Alternative GWT Designer for Eclipse - eclipse

Is there anyone who knows an alternative for the GWT Designer in Eclipse or maybe a good workflow to design UI’s?
The GWT Designer is no longer supported, since GWT version 2.7.
Thanks a lot!

For Native GWT there is nothing.
For GWT from other vendors
Vaadin ->
GXT -> Nothing


Why won't the GWT designer for eclipse work with GXT 3 widgets?

I'm trying to work with GXT 3 widgets in the GWT designer, without success.
I successfully managed to use GXT 2.2 with the designer but when switched to GXT 3, it seems that resources and images are missing. this seems odd because there are no folders for resources and images in GXT 3. What's going on here?
I am using GXT 3.0 GPL and Eclipse Indigo 3.7
Check this related forum question: GWT Designer suport for GXT 3.0?
IMHO - It is very easy for Sencha to make money tweaking code a little bit to produce a next release and charge users for upgrade. Creating complex UI designer plug in for Ecliple / netbeans is not an easy money.
Overall: They are greedy and short-sighted.
Unfortunately, GXT team do not consider to support GWT designer for GXT 3.0. Google GWT Designer team also do not have any intention to support GXT 3.0 .. WYSWYG editor is just illusion for GXT 3.0 ..
GXT 3 is not compatible with the Google plugin For Eclipse, thus you won't be able to use the GWT Designer to manipulate GXT 3 widgets.
The Google plugin and GWT Designer are compatible only with GXT 2.2 and currently there are not active projects designated to provide support for GXT3, due to the GPE becoming an open-source. This is, in my opinion, a job for the sencha community.

how to check which GWT library i am Using

I want to know which GWT library is been using in a project and also if the project is working on GWT or GXT , can you please guide me where to check this, secondly if there's some website where we can found list of all GWT libraries
If your are using Eclipse, you can check the version by
Project->Properties->Google->Web Toolkit GWT SDK
If not, check the classpath to see where your libs are coming from
Is this what you were asking?
Have a look in the *.gwt.xml file and if you have gxt referenced then you have gxt (doesn't meant that you are using it though) - the simplest way to see if you are using gxt widgets is to look at the widgets that you have coded and look at the class reference - if it has gxt in the reference path then it is a gxt library...

Ext-Gwt gui designer

I am very interested with ext gwt. Do you know any darg and drop designers for this framework?
Does ext gwt work with ext designer?
No, Ext GWT won't work with Ext Designer. It will, however, work with GWT Designer in Eclipse.
Some people had problems with that one, in that case you might find a workaround here:
How to configure Ext GWT with GWT Designer?
And the last word from me: I haven't used that, working with GXT components the old fashioned way isn't a big pain, too.

How can I get Intellij Community Edition to play nicely with GWT UiBinder?

First- I am not using the EAP version, which I understand has built-in support. This is not a viable option.
I am getting XML validation errors on simple things like HTML elements and ui:field="" attributes. What can i tell Idea to make it handle these things correctly? To my "Resources" settings, I already added the uibinder and client.ui XSD's, as well as gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent.
GWT is not supported in the Community Edition.

Groovy and GWT: Combining both paradigms

Is it possible to develop an application in groovy using GWT components?
If you want to use Groovy on the server-side and GWT for the UI, that is certainly possible. You can use Grails (a Groovy web framework on the server), and the Grails GWT plugin to help you integrate GWT with this framework.
I don't think so, because the GWT compiler is basically a Java to JavaScript source compiler (it would be possible if the GWT compiler needed Java bytecode). You can use Groovy on the server side though.
Right now you cant use Groovy on the client side. One big reason is that Groovy relies a lot on introspection, and this is not available on GWT.
I have also wondered this, as it would be very nice. Vaadin essentially does this and you can use their plugin:
Doing it this model, though, it is compiling components into Javascript and delivering from the server. But unlike GWT components, these are calling back to the server every time you touch the API (though of course with Vaadin you can use GWT components as well).