Facebook API: Calls from backend server. Is my project feasible? - facebook

My plan is to develop an application which creates user recommendations based on the userĀ“s Facebook data (age, likes,...).
In this Figure (sry, i am not allow to post images directly) you can see the flow of the application. Is this the configuration "Login on Client, API Calls from Server" from the Facebook Documentation?
I am not sure because the Recommendation Server, which calls the Graph API, is not the same as the Web Server. Additionally, in the documentation it is mentioned that the Client forwards the API calls to the server. However, in my case the Web Application (Client + Server) does not know which API calls the Recommendation Server makes.
Is my project feasible? If not, how do I have to adapt my plan?

I don't see a problem here if I understood correctly. Have one web server to the OAuth login, exchange the short-lived Access Token for a long-lived one, and store the Access Token somewhere in a (NoSQL or SQL) database such as Redis, MongoDB or MySQL where both web server and recommendation server have access to.
Then, the web server needs to trigger the recommendation server to do the calls he needs after the Access Token has been stored.


building a service with an android app, an iOS app, and an API backend, all of which access the Facebook Graph API

i'm trying to build a server with a rest api and database.
it has ios and android clients, where you can log in with facebook.
the server can receive the access token that the clients get when they log in for the first time, and send it to the server. the server stores it in the database.
now the server can make graph api calls on the clients behalf.
but here's my question:
the next time the client asks the server to do something on it's behalf, what info must it send so that the server knows who the client is? is it just the access token again?
thank you
Just the access token is enough to uniquely identify the user and the app.
You could try it by hitting graph.facebook.com/v2.10/me?fields=id&access_token=... with different tokens to check which user it is and whether the token is still valid.
Off topic, but since you're already using the server as the middle-man for your requests, I suggest using the code flow instead of token flow for added security: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/security#appsecret

How to protect bearer tokens in a web app

I am trying to implement the Authorization Code flow described in RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0) for a JavaScript-based application. I understand that I should use a web server back-end as a confidential client so that it can protect the access token and refresh token returned by the authorization server and not pass them on to the JavaScript front-end. Then all requests from the front-end to any protected resources go via the web server back-end, which attaches the access token to the request and proxies it on.
My question is how do I let the JavaScript front-end make use of these tokens in a secure way? I assume that I have to do something like set up a session on the web server and pass back a cookie that identifies the session. But this means that the JavaScript application then has a cookie that gives them the same privileges as if they just had direct access to the bearer tokens stored in the web server. How does having a web server to hold the tokens give extra security?
I understand that I should use a web server back-end as a confidential client so that it can protect the access token and refresh token returned by the authorization server and not pass them on to the JavaScript front-end.
No, it is a misunderstanding of the OAuth2 flows and goals.
Here is the OAuth2 main goal: your application (which can for instance be a JavaScript program running in the browser, a web server, both, etc.) MUST NOT need to know the user's credentials (most of the time a login/password pair) to access the service on behalf of the user.
Here is the way OAuth2 must be used to achieve this goal:
according to your needs, that is having a Javascript-based application running in the browser (i.e. not a node.js application), you need to use the OAuth2 implicit flow, not the authorization code flow. But of course, because your application is running in the browser, it will not be able to persist the credentials to access the resource offered by the service provider. The user will have to authenticate to the service provider for each new session on your application.
when your application needs to access the service provider when the user is not logged in, or when your application is able to persist credentials (because your application has its own credential system to identify its users), your application does not only rely on a JavaScript program running in the browser. It may rely only on a web server, or on both a web server and a JavaScript program that talks to this server. So, in those cases, you must use the authorization code flow.
So, as a conclusion, you have decided to add a web server to your application because you thought you had to use the authorization code flow. But in your case, you probably do not have to use this code flow, therefore you should select the appropriate code flow for your application: implicit code flow. And this way, you do not have to add a web server to run your application.
How does having a web server to hold the tokens give extra security?
This does not give extra security. Having a web server to hold the tokens is simply a way to let your application access the service on behalf of the user, in the background, when the user is not logged on your application.
While I agree with Alexandre Fenyo's comments, I just want to add the 2021 version. You should no longer be using the implicit flow as this is no longer considered secure.
For scenarios such as this where a JavaScript application has to handle tokens I would suggest using the Authorization Code flow with PKCE instead: https://auth0.com/docs/flows/authorization-code-flow-with-proof-key-for-code-exchange-pkce

