How can I generate mbtiles with a smaller extent with openmaptiles? - openstreetmap

I'm using OpenMapTiles to download OSM data and create a mbtiles with mapbox vector tiles. This all works great, except I'm targeting an embedded platform.
At zoom level 14 with the default extent of 4096, a single tile can be over 1MB and cover an entire city. Not only is that a huge file to process for an embedded platform, it also means you're potentially sifting through every house in an entire city. I went as far as writing a streaming protobuf parser, but it takes 10 minutes to just parse such a file.
How can I generate mapbox vector tiles with a smaller extent?
I found there appears to be a parameter for it, but can't figure out where it actually gets used to generate tiles and how to modify it:
I'm not married to openmaptiles, but it's what I'm currently using to download and process openstreetmap data.

in case others need it, use and specify maxzoom you want
bin/tilelive-copy --minzoom=0 --maxzoom=10 ~/Apps/tileserver/tiles/osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-planet.mbtiles ~/Apps/tileserver/tiles/small-osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-planet.mbtiles


maplibre reduce xyz vector tile requests

I'm fairly new to maplibre/mapbox. I've about 40,000 polygons in my PostGIS database. That's just too much data to load it all at once into the maplibre map as a geojson source when the webapp starts. Thus I implemented a simple rest server which returns the polygons compiled into X/Y/Z MVT Vector tiles, so I can use it as a "vector" source in my maplibre style file. This works fine, polygons start showing up at zoom-level 10.
The question is... for the sake of performance and server load I would like to reduce the amount of tile requests.
At the moment when I change the zoom level from 10 to 11, maplibre requests new tiles, which actually isn't necessary, as all needed data already was included in the tile it got for zoom-level 10. Is there a way to tell maplibre to request tiles not for the current zoom-level, but for the higher zoom level instead? e.g. instead of requesting 1/1/12, request 1/1/10.
In other words, I would like to tell maplibre to always use the data from the z10 tile, even for greater zoom levels. And to load the z10 tile if it hasn't been loaded yet.
I may be misinterpreting your question, but yes, you can tell the client library to never request tiles above zoom 10, and always to overzoom them, by setting maxzoom on your source:
map.addSource('polys', { type: 'vector', /*...*/, maxzoom: 10 });

Importing marker dataset vs adding markers to map on the fly

On my map users will be saving coordinates in an external database, which will show up as markers on the map. I was wondering if it would make more sense to keep the data 100% in an external database and just pull the data for those markers on the fly, or to import the data into a dataset and then tileset? The thing is, the data will be added over time, so I would need to continually add new points into the tileset.
Is it faster when data is kept in the data/tileset vs pulled from another server? Are there size limitations in pulling external data vs importing to data/tileset?
What you're really asking is the difference between bulk loading a whole dataset as GeoJSON (or perhaps GeoBuf) and loading it via vector tiles.
As a basic rule of thumb, if the size of your data in GeoJSON is under 5MB, save yourself the complexity of vector tiles and just do that.
If it's over say 20MB you really have to use vector tiles. In the middle? Up to you.

Optimizing and tracking Mapbox mapviews

I have a Mapbox mapping application that gets a LOT of map views per user — on the order of 30 per hit. Which seems kind of high! (And expensive!)
(The application tries to use MapboxGL by default and falls back to Mapbox.js if it can't. All versions also use Leaflet for whatever that is worth.)
I've been trying to debug this, but it's been hard for me to measure how different changes affect the overall number of map views.
Is there any way one can imagine that will allow me to get a realtime count of how many map views my application is generating? I am reasonably sure there isn't some kind of simple variable to query (that I have found), but maybe there is some way to count/keep track either in JS or the developer console? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Are you using a Mapbox Studio style or your own tiles? In both cases you can count the tiles being requested by your app using the data event:
map.on('data', event => {
if (event.tile) tileCount++;
That's a very simple example. AFAIK one map view is consists of four tile requests.
If you got a lot different tile sources loading in parallel you end up with a lot of requests hence map views. If possible you could merge multiple sources into a single tile set (if you are using vector tiles).
If you use your own tiles, e.g. raster tiles, you can increase your tile size from 256px to 512px, which should result in less requests. For vector tiles the size is fixed to 256.

Slimmer OSM maps with less data

I am bringing up a tile server with renderd/Mapnik/postgresql. Everything works fine, the problem is that I have no option to restrict my map to a specific region - I need the whole world to be available. On the other hand, I really do not need all the data that the map has (roads, ski slopes, terrain, etc). The planet OSM file is too large, and it takes days to import it to Postgresql.
Is there an option to prepare or to get from somewhere a slimmer OSM map file that will contain only borders and cities?

Leaflet + geojson datas

I'm working on a project using Leaflet. For this project I've created an interface to draw all the roofs of a large city as polygons. A lot of scripts calculate the surfaces, the addresses, the orientation and so on... I'll store each roof's datas in a geojson file (or files). We expect to get about 10 000 roofs or more. I don't know if Leaflet displays only visibles polygons depending window's boundaries or if all the polygons are drawn, and my problem is to find the better way to do this storage.
In one geojson file. It may be a problem because the 10 000 roofs are computed in the same time and waiting for polygons loading may be very boring for users.
In separated geojson files: for each roof I can approximatively calculate the coordinates of its center and put this roof in the right geojson file depending the lat/lng. By this way I can create (say 20 or 50) differents geojson files and call the right one depending boundaries. Then the question is: to create all the polygons, is it better to call the 6 (or 8 or 10) geojson usefull files for the area on screen, or is it better to create a new dynamic geojson file?
All the roof's datas are stored in a database or in a XML file and I have to detect boundaries and automatically create a dynamic geojson file. But each time user scroll or darg or zoom the map I'm supposed to recreate this unique geojson file...
Do you ever have a similar problem to solve and how do you solve it ? Thx.
I think the second scenario is the most robust, you need tiled GeoJSON tiles. Have a look at Leaflet Plugins. There is one called TileLayer.GeoJSON. Some links on how to create these tiles are on OpenStreetMap wiki.