XPages REST component and authentication - rest

Is it possible that the XPages REST component returns 401 HTTP status code after invalid authentication? Now it returns 200 and the server login page.
My NSF app is used only as a REST service interface to serve the backend application data.

It may be possible to do this using an "Override Session Authentication" web rule in the Directory. I believe that that's intended for cordoning off parts of a server like this that shouldn't use session authentication.

Starting with Domino 9.0.1 FP10 there is now a notes.ini configuration that forces Domino to return HTTP 401 Unauthorized when serving the login page:


Server to Server API Authentication + Authorization

I'm designing a Web API that will be consumed by external web server.
Only the external web server must be authorized to access the internal API.
The end user will be authenticated against external web server, but the username must be forwarded to Internal API when requesting data, because there is some data filtering based on the username.
What authentication mechanism should in the internal web api server?
I started with X-API-Key header, but then how should I provide username? I would like to avoid passing username in querystrings
I was thinking about basic authentication, where password would be the X-API-Key
bearer token could theoretically work as well, but bearer tokens are usually generated by authorization server, which is not an option in this case.
Note, that the end user does not make any API calls. It simply access a website build using some CMS and the CMS internally fetches the data and generates HTML response.

How to obtain a JWT token via an AuthenticationProvider from an internal Oauth2 server without redirecting to the server for login

We have a microservice based environment running our own authentication server that will produce JWT tokens using the /oauth/token endpoint but this server does not provide a web login page.
For our front end application we have tried the oauth2Login setups but they all want to try and redirect the browser to the authentication server, authenticate and then redirect back to the application. Likewise oauth2Client setups add an AuthenticationProvider but that will only authenticate a OAuth2AuthorizationCodeAuthenticationToken but the user login request will generate a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken so oauth2Client provider never gets evaluated.
We were looking for something similar to the ldap authentication providers in that the username and password is collected locally and sent to the authorisation server. While we can write our own custom AuthencationProvider which accepts the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, communicates with the oauth server and return the generated JWT. We were hoping there was something pre-existing that was part of the current spring-boot framework. If our understanding is correct then the oauth2Client setup is what we are after but can't work out how to enable the initial authentication.
We are using spring boot 2.2.5.

Running User Interfaces and APIs behind keycloak gatekeeper

New to keycloak, and authentication in general, so sorry for missing something obvious, and not using accurate terminology.
I'm trying to run a simple Angular UI that talks to a Java (dropwizard) API. I'd like both of those to need auth. I'm (almost) able to get them running fine behind keycloak and keycloak gatekeeper using a single realm and a confidential client. In this case gatekeeper has an upstream-url that is a traefik instance, that then routes to either the UI or API docker container. Something like:
Gatekeeper upstream-url ----> Traefik (my.domain/*) ----> UI (my.domain/ui/*)
\---> API (my.domain/api/*)
This works fine until the session times out, and when the user on the (already loaded) UI page clicks a button that tries to send an ajax request to hit the API (eg https://my.domain/api/getstuff), then Gatekeeper redirects (ie 301) that to the the keycloak login page. This redirect is a little nonsensical for an API request...
At this point both my UI and API projects are auth agnostic (ie they are not running any of the adapters etc just yet - I'm relying on the docker setup to prevent "direct" access to UI and API for now. I'll add the adapters once I need to know something about the user). I can see in https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/securing_apps/index.html#configuration-options the autodetect-bearer-only option which seems to describe my issue, ie
It allows you to redirect unauthenticated users of the web application to the Keycloak login page, but send an HTTP 401 status code to unauthenticated SOAP or REST clients instead as they would not understand a redirect to the login page
but seems to apply at the adapter layer, ie after gatekeeper in my scenario.
this seems similar too.
I think I want unauthenticated (eg never logged in, or timed out) access requests to https://my.domain/ui/* to be redirected to the keycloak login page, but https://my.domain/api/* to 401.
And from https://my.domain/ui/somepage the ajax request to https://my.domain/api/getstuff to use the JWT/token/cookie that the browser has from the login (which is working now).
How do I do this? What stupidly obvious step have I missed!?
Unfortunately, you cannot tell Gatekeeper to return 401(403) response codes instead of redirect. There is similar issue: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-11082
What you can do is to remove Gatekeeper completely and implement public client authentication on frontend (JS adapter) and bearer-only client on backend (Java Adapter). If your Java application serves frontend you can implement only confidential client authentication and return 401(403) response for /api/* requests.

Accessing IBM API Connect endpoint through Postman

I just created an REST API in API Connect and the endpoint works when I test it in the APIC assemble tab. It requires a client id and client secret. When I send a request through Postman, I currently get a “Could not get any response” message from when I try to add them as header values or OAuth authorization. I’m using the request endpoint that’s displayed when I hit the debug button from the successful response on the Assemble tab. Is this the correct endpoint to use? How do I properly include the client id and client secret in a Postman request?
If you get a "Could not get any response in Postman", that means that Postman can't reach the destination of the request.
There are several reasons for that:
Is it an intranet or internet endpoint?
Are you using a proxy? (check proxy config)
Is the hostname resolvable? (try ip)
If it is an https
endpoint, with a self signed certificate, check if you have SSL
Certificate verification enabled (Settings-> general)
On the other hand, to send the client-id and client-secret headers, just click on Headers tab and add both (see the following picture)
Please check the below things to get access to API Connect published services.
Service needs to be allowed to invoke from postman(System from which you are invoking.)
Please check the web-api MPGW service titled in DataPower default domain created when you configure your API connect with DataPower have you created an access control list in the front-side-handler.
Please disable the SSL configuration in the postman, sometime this may create a problem(since the service exposed from API Connect will be with SSL)
From the error you are getting, I suspect there is no connection or only one-way traffic is enabled which means you are blocking response. If there is an issue with the request parameters you are sending, an error will be different saying, wrong client id or client secret.
Testing API which is on-boarded from API Connect will be straightforward or same we invoke other rest services.
Thx Srikanth
I needed to include the client id and client secret in the headers using the correct name for them, which is specified when creating/editing the api under the 'Security Definitions' category as 'Parameter Name'.
I was also hitting the wrong endpoint. To find the correct endpoint click the hamburger icon in the upper left of api connect website, select dashboard, click on the environment you want such as sandbox or dev, click settings, click gateway, then you'll see the endpoint.

Consume Organization.svc with SOAP authentication with Web Application Proxy

We have a CRM Dynamics 2016 onpremise (IFD configured), we access to the CRM from a Cordova mobile application via SOAP authentication and consume the service "Organization.svc" to get or set Data: everything works fine until now.
After adding a Web Application Proxy, the call to ADFS for the token still working, and returns a valid token. However, the second step of consuming the service "Organization.svc" is blocked : the Web Application Proxy redirects the call to the ADFS login page, which is of course not what I want.
I think the root of the problem is in the fact that the proxy cannot 'read' the SAML token I'm sending in my HTTPRequest.
Did anyone have an idea how to resolve that ?
Could you maybe inspect with Fiddler if the proxy is forwarding the required authentication cookies / headers ? I presume these are ignored by the proxy and ADFS sees the second request as not authenticated.