Accessing IBM API Connect endpoint through Postman - rest

I just created an REST API in API Connect and the endpoint works when I test it in the APIC assemble tab. It requires a client id and client secret. When I send a request through Postman, I currently get a “Could not get any response” message from when I try to add them as header values or OAuth authorization. I’m using the request endpoint that’s displayed when I hit the debug button from the successful response on the Assemble tab. Is this the correct endpoint to use? How do I properly include the client id and client secret in a Postman request?

If you get a "Could not get any response in Postman", that means that Postman can't reach the destination of the request.
There are several reasons for that:
Is it an intranet or internet endpoint?
Are you using a proxy? (check proxy config)
Is the hostname resolvable? (try ip)
If it is an https
endpoint, with a self signed certificate, check if you have SSL
Certificate verification enabled (Settings-> general)
On the other hand, to send the client-id and client-secret headers, just click on Headers tab and add both (see the following picture)

Please check the below things to get access to API Connect published services.
Service needs to be allowed to invoke from postman(System from which you are invoking.)
Please check the web-api MPGW service titled in DataPower default domain created when you configure your API connect with DataPower have you created an access control list in the front-side-handler.
Please disable the SSL configuration in the postman, sometime this may create a problem(since the service exposed from API Connect will be with SSL)
From the error you are getting, I suspect there is no connection or only one-way traffic is enabled which means you are blocking response. If there is an issue with the request parameters you are sending, an error will be different saying, wrong client id or client secret.
Testing API which is on-boarded from API Connect will be straightforward or same we invoke other rest services.
Thx Srikanth

I needed to include the client id and client secret in the headers using the correct name for them, which is specified when creating/editing the api under the 'Security Definitions' category as 'Parameter Name'.
I was also hitting the wrong endpoint. To find the correct endpoint click the hamburger icon in the upper left of api connect website, select dashboard, click on the environment you want such as sandbox or dev, click settings, click gateway, then you'll see the endpoint.


Keycloak with api gateway Invalid bearer token

I am trying to use Keycloak behind an API gateway (Apache APISIX).
I use minikube to run Keycloak and my API gateway.
The gateway is working right and Keycloak too :
With Keycloak, I can use the different end-point (use the discovery end-point (, ask an access token and verify it).
With APISIX, and a simple route, I can join a backend microservice on my minikube.
(typically : is served by the gateway which routes the request to the right backend microservice)
The problem occurs when I try to use the two tools together. I have used the Keycloak integration, in order to force the user to use a valid token when he is using a route served by the gateway.
In this case, when I use a valid bearer token (I get it and verify it with the end-point of keycloak), and I try to request the backend via the api gateway with the verified bearer token, I obtain systematically an "Invalid bearer token" exception.
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid bearer token"}
I think the settings of the integration is well set because I am sure that te gateway call Keycloak to verify the token.
Here are the keycloak I have used to get and verify the token :
Get token :
Verify :
I have seen some posts about problem when Keycloak is behind a reverse proxy, but I don't find a clear solution to my case.
Thanks for any help you can bring to me.
I think there are those ways you can do it.
First, I think you can check the log of Apache APISIX.
Second, you can check the log of Keycloak.
Third, you can use tcpdump or wireshark to capture the request that Apache APISIX sends to keycloak.And diff the request that sends by APISIX and curl.
Looking forward to your reply.

Configure IBM Cloud Application with "request of client certificate"

I need to configure an application to accept connection only from client with a certificate, the client should be ApiGateway.
I followed this step by step tutorial. But when I should upload a certificate and enable a checkbox called "Enable request of client certificate" in upload dialog box it disappear.
I tried with many browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on a Mac. I'm quite that this not depend on browser, so now how can do the same thing?
Thanks for every answer.
From my understanding, the given task needs to be separated into two activities.
Client with certificate
A client with DNS APIgateway
Client with Certificate
In general, when we create an API, we expose with a gateway via HTTP protocol which has some signed certificate (Production). Please provide that public certificate to the consumer of your API. And you can test this using postman, we have an option of SSL certificate upload in Postman, make a use of it for testing.
Client with DNS Name
For this, in Datapower (API Gateway), you can create an Access control list following this IBM documentation. Access control list is something, we allow or restrict the host that we consume the services exposed using Datapower.

IBM Cloud client certificate based authentication: Client certificate details to cloud

I have deployed liberty app on IBM cloud. I have setup custom domain and selected "request client certificate" so that clients have to send certificate to access app over TLS. I see client authentication does work, but I do not get any client certificate information in my app. This makes client certificate authentication a bit useless, as I would want to know the id of client which accessed my app. Any help/pointers appreciated.
I looked at attributes of request. Two attributes are passed in request with value /dummyRelPath and _javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite_ with value of ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 There's no attribute with name javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate passed in request.
X509Certificate[] certs = (X509Certificate[])
not return any certificates?
In cloud foundry on bluemix, your client should be handshaking with a DataPower proxy. That proxy adds a custom header to indicate the TLS client cert that was provided, then it is passed through the CF gorouter, then finally passed to the JVM.
WebSphere Liberty then surfaces that through the API above.
This is communicated through the $WSCC request header. If the API returns null, it's most likely that header was dropped or never set by the infrastructure, rather than making it all the way there and the API mysteriously losing track of it. You could dump the request headers, looking for this one in particular, and maybe something will stand out (some surprise hop/proxy).

Stand alone OAUTH2 server communication with resource API servers

Given that I would create an OAUTH2 authentication server.
Given that I would to have separate resource servers, exposing REST APIs.
What are the best communication practies between the authentication server and the API servers?
To explain OAUTH2 server would be a proxy authenticating the user and forwarding requests to different API servers, that are not third party, but under the hood of the OAUTH2 proxy, relying on it to know the agent (user) requesting for the given command\query.
The simplest would be that the authentication server will forward the user id (that is stored with ACL rules also on each API server) under a secure connection, and that access would be restricted to request forwarded from authetication server to resource API servers.
The auth server would in this case forward the user id, but this seems suceptible to mand in the middle attack (altought firewall on API servers would be configured to accept requests only from the authentication server).
Another problem would be compromission of the OAUTH proxy, giving automaticly grant to any request coming from it.
Are there ready solution and patterns to deal with this scenario?
Check the User Account and Authentication Service (UAA) from CloudFoundry. Maybe will help you. It is also available as a stand-alone OAuth2 server.
API Documentation, GitHub

Sending credentials in a POST request via Fiddler

How do I send credentials using Fiddler in a POST request (or any Http Method)? I don't see anything in the Composer tab.
That entirely depends on what sort of credentials your server uses. If it's using HTTP authentication, the headers go in an Authorization header. If your server uses cookies, the creds go in the Cookie request header. If your server uses HTTPS client certificates, the credential is attached to the TLS connection itself and does not appear anywhere in the HTTP request.
If you are simply trying to authenticate to a service that uses HTTP authentication with your current Windows credentials, tick the Automatically Authenticate box on the Composer's Options subtab.