Change the Jazz ID for a Bluemix account - ibm-cloud

Some time ago I started to use the Bluemix platform to develop PHP services that were used by a mobile application. After a while, I realized that it would be very useful to have a repository to which I can connect multiple Eclipse IDEs and work on the same application.
I already had a Jazz ID which was used for the work projects; I am talking about using Bluemix+Jazz for personal projects.
When I first connected the Bluemix ID with the Jazz ID, everything was well. But I realized that it might be a conflict of interest because I am using the same Jazz ID for both work and personal projects.
My question is: Is there a way to use a new Jazz ID in Bluemix?
It seems that the connection between the two IDs cannot be changed from Bluemix, DevOps or

Costin, thanks for your interest in IBM Bluemix and the IBM Bluemix DevOps Services. Like Lauren has said, you'll probably want two IBM IDs, one for your work email address and one for your personal. They ultimately can be associated with two Bluemix orgs, each associated with a different DevOps user.
You'll need to decide which Bluemix org you want each of your apps to live in; the corresponding user should own the app's Git repository. To move a Git repository, you can use either of these approaches:
Use the repository's "Download the contents of this branch as a zip file" button to download the contents. Then as the other user, create a repository and import the zip file.
Share the repository with the other user, fork as the new user to get a copy.
Once you have the code in the other user's repository, redeploy to that user's Bluemix org.
Once you have everything where you want it, delete the stuff (apps and repositories) that are not where you want them.

One option is to create a new IBM id that is linked to your personal e-mail address. The IBM id could be used to sign in to Bluemix and DevOps Services.


What is the difference between a GitHub App and the REST API for GitHub?

What is the difference between a GitHub App and the REST API for GitHub? Why would you need a GitHub App if you can just use the REST API, without setting any environment up?
The REST API should just be a collection of endpoints that accept a POST along with access tokens. But the GitHub App requires cloning an entire repo written in Ruby, that has nothing to do with my app.
I am not looking for users to integrate with my repo, I want them to be able to connect their own repo to the application.
But the GitHub App requires cloning an entire repo written in Ruby, that has nothing to do with my app.
I don't believe this is true.
GitHub Apps make the process of integrating 3rd party tools into your GitHub repositories smoother.
GitHub Apps are installed by organizations and granted access to specific repositories via GitHub. For example, CodeClimate is a tool which performs checks on pull requests. Rather than granting them OAuth access to my repositories, I can install the CodeClimate GitHub App on my organization and configure which repositories they have access to. I can see all the apps installed and what their permissions are.
Note that "installing" a GitHub App does not install any code. "Installing" gives the app permissions for the service to access your organization and repos. A GitHub App is a wrapper around an existing service.
If you want users to connect their repos to your application, consider a GitHub App.
This is covered in About apps.
An OAuth App acts as a GitHub user, whereas a GitHub App uses its own identity when installed on an organization or on repositories within an organization.
GitHub Apps are the officially recommended way to integrate with GitHub because they offer much more granular permissions to access data, but GitHub supports both OAuth Apps and GitHub Apps.
GitHub Apps are first-class actors within GitHub. A GitHub App acts on its own behalf, taking actions via the API directly using its own identity, which means you don't need to maintain a bot or service account as a separate user.
GitHub Apps can be installed directly on organizations and user accounts and granted access to specific repositories. They come with built-in webhooks and narrow, specific permissions. When you set up your GitHub App, you can select the repositories you want it to access. For example, you can set up an app called MyGitHub that writes issues in the octocat repository and only the octocat repository. To install a GitHub App, you must be an organization owner or have admin permissions in a repository.
GitHub Apps are applications that need to be hosted somewhere. For step-by-step instructions that cover servers and hosting, see "Building Your First GitHub App."
Differences between GitHub Apps and OAuth Apps has a complete breakdown.

GitHub organization deploy key

I recently migrated from Bitbucket to a Github account in my department.
In Bitbucket, I can create a team deploy key and use it across all projects.
In Github I couldn't find this option. I found that I must create a "machine user" and add it to my team. This seems a little jerry-rig and I would also lose a team seat.
How to overcome this and create an organization-level deploy key?
EDIT: I have two servers that use 3 repositories each. I want to be able to deploy the 3 repositories in both servers.

git hub - same account different repository

I have a github account by my employer. I am working on a project single handedly. Now Is it possible that another employee uses the same account but different repository and does not have access to my repository?
On googling I found that this is possible if I convert my account into an organization account! So, yes this is possible.

Using Azure Powershell or the xpat cli how do I connect my web site to a github hook

Using the portal:
Using the portal at this is easy. From a newly created azure web site:
Go to the dashboard
On the quick glance options on the right, click "Set up deployment from source control"
On the "where is your source code?" option, select Github
Authorize, then choose the repo name and branch.
BINGO: now pushes to that branch will trigger a deployment of that branch onto the azure website. Lovely.
Here's the problem:
I cannot for the life of me see how to do this from the command line (using the xpat-cli installed using npm: "npm install azure-cli -g")
It seems like I should be typing something like:
azure site deployment github --verbose --githubusername [username] --githubrepository [username/reponame] [sitename]
Because the help for "azure site deployment github" says it will: "Link a website to a github account for deployment"
Doesn't seem to work though...
If I then type:
azure site show [sitename]
The output says the source control is "LocalGit" instead of github - which is what it says if I do it the portal way above.
Source Control
data: --------------
data: Type: LocalGit
Any ideas?
Depending on your use case the solution will be different.
Assuming you have the same github source but want to deploy to multiple different Azure websites
Potential Solution: Make use of the Deploy to Azure Button See details here:
Assuming you have various repositories that you want to deploy to Azure: Potential Solution: I am assuming that you will be the person deploying it. The workflow will be as follows:
A. Download files from Github to local folder See here
B. Publish your local folder into a new/existing Azure site. See here, or here. There are other github repositories to get some scripts right away
I understand this doesnt directly hook your system to do direct pull, but its one way to do it.
There is also:
Both documents I found describing how to set up continuous deployment from GitHub say that you can configure the repo and branch with an Azure Resource Manager template, but you have to enter your credentials and complete the authorization process in the portal.
The script used in this tutorial will automatically configure
continuous publishing from your GitHub repository. This requires that
your GitHub credentials are already stored in Azure, otherwise the
scripted deployment will fail when attempting to configure source
control settings for the web apps.
To store your GitHub credentials in Azure, create a web app in the
Azure preview portal and configure GitHub deployment. You only need to
do this once.
I'd also suggest posting your xpat-cli problem as an issue on their GitHub repo.

What is "Developer Program Member" on

I have seen couple of Github profiles having "Developer Program Member". I searched on Google a lot but not able to find how people get that in their profile.
This is for developers registered to the GitHub Developer Program (like this GitHub profile, for instance)
Membership is open to individual developers and companies who have:
A paid personal or organization plan
(since 2019, you don't need a paid membership anymore)
An integration in production or development using the GitHub API
An email address where GitHub users can contact you for support
That allows for:
Staying in the know:
Be the first to know about API changes and try out new features before they launch.
Scratching an itch
Build your own tools that seamlessly integrate with the place you push code every day.
Taking on the enterprise
Obtain developer licenses to build and test your application against GitHub Enterprise.
By joining this Developer Program,
1) You'll receive ongoing notifications about changes to Github API.
2) You can request a development license for GitHub Enterprise.
3) You can also submit your work for consideration on the integrations page.
Go to this link: