 1) select command to match a specific tag pattern in a specific pointer address at the MEMORY_USER_BANK. Then the IC detect that have to store
the solicited value in a specific address at the MEMORY_RESERVED_BANK and 2) read the value, from the specific address at the MEMORY_RESERVED_BANK.
For the Select command (C1G2) I tried with Access-filters and Pre-Filters, but although the tag is matched, the IC doesn't store a value in the RESERVED Bank.
Somebody knows if Zebra APIs support the reading of this newers tags ? Or suggest me any other test?
Thanks a lot for your help
It's possible to read the RSSI value with EPC Gen2 tags, so if the tag you're referring to supports this standard it should work.
Try downloading the Zebra RFID sample app > Perform inventory > If the tag is found it should display the RSSI. The sample app code can be found here
As for the temperature values try reading the USER memory in the sample app as well to see if you can get it.
I suggest using the SLS smartSLED; it has built-in functionality for the Magnus (Axzon) chip family (both S2 and S3).

Webgl2 - The number of COLOR_ATTACHMENTS in a framebuffer

According to the documentation here, it looks like there are 16 COLOR_ATTACHMENTS that we can use in webgl2. However, when I print:
It returns 8 in the console.
I've search on the internet to learn whether or not there is an extension allowing us to use 16 COLOR_ATTACHMENTS, but I could not find any. Does anyone know what is the problem here?
Thank you in advance.
The documentation you linked to does not say there are 16 color attachments. It just lists constants for 16. How many you actually get is GPU/driver/browser dependent.
According to the spec section 6.2 page 272, 4 is the minimum required by WebGL2, some devices support more than 4. Checking WebGLStats it looks like the most supported is 8.
Note: According to the creator of WebGLStats the reason that there's a tiny percentage reporting only 1 is because some webpages sharing their stats either by their browser or other reasons are falsely claiming WebGL2 support when they don't actually support it.

Why watson Personality Inisights shows different results using different API versions/demo

My apologies if the question is duplicated. We are facing an issue with the analysis of a profile using Watson Personality Insights API in Spanish. We have a demo we implemented using PI API version 2 and then we tested the results (exact same text) with the demo published on developer cloud(in spanish) and we found important differences on how the big five were calculated when the facet values were not that different. Is it possible that these differences are caused because of the API version? The issue that with our demo the big five values produced a kind of negative summary profile when the developercloud summary is kinder.
We could send both result jsons. For example here is how the big five rated:
BigFive DeveloperCloud Demo V2
Openness 0.773834349 0.847273232
Conscientiousness 0.916616088 0.914907481
Extraversion 0.796331544 0.612606551
Agreeableness 0.17445636 0.096118648
Emotional range 0.036287447 0.01623536
thanks in advance!!
So the API version would not make a difference, as that just governs the format of the API; the back-end models are the same for both v2 and v3 of the API.
So the jist of your question is that when you run the same text in your app, and in the demo you get different big5 results, while the facet values are about the same.
This might be easiest solved by you opening a support ticket so we can debug the issue together; if you'd rather not do that then can you provide a sample text? Typically it boils down to a difference in the way the text is parsed.
Another question; did you try making the request using curl? That would cut out any custom logic in your app and narrow down the problem.
thanks Neil for you answer!
We tested the text using CURL and we noticed that the results didn't change by the service version used but instead by how the text was sent. If we called the service using curl passing a plain text input(formatted in UTF-8 with line breaks) it returned the same results for version2 and version 3 and also matched the ones from our demo. If we called the service using curl passing json input WITHOUT line breaks it returned the same values as well. But if we called the service passing the json input WITH line breaks then the results changed and almost matched those shown by ibm demo. My question here is which are the correct results? The ones shown when the text is sent as a plain text input(with line breaks) or when the text is sent as json input(with line breaks)? Is there any technical guideline besides the one shown in developercloud on how the text should be parsed to use this service?
Thanks again!

