How to control Show/Hide fields at Runtime in Orbeon Form Runner? - forms

I have created a form in orbeon form builder which has three 30 questions which are belongs to 3 categories. Now I don't want to show all the 30 questions to every one also I don't want to create different forms for each category because all these categories belongs to one module.
While adding the form I have a drop down question like "Select Category". If user select the first category then I need to display only first category related questions and hide the second and third category related questions.
Is there any way to achieve my task in Form Runner?
#ebruchez, I have followed your suggestion, I tried testing this feature on default "contacts" form. I have created a new text field in the contact form named "Account Related Field" as a label and "control-10" as Control Name. Below is the screen shot for the same.
Then After that I clicked on control setting of the "Account Related Field" and under the "Formulas" tab I have added the following XPath expression in "Visibility" section. $topic='Account' following is the screenshot.
After adding the path expression I saved the contact form and published. Then I tried opening the form in form runner. But I am not able to view the "Account Related Field" field on UI after selecting the "topic" value is "Account" in the form runner. This is the screenshot of form runner after publishing form in form builder.
Did I miss something. Please help to resolve the issue. I need to view "Account Related Field" field only if "topic" field value is "Account"
Thanks in advance.

Yes you can, by using a "Visibility" formula under the section settings. For example if your dropdown is named foo and has two entries, category1 and category2, then you can write:
$foo = 'category1'
to make the section visible only if the dropdown selected category1, and:
$foo = 'category2'
to make the section visible only if the dropdown selected category2.
This doc might help.


How to dynamically change dialog with select field

I'm new to Magnolia, and I'm making my own module.
I have a dialog box when adding a component and I want to change next fields below dynamically using a select field.
Select field with {"type 1", "type 2", ...}
IF "type 1" is selected
->show a text field below
->show a basicUpload field below
Thanks in advance.
I believe same was already discussed here and few other places if you look over questions tagged "magnolia".
Long story short, fields are atomic, independent entities. They do not know about each other. So the only way to create such dynamic connection is over "parent" form. You need to extend form presenter and field factory (if you want select that would be SelectFieldFactory) and in there, when field is created, attach value changed or similar listener to it so when value is changed in the field, you can inform presenter to make some other field visible or hide it.
IIRC you can see example of that done in External Forms module (if you have access to enterprise code). Not sure if any of the community modules show the same.

Microsoft Access Where Condition doesn't works in a subform

I built a form called: "clientlist":
I put a macro with where condition on click:
="IDclient_logindata=" & [Maschere]![clientlist]![IDclient]
this means that when I click on an id client, access will open another form with the respective IDclient. For example if I click on IDclient 3:
it open another form called "client_logindata" filter to IDclient_logindata 3.
Then, I built a navigational form:
using clientlist as subform. But when I click a record, any record, it open every time the client_logindata form with IDclient_logindata form = 1, why it doesn' works in a subform?
Design View of "Navigation Form":
Solved in this way: ="IDclient_logindata=" & [IDclient]
When using a subform, references to controls need to be relative to the main form where the subform is treated as a child control.
Consider adjusting the conditional to the following structure. Do note this is the English version:
="IDclient_logindata=" & Forms!myMainForm!mySubform.Form!mySubformControl
Or specifically tailored to yours (be sure to get exact spelling of all objects):
="IDclient_logindata=" & Forms!NavigationForm!clientlist.Form!IDclient
The OP has found a working solution which is much simpler than what follows. However, I was still interested to see if we could get something on the original model to work, and I'd guess that for users attempting to achieve the same thing using VBA rather than embedded macro's the following may still be useful.
The issue with the code in the original question is that the relevant form isn't open at the 'top level' but as a subform.
Form "normal" subforms, you'd refer to the control on the subform like this:
Where navform is the name of the outer form. Or in the generalised case, like this:
However, the "Navigation Form" Wizard, when dragging subforms onto the Add New tab in Layout view doesn't name the subforms nicely. So I had to code it this way:
Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationSubform.Form!ControlName
To my surprise this code continued to work when I added further forms within the Navigation Forms tabs and had controls named the same as one in question. I guess NavigationSubform automatically points to the tab with the current focus.

Kentico 9 macro for form field visibility

I have a custom page type, and the editor will have the option to enter the following
Image (from media library)
Video (from media library)
YouTube video ID
The field names are as follows
So, if an editor ads a SlideImage, SlideVideo and YouTubeVideoID should not be usable. Same for SlideVideo and YouTubeVideoID.
Within the Visibility Condition fields, i'm going to assume a macro is needed for this. My logic is:
This field visible if Field A or B have data.
A possible approach can be to add an additional field, which determines the field that should be used.
Create a text field (let's say, SlideType) and use a radio button form control with your options:
Tick the "Has depending fields" checkbox for this field, and tick the "Depends on another field" checkbox for the SlideImage, SlideVideo and YouTubeVideoID fields.
Your visibility conditions would then be simplified, instead of checking the values of multiple fields.
For example, the visibility condition for the SlideVideo field would be:
SlideType == "video"
This has a few benefits:
Easy to add new fields and configure the visibility conditions
Easy to check what needs to be rendered in the front-end - in your repeaters and other webparts, you can simply have conditional statements on the SlideType field to determine which field to use
Intuitive for the end user - the interface makes it clear which field is being used
Add this to Visibility condition in Page type field edit:
Fields.SlideImage.Value == String.Empty
Do not forget to set proper Has depending fields and Depends on another field properties depending on your needs. You can learn more about these properties here.
Let's say the column name on which this value of your depending field is "FirstName", so you can write in the dependent field -> Visibility Condition as
FirstName.value != ""
You can twist the conditions for as many conditions as possible and can club more than one condition too.
I am also sharing links with you having a lot of examples from Kentico support
Dependency fields in Kentico
Using dependency fields in forms

Remove "empty" selection from dropdown list box

When creating a form in Orbeon Form Builder, you can define a list of values for a dropdown list box.
When running the form in form runner, is it possible to remove the "[Select...]" value from this dropdown list box?
I would like to restrict the possible values only to the given ones and restricting the user from selecting an "[Select...]" value when filling in the form. I hope you understand what I mean :)
Here is a screenshot
It's not possible without changes to Orbeon Forms to remove the empty option.
The best way to achieve what you want is to make the field required. When that's the case, the user will have to select a value or validation won't pass.
(The rationale for adding/keeping an empty option at the top is to force the user to make a selection. Otherwise it is possible that users might not even look at the option selected by default, and involuntarily select an incorrect option.)

How to add a simple text label in a jqGrid form?

When using the Add or Edit form from the pager I'm wondering how a simple static label can be added in the form without it creating any additional columns in it's affect on colNames[]'s and colModel[]'s. For example I have a quite simple typical Add form which opens from the pager containing a few label's and form elements: Name, Email, Web Site, etc., and then the lower section of the form has a few drop down menus containing the number 1 through 10 with the idea being to ask the user to pick a value between 1 and 10 to put a value on the importance to them about the product or service which is listed beside it. Just above this section I want to add some text only to give a brief instruction asking the user to "Choose the importance of the following products and services using the scale: [1=Low interest --- 10=Very high interest]". I cannot figure out how to get a text label inserted in the form without having to define a column with a formoption{} etc which is not needed for just some descriptive text. I know about the "bottominfo: 'some text'" for adding text to the bottom of the form but I need to insert some text similar to that mid-way (or other positions) in the form without it affecting the tabular structure of the grid. Is this even possible? TIA.
You can modify Edit or Add forms inside of afterShowForm. The ids of the form fields are like "tr_Name". There consist from "tr_" prefix and the corresponding column name.
I modified the code example from my old answer so that in the Add dialod there exist an additional line with the bold text "Additional Information:". In the "Edit" dialog (like one want in the original question) the input field for one column is disabled. You can see the example live here. I hope that a working code example can say more as a lot of words.