MS Access 2013 Form: Force field input to begin at the start - forms

I have to do intake for new employees, which requires filling out a form. Normally I'd be able to watch over and clean data as they go, but we often have to intake multiple employees at a time, which is why I need to make the form foolproof.
Is there a way to force the input to go to the beginning of a field instead of being able to click in the middle of it?

You can use in the OnFocus event of the control:
Me!YourControlName.SelStart = 0

If I understand, you want to make the cursor go to the first input field or to any particular field. If this is what you need, try putting docmd.gotocontrol "controlName" on the onOpen event of the form. More about the docmd.gotocontrol.


MS Access: Enter a specific text in a form using command button from another form

I would like to ask for your help on the following issue in MS Access.
I had created a form "CustomerListF", filled with command buttons for each client. For each button, I had created the following code:
Private Sub cmd_outlets_ABC_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "OrderFormF"
Forms!OrderFormF!Outlets = "ABC"
End Sub
The button would then open another form "OrderFormF" and enter "ABC" in the textbox named "Outlets". However, I realized the second line of code (Forms!OrderFormF!Outlets = "ABC") would always create a phantom record in my subform, which is located in "OrderFormF", and this record would travel to other clients' forms. This phantom record is usually created when the commandbutton is clicked twice (double clicks or subsequent clicks). It is a headache when the record starts to shift around.
enter image description here
I would like to seek your advice for vba code to edit the second line of code.
Thank you.
This approach for filling the field in opened form is not good. OrderFormF initialization and second line of your code with assigning value to the field may be executed in different sequence, they are not synchronized.
In order to avoid this, you should pass the argument to OrderFormF by another way. I would recommend to use OpenArgs parameter:
DoCmd.OpenForm "OrderFormF",,,,,,"ABC"
And then in Load event of OrderFormF assign the value to textbox:
Me.Outlets = Me.OpenArgs
In this case the "ABC" value will be assigned to first row in the form or to new record, if form is empty. Before assigning you can select the row if you need to assign value not to the first row. Also this way will protect you against double click on button, Load event executed only once during first form opening

Closing a single instance of a form in Access

I am working on a database with a search function that might return multiple records of a form (i.e. a range of client IDs). I can freely navigate using the left/right arrows on the bottom of the form - but what if I am interested in closing a single instance of the form once I am done working in it? Ideally I could complete the tasks required for one client, then close that record and have it switch to the next one.
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form Name"
does not work here, because it closes the entire form.
Please let me know if this makes sense - thanks!
You've hinted at the answer already in the question. When you run a query to open a form, if the query returns more than one record it's still only opening one form. The arrows at the bottom take you from one record to the next (or previous) but you are still within one form. You can't close down a single record from other records from the same query. Moving from one record to the next saves the changes, so you really shouldn't need to close a record individually.
Add below code in your form and call yourinstanse.Terminate.
Public Sub Terminate()
End Sub

Dynamically add fields to input dialog

Is it possible to somehow add input fields to an input dialog (inputdlg()) in MATLAB when a specific event occurs, e.g. the user types in a certain value in one of the existing fields...?
Or is there any other 'hacky' way to achieve this so that the user doesn't have to click "OK" and I have to code to reopen another input dialog which contains more input fields..
inputdlg is not a built in function, so you might as well copy it, call it by another name and change its functionality.

Creating Expandable Forms in Microsoft Access 2007

I need to gather some information from a Microsoft Access form and I need everything to be as organized as possible.
There are a lot of columns that can be filled out, but don't necessarily apply to everyone and I want to keep everything as clean as possible.
In a form, is there any way to have certain input boxes displayed only if the user says they have that information?
For example:
Do you have a dog? () yes (o) no
Do you have a dog? (o) yes () no.............Dog name: [_________________________]
The yes's/no's shouldn't be added to the database, but I can dump them somewhere if need be.
Thanks in advance!
I'd like to put this on SharePoint as well, so extra brownie points if you can run me through that as well real quick.
Thanks again!
The way I usually handle this is with an option group for the first question, and a disabled text box for the other information, inside the frame of the option group. In the AfterUpdate event of the option group, you set the enabled property of the textbox:
Me!txtDogName.Enabled = (Me!optHasADog = 1)
...assuming that the value of the YES choice is 1.
You'd likely want to set the default value of the option group to the NO choice, and then you'd have the name field disabled by default.
You would also need the OnCurrent event of your form to do the same thing as in the AfterUpdate event.

Make a radio button in an infopath form "read only"?

I'm making an InfoPath form which is tied to an Access database. I have a set of radio buttons where the user selects the software name corresponding to the form, but I store this in my database as a number (1, 2, or 3). In another view, I want them to be able to see the previously entered software name, but not be able to change this. Here are the two options I've thought of:
Create some rule that does prevents the user from changing this data
This seems like the natural approach for what I want to do.
Add a text field with a function mapping each number to the corresponding software
As the form is tied to the database, InfoPath wants all fields to be tied to a database value, which would require creating another database entry. I'm also having trouble finding an InfoPath function I can use to handle this mapping.
Change the radio box's variable to text values and make a text box in the new view, which can be made read-only.
I'd really prefer not to do this, as it will make things messier for other programs using this database value and seems wasteful, but if nothing else works, this seems do-able.
Is there some sort of rule/method I could use to make this radio button control read-only?
You can use conditional formatting to disable any control (including radio buttons).
To set your control to always be disabled do the following:
Right click on your control and select Conditional Formatting...
Click Add...
In the leftmost dropdown select The expression
type true() in the text field (this tells InfoPath to always apply this formatting)
Check the Disable this control checkbox.
Click OK and OK.
Note: You will need to do this for each of your radio buttons.
Also, for future reference: If you simply want to display the result of a function (such as in your second solution) you don't need to use a text box. You can use an expression box. An expression box is not necessarily linked to a field in the datasorce, so you won't need an additional column in your database for it.