What does the parameter "cvid" in Bing search engine stands for?

As I searching something with Bing and I open the Chrome development tools. Here is the request url:
So, what does the parameter "cvid" stands for? It seems if i don't set a cvid,i can't get the complete result html in my program.
By the way, the cvid is calculated by the browser automaticlly, so how to calculate?
In the Bing search context, cvid represents the JavaScript parameter ConversationId. Bing uses this key to identify your search result collection as its reply to your query, q. Similarly, pq is PartialQuery. These and other parameters may also apply to different kinds of searches, such as image or video searches.
Next, qs is your query's SuggestionType, sc shows your SuggestionCount, and from the suggestion list (dropped down, if enabled), sp shows the SuggestionPosition you chose. In your case, you did not select a suggestion, so &sp=-1. Toward the end of your string, sk is the SkipValue, because you might skip through your result pages, first tells the issuer how many results belong on the first page, and I'll let you figure out what FORM means. ;)
Navigate to Bing, conduct a search, choose some options, change your displays, and change some search types. Next, open file explorer and navigate to your Windows OS equivalent of the following path.
Next, you may need to adjust your View temporarily to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives." View tab > Options > Change... > View tab again, and click the bullet to "Show...".
In File Explorer's Search pane at the upper right, enter *.js to find all JavaScript files. It may point you several subfolders deeper, and the folder names may be hashed. Choose a JavaScript file you find interesting, right-click the file, and open it with Notepad, your favorite IDE, or some similar editor. You should see something akin to this (truncated; may not run independently):
var AutoSuggest,__extends,Bing,sa_inst;(function(n){var t;(function(n){var t,i,r,u,f,e;(function(n){n.User="SRCHHPGUSR"})(t=n.CookieNames||(n.CookieNames={})),function(n){n.AutoSuggest="AS"}(i=n.CrumbNames||(n.CrumbNames={})),function(n){n.CursorPosition="cp";n.ConversationId="cvid";n.SuggestionCount="sc";n.PartialQuery="pq";n.SuggestionPosition="sp";n.SuggestionType="qs";n.PreviewPaneSuggestionType="qsc";n.SkipValue="sk";n.PreviewPaneSkipValue="skc";n.Ghosting="ghc";n.Css="css";n.Count="count";n.DataSet="ds";n.SessionId="sid";n.TimeStamp="qt";n.Query="q";n.ImpressionGuid="ig";n.QFQuery="qry";n.BaseQuery="bq";n.FormCode="form";n.HashedMuid="nclid";n.RequestElToken="elvr";n.ElTokenValue="elv";n.AppId="appid";n.History="history";n.NoHistory="nohs";n.ApiTextDecoration="textdecorations";n.ClientId="clientid";n.Market="mkt";n.Scope="scope";n.CountryCode="cc";n.HomeGeographicRegion="hgr";n.SetLang="setlang";n.ZeroInputSerp="zis"}(r=n.QueryParams||(n.QueryParams={}))
I hope that helps someone! :D
I'm also trying to find out what this is :)
I'm pretty sure it's an encryption mechanism for bing a la public key cryptography, though I could be wildly wrong. There is another field called pq - and p's and q's are used a lot in crypto theory.
The field is 32 nibbles (e.g. 8D0E519A91024A08B075654D006C0A14) which equals 128 bits. This number results in some arithmetic operation with the binary value of your search and bing's private key - thus making url generation quite difficult.

How to define character sets to mix in Code 128 barcodes in Active Reports 2.0?

I am using ActiveReports 2.0 (Visual Basic 6.0). Is it possible to implement this functionality:
Mix code sets in the 128 bar code.
I need to encode a USPS tracking number. Following is an example of the same:
CJ123456789US as Code 128B: "CJ1″
then shift to Code 128C: "23456789″
then shift to Code 128B: "US"
Unfortunately, it is not supported as of now. However, it has already been been forwarded to the concerned team as an enhancement request.
You may refer to the following forum post for further follow up: