Serving untouched data through Mapbox's static API - mapbox

I would like to use Mapbox's static API to serve some PNG images in which I have encoded georeferenced data, so that I can do some JavaScript data manipulation on the client side (I don't want to show these images). My problem is that this data cannot be changed - reprojected or scaled, and I only have it in EPSG:4326, not in EPSG:900913 and not in the resolution of any zoom level.
Is there a way to tell Mapbox to store the raster data in its original form, without changing it, and just serve a rectangular chunk of it centred on a particular location?

The short answer is you can't do this: Mapbox's API is ESPG:900913-only. The long answer is that if you really want to, you can use GDAL to represent your ESPG:4326 image as a non-geographic 900913 image. This is, to be clear, the long route and means that you'll need to do all of the reprojection math to determine the geographical transformation from the original data to the now-fake coordinates.


How can I generate mbtiles with a smaller extent with openmaptiles?

I'm using OpenMapTiles to download OSM data and create a mbtiles with mapbox vector tiles. This all works great, except I'm targeting an embedded platform.
At zoom level 14 with the default extent of 4096, a single tile can be over 1MB and cover an entire city. Not only is that a huge file to process for an embedded platform, it also means you're potentially sifting through every house in an entire city. I went as far as writing a streaming protobuf parser, but it takes 10 minutes to just parse such a file.
How can I generate mapbox vector tiles with a smaller extent?
I found there appears to be a parameter for it, but can't figure out where it actually gets used to generate tiles and how to modify it:
I'm not married to openmaptiles, but it's what I'm currently using to download and process openstreetmap data.
in case others need it, use and specify maxzoom you want
bin/tilelive-copy --minzoom=0 --maxzoom=10 ~/Apps/tileserver/tiles/osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-planet.mbtiles ~/Apps/tileserver/tiles/small-osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-planet.mbtiles

How to convert `mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2` tiles to heightmap tiles?

Mapbox provides a kindle of map tiles--mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2 which is stored in pbf format and saved in mvt suffix. The height data is represented by contour (line).
I want to generate terrain with satellite texture and this height data in Unity3D. How could I convert this pbf data to a height map(a pixel for a height value)?
There is an example
And the mvt file
And the document of Mapbox:
MapBox have buid a Unity3d package: MapBox-Unity-SDK
SDK here :
Just click download.
This is an asset you can open in Unity directly.
Launch Unity3d, goto Menu>Assets>ImportPackage>CustomPackage
and select your downloaded file.
It will unpack some files and the folders, you will find into some exemples scene files to help you.
The current vector terrain layer isn't designed to be turned into a heightmap: we've processed terrain into elevation contours and lines, so turning those back into raw data would be difficult (much like doing the opposite: we do a lot of processing because it would also be difficult to transfer raw data and derive visual data).
A new and improved vector terrain model that supports your usecase is on the way, but we've also introduced RGB terrain, which was actually designed specifically to address cases like Unity - decoding the RGB-encoded elevation tiles tends to be much simpler in software.

Fit two binary images (panorama?)

I have several binary images which represent a partial map of an area (~4m radius) and were taken ~0.2m apart, for example:
(Sorry for the different axis limit).
If you look closely, you'll see that the first image is about 20cm to the right.
I want to be able to create a map of the area from several pictures like this.
I've tried several methods, such as Matlab's register but couldn't find any good algorithm for this purpose. Any ideas on how to approach this?
Thanks in advance!
Two possible routes:
Use imregister. This does registration based on image intensity. You will probably want a rigid transform.
However, this will require your data to be an image (matrix), which it doesn't look like it currently is.
Alternatively, you can use control points. These are common (labelled) points in each image which provide a reference to determine the transform.
Matlab has a built in function to determine control points, cpselect. However, again this requires image data. You may be better of writing your own function to do this or just selecting control points manually.
Once you have control points you can determine the transform between them using fitgeotrans

Converting images from one geospatial coordinate system to another

I'd like to stack the images from this map: from linear projection into a leaflet map. The source tiles are in known but nonstandard zoom levels, and leaflet maps want mercator mercator XYZ tiles. In principle, I know how to do this - I have functions for changing XY coordinates into lat-lng coordinates in the two maps, and I just need to map pixels for the target map in terms of pixels in the source map.
This is unfortunately nontrivial, as the source pixels are spread across hundreds of different image files, and I am trying to put them into hundreds more images. Is there a software package that makes this a little bit more straightforward? If there is no library for dealing with this kind of data, it seems like there really should be...
Postgis has the RT_ST_Transform method, which under the hood uses GdalWarp. So, you have at least these two options. If you use Postgis, you will need to actually register/import the images into Postgis, using raster2pgsql and then call RT_ST_Transform on each one and then dump them out again -- which could be scripted to some extent using plpgsql (Postgres's scripting language). There is something of a learning curve involved with using Postgis raster, which may be worthwhile if you plan to do any other image processing analysis. You could also write a shell script (or similar) to automate gdalwarp if you don't wish to go the Postgis route.
For a less formal method than gdalwarp (an excellent program), you can check out the Leaflet plugin Leaflet.imageTransform, that can transform and image on the fly in the browser.

Find adjacent tiles in bing maps

I am grabbing maps from bing using their API:
The largest tile they can return is 900x834. I need at least double that. Is there an easy way to figure out what the adjacent tiles are for any given zoom level and long/lat for a given resolution.
In other words, given a long,lat, zoom level, and resolution what would be the long lat for the 8 surrounding tiles in the same zoom level and resolution. Or is there a better way to get a large map?
Here's my GET request:{lat},#{long}/#{rand(19)}?mapSize=900,834&format=png&key=MYKEY
It is not possible to do this without breaking the rules set in the Terms of Use, especially the automation regarding your imagery retrieval (or composition).
If you want to do this anyway with maybe a dedicated agreement to proceed (if possible), I would recommend to use mapArea parameters rather than using the lat long of the center, see:
See an example of mapArea imagery retrieval:,-122.318439,37.939081,-122.194565&ms=500,600&pp=37.869505,-122.2705;35;BK&pp=37.428175,-122.169680;;ST&ml=TrafficFlow&key=BingMapsKey
If you want to access tile url in a supported way, you can use the same imagery service to retrieve metadata that will contain tile url. Tile are based on a quadkey model so you will be able to load the tile nearby your current view.