OAuth access token for internal calls

I'm currently tyring to build an API driven symfony2 web applicaiton.Just a basic application to learn symfony2 and REST.
It would be based on a RESTful api. Calls to the API will be authenticated using OAuth.
For e.g.:
if a client application wants to get data (information about all the fruits) through API it will need to make a GET request to the url and pass the access token as a parameter.So the url will look something like this.
http://www.mysite.com/api/fruits.json?=<access token>
Now the problem is that i would be needing the same data in one of my actions as well.
I need some help here.In order to get get data from above url in one of my actions i will also need to send an access token in the url.
How do i get this access token??
Should there be a fixed token which will be used for all such calls within my application??
You basic application project will grow manifold if you try to do what you want here.
Basically, you need to implement an Authentication Server for this.
i) First, the app should be registered for a scope;
ii) Using the app the user logs in to the authentication/authorization server.
iii) The server verifies if the app has access to the scope and if the user is registered in your system.
iv) Server creates an access token (which is a HMAC signed string) and returns to your app.
v) The app then hits the endpoint (restful API) with the token.
vi) The RESTful service then internally sends the token to the server and fetches the customerID for which the call is made and performs the actions that it's supposed to.
I wrote an answer once on how to create a OAuth Service/Provider - How would an efficient OAuth2.0 server / provider work?
Also, OAuth was designed such that client apps/3rd party software can access a user's resources on his behalf. A very simple example is = An app posting something on your facebook wall on your behalf. It is actually accessing a resource that you own (the wall) and posting to it. You do not need OAuth just to get some data - there are other ways to secure the API.

How does a REST API know if a user is logged in?

I am creating an 'API as a service' by developing a separate REST API server and a web-app server which simply serves up a website that consumes the REST API. The web-app acts as a client of the API. The web-app is a simple dashboard that allows a user to login and see their API usage and view their API secret and keys so that they can access the API securely.
I am planning on using AWS-like shared secret to enable clients of the API to access protected resources.
But one thing im confused about is when the user logs in to the dashboard website, should this be handled by the REST API, or by the web-app server.
If it is to be handled by a REST API endpoint, how does the API server maintain session state between requests. How does the API know if the user is logged in or not? Is it ok to store session state on the API server, even though it is supposed to be stateless. How do other rest-like API's like twitter do this?
ReSTful security is handled server-side; basically:
the server returns a 401 status code when a client ask for a resource without been authenticated
every client call have to provide authentication through a WWW-Authenticate header
this header can be store client-side in a cookie after a successful login
You will find great help on the matter in the book: ReSTful WebServices Cookbook. Look for explaination on basic / digest authentication.
Here is a good introduction with a live working sample.

Restfull web application with oauth when client is also a website

I am creating a solution that will contains a website and mobile apps. I will use Zend-Framework 2 for the website.
So, to make it good, I am wondering if it would be a good idea to build :
A REST web service (using zf2)
Another website that will call the REST ws (using zf2)
The mobile apps that will call the REST ws
I will use OAuth for the autentication and security.
My question is, if my website gets the data by calling the REST ws, it will have to make a database request at each call to check the token whereas if I do a "normal" website, my app will be able to use session to store the information of the connected user.
Because, for what I have read, there is no such thing as session with OAuth/REST so for each call, I have one more sql request to check the token validity.
Is it still a good idea to make a full REST service, even for the website or to have a "normal" website and also a REST service API just for the mobile apps ?
Oauth is a server to server authentication framework. Like it is between mobile app and your API server , website vs your API server etc. You can adopt an approach where , you generate only one access token for your website client instead of multiple access token for each user from the website. This access token is stored in your webserver vs user cookie in website.Ultimately the aim is to identify all the clients of your REST WS and your website is one of its client and a very trusted one.
This way you can cache the access token to avoid db calls (typically cache time can be equal to or less than token expiry time). Do explore the multiple grant types specified in the oauth spec for this
Regarding maintaining session for user in your website, it is not dependent on whether the back end is a REST WS or not, it can be handled in your website